Oh my, and I remember when we had to write 1950 on our school work   

Anyway, went for a walk on New Year's Day and here's a photo looking down on West Beach in Santa Barbara.


  • Unknown said:
    Love the hostel idea but would anyone agree to have the bed next to him?

    Put Farage in with him and then cause them both to disappear ....... to aforementioned cannibal island.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG - what I try and do is check where calendar is up to on their site and try to book a fortnight in advance so at least I know there will be a delivery. Preliminary orders at first and then tweak nearer the time. Works well for me as we are shielding again.

    Haven't heard anything from our local surgery yet re callup for vaccination , must look at their site to see what is
    going on.

    This Trump fella certainly doesn't want to give up without a fight and is talking of not being at the inauguration.
    What a spoilsport he his, the sooner he is out of American politics the better.
  • Cannot believe (except I can) what's going on in DC. They need to invoke the 25th amendment and go after Trump for sedition.
  • Frightening! And BIden has not been certified yet. That has to happen by midnight to be constitutional. I've been fearing and dreading this all along.
  • A British journalist commenting on the situation & events has described it as "astonishing!"

    What we found astonishing in fact, was that after talk of the march all day, there was not a welcoming committee of armed guards, either police or the army! There is no way that a few protesters could get anywhere near our important buildings, here.

  • And now someone has died, one of the protestors, a woman. How many more will there be?
    Diane, I did not realise that there was a time deadline. Is that actually in the Constitution? Surely the Congress will continue the process until it is finished, and I would hope that if it is after midnight, they will also pass an instant bill, declaring it legal!
    Surely, DT is guilty of incitement to violence, and possibly also treason. But I do hope no one makes a martyr of him, much as I wish he would shut up.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Diane:  I haven't heard that there's a time deadline.  Earlier (before the ridiculousness) NPR folks were saying they didn't expect the process to be completed until the early hours given the planned protests, most of - if not all - have been withdrawn now.  Haven't checked on that in the last couple of hours.   It's awful to say, but I don't have a lot of sympathy with anyone part of that mob getting hurt or worse.  And now we have those Republicans who have enabled Trump for the last four years standing up and claiming outrage! Really. He's the Frankenstein they helped create.  Such hypocrites.   Meanwhile, at least the Democrats took the Senate in Georgia.  Phew.  The silver lining to a particularly bad day...

    Gardenbirder:  Trump is busy making a martyr of himself. - but I understand what you're saying, though I'd've thought that in this day and age, someone could arrange a 'natural' demise without too much trouble.  :-).

  • Incredible scenes. United is not the word to use.

  • A good sport has to lose to prove it.

    I could agree with you but then we would both be wrong.

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. (Abraham Lincoln)

  • Good morning, all. It's impossible to find words for what happened at the Capitol yesterday ........ not only the actions of the mob, but the lack of police. Where were they all? I do not envy Biden for the job he now has on his hands.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.