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  • ANNETTE – thanks for doing the business with the new week, leading into the new year too. We don’t really think about our weight over the holiday – we all should, but I just say to myself, “Woops, another kilogram to lose”. But why does four ounces extra eaten cause a whole pound round the middle? Your Grandson sounds a good one to have – perhaps he realised he went a bit over the top with Miss D and Pearl at Thanksgiving! Didn’t see or hear much of Storm Bella here, and saw sunshine midday today – but barometer is right down low and wind from North, so will now be cold and frosty over this week.

    AQ – ten minutes weeding sounds sensible. We are still without church services – there will be a decision by the Elders soon about virtual and actual, and the frequency too. Another good quote from M. Teresa.

    PAT and CLARE – I hope there were no trees down, nor damage to houses. I was pleased to see you, PAT, managed a not-too-wet walk!

    LINDA - enjoyed yesterday’s wet field photos – and the lovely muddy Bonnie! Sorry about your poor cousin and her family – a good thing you phoned her. A nice little encounter with the Robin.

    Seems everyone’s homes are peaceful today with all the books and jigsaws! We haven’t done a jigsaw for quite a while – have a couple of Bruegel’s sitting here waiting – but with three at home, not much spare space on the dining table. We have been sorting various oddities into the freezer since lunch – which was a delicious pork roast, followed by end of Ch Pudding. Now a light tea!
  • We ate the last of the turkey, cold, for lunch. My OH made stock out of the rest of it and the bones, and we've put that in the freezer.

    Annette, I often buy my own Christmas and birthday presents, and just give the bill to my OH - otherwise I would have presents such as I had many years ago, such as a record (remember those?) which I already had in the cupboard, or, one year, a pair of binoculars which were a nice thought but were so huge and heavy that they ended up being only ever used in the house (kept on the windowsill). This year, I bought my OH a new watch, not particularly expensive, but he's happy and I don't have to look at his tatty old one any more as he would not give it up.... the strap was broken which would annoy me within five minutes but he's been wearing it like that for over a year. He also received new socks and underwear as he hates having to buy them.

    Sorry that some have suffered with the big storm. I see that there's also been much new flooding in parts of the country.

    I still touch type and also have not much idea where the letters are, they just appear as I think of them. Its the same with the gears in the car, LOL!! If I think about them, I forget which one is which...
  • Hello all , hope you had a lovely Christmas.

    Thanks for starting us off, Annette.

    Went to church Christmas morning, still joined in the singing with mask on. Only two songs, beginning and end. Service lasted just 45 mins. Had some lovely presents. Still have to open main one which is a chip fryer.

    Only sign of storm Bella down here was high winds and rain last night then it all calmed down with cooler sunnier weather. Parts of Northamptonshire had some flooding but not where we are .
  • PAT - I never learnt to type (having been streamed into “General” aka science). With keyboards so common now, it is something I regret. I think I am a sort-of 4 finger typist.

    OG – Our churches resumed services in June with reduced numbers. At present 1 person to 2 sq metre rule applies, thus my church can only allow half capacity. Some busy churches require people to book places, ditto for χmas services. I have been using streaming services since my op as I don’t want to catch even a sniffle.

    LYNETTE – I’d find singing in a mask too great a challenge. I have enough trouble breathing in a mask!

    On her way out to lunch, Dau#1 called in to collect her family’s ”envelopes”. She left us a lot of yummy goodies - crusty bread, tubs of salad, mini choc mousse, cherries, strawberries, melting moments.

  • Some people have to be right all the time and others become weather forecasters.

    I never argue. I just explain why I am right.

    My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I’m right. (Ashleigh Brilliant)

  • Evening all:  Grandson and partner arrived with champagne and orange juice, which were promptly opened and poured while we chatted.  I had cranberry juice too, which offsets the acid in the OJ and mixes well with the bubbly.  They also brought two nice bottles of wine for us to enjoy later, plus chicken to BBQ, salad, potatoes and asparagus.  I had rolls and pumpkin pie - oh, and whipped cream.  Barely had to lift a finger.

    OG:  I know I consumed far more than 4 ounces of naughty stuff today; Lord knows what it will balloon into by tomorrow morning.  We have a Bruegel jigsaw too - hearty peasants and buxom ladies cavorting by a barn if I remember correctly.

    AQ:  'Envelopes' are popular in our house too.  What nice treats from your daughter.  Life sounds very normal Down Under compared to here.

    Off to tackle Van Gogh again..... Take care everyone.

  • ANNETTE – Sounds like a very pleasant visit. It is not so normal in Sydney where people have been banned from gathering around the harbour to watch NYE fireworks. Permits needed to enter CBD, and only if dining at restaurant or visiting a family (max of 10 visitors). Stay safe, my friend, dire covid news from CAL on our media.

  • Snow!!! Woke up today to see it white over ...
  • Apparently it's quite widespread across the country. There will be a few snowmen around today.

  • LINDA - I am so jealous.

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