I hope everyone has a joyful week and that spring is finally here for us all! (Except AQ, I hope your side of the world is cooler!)
Diane: Well that Paramount channels is worth it if only for the Frasier reruns.
AQ: Wow. that's some history re the ship - and brought to Oz on a cargo ship yet (apparently it was shrink-wrapped or similar for the ride). I was wondering what a 'tea' clipper was. Apparently they were built to carry just that from Java and then China and there was even a Great Tea Race in 1866. Also Googled City of Adelaide and chose 'images' - it's always interesting to see how it looked in its somewhat better days. I bet the volunteers will be holding lots of fundraising events; that looks like a very long job....
Annette: They are reviving the Frasier series. Kelsey Grammar is coming back to carry on the story, and they are making new episodes. I don't know whether the other actors are also in the new reboot.
Benson looks as if he is in a prison, but no he is half way upstairs. This is a great viewpoint for checking us going out of the living room or into the kitchen. He usually positions himself there about 45 mins before supper time.
This is a 2 week old badger found in Inverness and now being looked after in a rescue centre. How cute he is.