Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 January 2021

  • LINDY I do hope the hospital are able to put your mind at rest soon.
  • LINDA - a nasty surprise to come on here just now and read about your OH! Love and {{hugs}} .

    Friend who was in critical care is now on a ward, but still very poorly. My mammogram did happen - and radiologist came to look and said worrying shadows were no longer apparent - must have been a "positional" effect. I am still as dopey as ever - it took E_E two hours to wake me today! He mentioned it to our minister and he too had been affected by the same drug in the same way when he was in hospital post-op. J has phone appt with one of the GPs tomorrow.

    Forgot to say we had snow - think it was Tuesday - snowed all morning and thawed all afternoon. Lots of snowdrops - a few in our garden but prolific at farm entrances along the road, and in woodland which we pass. Also first few Daffs in the garden, as well as periwinkles - and darkest Hebe is still in bloom - a full12 months on that one!

    Falling asleep - making too many mistakes! Good night.
  • Lindybird:   Was wondering:  Pleurisy? ?

    OG:  I don't like the sound of this drug.  How long are you supposed to be on it?   Glad the mammogram turned out okay.

  • Pleuresy or pleurisy is an inflammation of the lungs lining or some such- had a quick Google of it.

    We are both home now after a sudden call from him to say he was being discharged. They need the beds, I think. Sent home with antibiotics & painkillers. Had a tough drive as hospital over half an hour away down dark roads some of which turned out to be quite flooded due to a heavy rain we had since lunchtime. Also went down two big potholes which I couldn't see in the dark- ugh. OH very tired after a long day
  • LINDA - Hugs & prayers for your OH & you. A shock to read news this morn but I see he is home. I wish a speedy recovery. Get a good night's sleep.

  • Lindybird:;   Well, glad your OH is home - I guess.  I was wondering about pleurisy because it can cause sharp chest pains (or so Dr. Google tells me).  Do hope he has a good night;  you too. That drive home didn't sound like fun.

  • Lindy: I hope your OH's condition will prove to have been temporary, and the antibiotics or time will give him relief and healing. I'm so sorry you had to face the ghastly road conditions on top of such an anxious day. I'm thinking of you both tonight. 

  • OG: I am so relieved that your mammogram indicated no problems. I was worried about that. I'm sorry that the drug is still affecting you so negatively. I hope that you can either acclimate to the drug (experiencing less fatigue and side effects) or the doctors can try a different drug regimen. You and EE are in my thoughts every day, and I try to send you strength. Let yourself rest when you need it. I hope you'll be able to get your jabs on Monday.

    AQ: I'm so happy that you've completed the radiation. You must be so relieved. I hope you won't experience any residual fatigue or side effects. Just read, rest, and recover, so when the weather improves you can get out and maybe take some bus trips! Congratulations! You've been very strong. 

    Lindy: I'm also sorry about the dental issues that are adding to your stress right now. Really bad timing by the universe.

    dibnlib: I hope your check-up went well. 

    Lynette: I'm so sorry about your daughter's positive Covid test. I hope she will be symptom free and no one else will contract the infection.

    Annette: Key Lime Pie is one of my favorite treats! 1,000 years ago when I was married, I had real Key Lime Pie in the Florida Keys. It was glorious.

    bjane: Lovely to see you. Hope all is well with you.

  • Diane:  Thank you for reminding me to tell bjane how good it is to see her!  :-)

  • Temp crept up to 19 C – I’m not complaining! Very windy and we’ve had rain, 3 mm, with a heavy shower while I was picking leafy greens for tea.


    Just a thought

    Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you. I am I. (Osho)