Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 December 2020

  • Second Day of Christmas - aka First Day of Leftovers! Actually not that bad - soup lunch so we can enjoy Raspberry Pavlova after it, then "nibbles" for tea followed by remains of Friend Marion's delicious chocolate cake. Family phonecalls yesterday afternoon and then a lazy evening, Late night discussion about the dishwasher - is there any way to arrange a regular time to empty it when OH insists it has to be full to run! Chesty cough at 4 o'clock, but still managed to be first up at 7:15 - OH was snoring.

    DIANE - sorry about computer - hope you can fix it soon.

    Re presents - I had the promise of flowers or a houseplant (we have two florists in town). He can't think what to get me, so I told him several times what I would like. I asked where they were, and he said "You didn't add them to the shopping list"!
  • OG I'm puzzled about dishwasher emptying !! Think you must have had tongue in cheek!
  • We have regular discussion about the dishwasher. Ideally, it should be emptied before lunch, thus taking the previous days lunch, evening meal, and possibly breakfast too... but it never works out. We both hate running it unless it's full, but often it's best to simply add a pot which I use for utensils, to give it a freshen up, rather than be annoyed that it's only 92% full when switched on.

    It's been warmer today, 6 degrees all day, better than the minus temps we endured all yesterday. Went out for a walk this morning, then ate simple lunch of cheese & tomatoes, as we're having a repeat Christmas dinner tonight with all the leftovers!!

    Ps I nearly bought flowers for the house when doing the last shopping, but I thought my OH might treat me. Result:  no flowers at all. I'd rather have bought them than had none.

  • We walked on one of our favourite paths, the old train line route. Beside the path,  many fields were flooded in spite of this normally being dry fields.

  • On the way back to the car, this is the large puddle which Bonnie chose to paddle in, in spite of being shouted at!

    She is somewhere on the right of this pic...having just emerged, dripping...

  • Even in winter, the countryside has its own beauty.

  • Here I come, only muddy on the underside, Dad!!

  • I think a dishwasher poem is called for, LINDY...
    It's never been an issue here, my OH hardly knew where it was, never mind loading and unloading it.
    In the household of my Danish friends, the first person in the kitchen in the morning automatically empties the dishwasher which always goes on after the three meals of the day. When I stay there, if I'm up first, I do it, trying not to make too much noise !
  • DIANE - I hope that you can get your computer sorted. It is a lifeline for you x