Oh my, and I remember when we had to write 1950 on our school work   

Anyway, went for a walk on New Year's Day and here's a photo looking down on West Beach in Santa Barbara.


  • OG - We don't just differ on the decorative front. I have never planned an entire weeks menu in the whole of our marriage. I suppose the freezer is to blame. If I have a good stock of eggs, cheese, fresh veg and bread, I don't worry. I might have something in mind for that very nights meal, and possibly for tomorrow, but otherwise, it comes out of the freezer or I pick up something whilst I'm out. I plan weekends only.
  • Annette - thanks for starting us off with that view. Looks very inviting.

    Still got to look through the pages but again it has been confirmed tonight that we are on a lockdown till February. All schools to shut till then apart from those opening for key workers etc. My dau still has to go in as they provide care and learning for key workers but her college work now has to be done on line although I think she may give that up as there will be no exams this year because of covid.

    Been cold and damp with some sunshine down here from time to time.
  • Love the Buddha quote, AQ. Its true.

    Afraid I kept decs to a minimum this year with just the tree, the nativity in Welsh slate, and the coloured lights which we keep up all year as they are such a fad to bring down and get out each year.. Simple but right for us.

    I would love to move to a bungalow as mobility is not great but nowhere near as bad as some people. Unfortunately we can't as we divided the house into quarters for our will so part of it now goes to the kids - although all will go to them when we go.

    Harelady - kieep on smiling through as indeed all of us must. Surely it can't go on for too long but we must get the virus under control. Will be a lot happier when called up for vaxine which probably won't be till about Easter time.
  • Its a fine line for the Government to draw up these rules and regs but to me the only solution is a total lockdown at least for the next 2 weeks or so to get on top of this mutant strain and to take the strain off the NHS who are working their guts out 24/7.
  • I escaped this morn to a library and came home with 10 books, 8 of them non-fiction. I doubt I have been to this library for 2 years or more. I gave them a chance to buy new books LOL. Whenever we enter a business now, we have to leave contact details to assist contact tracing should there be a covid outbreak. Most people can scan the QR codes with their mobile  phones but mine is too basic. Usually I complete a form with name & phone no. Library had to enter my details on their ipad. They are not using paper as “the biros would need sanitizing”. My supermarket has the sanitizer dispenser next to the sign-in and I use it after I return the biro. Or, maybe, the library was losing too many biros?

    Once upon a time I would wait until the jar/packet/whatever was half-empty before i would add it to my shopping list. Since March, as soon as we finish whatever, even though a spare replacement is in pantry cupboard, I immediately add it to list. I noted this yesterday when OH finished the vegemite. It will be months before we need a new jar but it is on the list already.

    OH does not understand my arrangement where I cycle the oldest goods first. I bought extra tomato juice for him and stored the latest in a new spot ’cos they didn’t fit. Yep, he has taken the wrong one!

  • There are really only three kinds of people in the world: those who can count, and those who can’t.

    There are two kinds of people in the world. 1. Morning People. 2. People who want to shoot morning people.

    Have you noticed that all the people in favor of birth control are already born? (Benny Hill)

  • Hi all: Internet and TV have been down all afternoon and just back up. Will catch up tomorrow.
  • Good Morning. Still dark here at the moment, but it's been noticeably lighter for longer in the afternoons, hooray!

    Annette, Sorry everything's down. Hope it all comes back on again soon. Do hope Diane is OK.

    Lynette, sounds difficult if you are fixed to have to stay in the house. Will that still apply if one of you is on their own?

    AQ - I have systems like that - extra stocks of our favourite items "just in case", but you do have to keep ahead of stock control! Glad you were able to access the library.
  • This is in our front window- back in its box today!

    Together with this, from the fireplace!

  • Out of our bedroom window, just now! We still have snow!