Happy New Week and Happy Valentine's Day to anyone celebrating it  Heart eyes

  • Thought we might try the track this morning but it still looks like an ice rink so meandered through the woods instead. There is a 1/2 distinct path appearing now. Quite a wind this morning with blue bins blowing over and depositing the recyclable stuff all over. The bin men have been round and cleared up most of it. A very pleasant morning nevertheless
  • Sounds as if you've still got the wind we lost yesterday, dibnlib. It makes it feel so much colder when it blows.

    Well, I nearly kissed the dentist, although of course its not allowed at the moment! He took a look and pronounced that he can fill one of the teeth, easily, and that the other is not rotten or anything so can be filled and "built up" as he put it. If it then comes apart again, a crown is certainly possible. I'm thrilled, as I thought I might lose the tooth and need false teeth on a plate.

    Thinking of Diane in all that dreadful snow: we are being shown pics on the News of the unusual snow and weather in Texas. It really does seem as if the climate all over the world is changing, bit by bit.

  • Good news LINDY ! I have some bridge work and a couple of crowns. Much better than a foreign body in the mouth, if it can be avoided.
    I'm falling behind, on here. Every time I settle down to make replies the phone rings. Or so it seems to me!
  • Pleased for people with dental work possible - sorry for Diane with her abcessed tooth and that terribel blizzard to contend with at the same time. Weather here is quite gentle now, although it looks as if wind may be increasing this afternoon; good to see the ground drying.

    Still no inkling whether kitchen will go ahead in early March - even if it does, we have been warned worktops may find themselves quarantined over the border in Carlisle! OH has had some extras delivered ready for the plumber, so we are making a list of where such items are stored!

    J is going to make bacon pancakes for our Shrove Tuesday meal. The two have cut each other's hair this afternoon - J had his all over shaved, OH just had his edges tidied. I snipped my fringe yesterday, but mostly am back to the long shutdown look.

    Did I ever tell you we have discovered more about the new dog with the new neighbours next door? He is a young Labradoodle called Jeff. He is very quiet and learning to be well-behaved.

    Well, I have managed a longer post, but I think I have been rambling rather; I need to relearn communication!
  • Morning all:

    AQ:  I love the 'Silence is golden...: saying.  Also "Pretend it's 1995...."  But really, 1995 just seems days ago...Sigh.   Evidence re the arsonist and similar criminals makes you appreciate our pesky cell phones and their ability to 'ping' locations.  If he's let out before fire season, can they make him wear an ankle bracelet so they can track him?

    Diane:  Weather across the country took up nearly all the news last night and there's that large storm in the Northwest that's heading your way too, so it looks like a week-long stretch of snow and exceedingly low temps.   I have to say I felt very lucky to see our tiny warm corner of the country on the weather map.  

    Lindybird:  Had to laugh at Spring around the corner.  Glad you got to see the dentist and got good news too.  Like Heather, I too have a bridge and crowns and really recommend it if you need further work and it's an option.

    Heather: You are just too popular!

    OG: Nice to see a 'ramble' from you and know that things are chugging along.  Labs are pretty easy dogs from what I gather....

    Need to do desk work today.  Why does life seem to get more complicated as you get older?

  • LINDY Pleased you had a good visit to the dentist.
    • Thank you, everyone.

      OG - Hope you enjoyed your bacon pancakes. Here is one of ours, just lemon & sugar for us.

  • Lindybird: Now I'd add fresh strawberries or other berries (yes, out of season of course) and a dollop of whipped cream.
  • Glad to hear about your dental work LINDY. I do not fancy false teeth either, though I had my last chance crown fitted last year. At my (advanced) age, I think I would rather have the gap! It is a back tooth.

    My dental visit today was not as successful. It was a hygienist appt. When I tried to book in, I was told that I did not have an appointment. I had checked my card as I always do. to make sure that I have the right date/time, but did not take it with me, so could not prove I was right. I could have been 'fitted in' later in the day. I did not want to be 'fitted in'
    I wanted the time of my own choosing (I can be quite stroppy sometimes!)
    Not worth making a fuss about, I know, but I was annoyed.

    Yummy looking pancake. My OH does not like them, so we did not have any. I like just lemon and sugar too.
  • You were right to be annoyed, Rosy. Sorry it went wrong for you.

    Our pancakes are true team work: I mix up the mixture, and my OH cooks and tosses them. :-)

    Annette - My sis in law Sue had hers with fruit and a big dollop of vanilla ice cream folded inside.