Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 December 2020


I'm sending best wishes to everyone. I know this is a hard end to a hard year. I hope you all find some peace and joy for the season.

Cardinal in the Snow
Shenandoah National Park
US National Park Service/N.Lewis
Photo labeled public domain (copyright free)

  • OG I love the Scottish Wildcats and have been to the Wildlife Centre near Aviemore to see the kittens that had been born as part of the breeding programme.

    This was when we were visiting Lady at Loch Garten. I took my Daughters to Scotland and they both fell in love with the Highlands and Islands and  we are planning on taking my Granddaughters in due course.

    My dream, if I could afford it, is to rent a large house by a Loch to have all the family there just for a week - or a month if funds allowed.

    As my Mum used to say - it costs nothing to dream xx

  • Hold on to the dream, HARELADY! and I hope it will become a dream come true..

    LINDA - I hope you succeeded in getting your turkey!

    E-E is making inroads into the ironing pile!  J finished his earlier.

  • Rats. It seems we're going into Tier 4 on Boxing Day, along with Essex, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. I'm very glad we usually plan for a quiet Christmas!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG – You set me wondering if Jesus had a pet or two.

    LINDA – Please tell us that you did collect the turkey!

    It is so sad that so many of you are going into higher tiers for Christmas. I think of you every time I read another news item from UpOver. Please hang in there, isolation will end, you will see your families again even though littlies will have grown a lot.

    I feel a bit guilty to say that Dau#2 & Co are visiting us after lunch today. S-i-l finished work yesterday. Dau does not expect us to do anything; she is bringing homemade zucchini cake and they will not stay long. I have put out a wee 3-inch plastic tree decorated with a little red & green tinsel. Their parcels are scattered on the floor.

  • Christmas: the only time of year you can sit in front of a dead tree eating candy out of socks.

    May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas eve.

    It’s not what’s under the Christmas tree that matters, it’s who is around it.

  • AQ (& Others) Yes, we got our turkey in the end and its now in two pieces, one in the fridge and one in the freezer! Thank you for worrying about us!

    AQ - Don't feel guilty, just enjoy your lovely family! Love your quotes as usual. The "dead tree comment" makes me think of the dog, who looks at us as if we have really gone mad, getting a tree in through the door and then sticking stuff on it!
  • Would write more, but we, as you might have gathered, had a difficult morning and then a busy afternoon. Flopped in front of the tv tonight but couldn't take it all in - off to bed now, shattered!!

  • Just done a blog and forgot to send so will have to do again.

    Lindybird - Oh dear the great custard powder incident, I know what you mean - even the slightest spill and it goes everywhere. Hope OH got his custard with his pudding.

    OG - glad to hear hospital visits went OK. Hope J's bloods come back OK then no need to go for 6 months.

    Well all Christmas presents wrapped, family ones distributed. Just the preparation for CD to do now, tomorrow. I am just hoping oven will light quickly on the day. Having trouble with it. Sometimes takes about 5 mins on and off to ignite. Electric ignition OK its just not firing the gas every time. Hopefully it will be allright on the day just before we go to Christmas morning service.
  • dibnlib - love the cat poem.

    We have been very lucky as if Covid was to rear its head here it could be through our Dau as she works in a school. Thankfully she appears clear and so do we but will be glad when we get the vaccine.

    OH hasn't showed any interest in putting up decs which suits me. We just have strings of coloured lights up plus tree and nativity which to me is sufficient. Mind you we leave the lights up all year, too fiddly to bring down each year.

    Because I mucked up a delivery order for this past Monday I had to make sure I had most things for my delivery last Friday. However, Dau had to go into supermarket and get me a turkey last week to make sure we had one so must get that out tonight and leave to slow thaw in garage.
  • Well folks, may I wish you a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS and whoever you may be meeting up with, have a lovely time
    and see you after the holiday.

    Greetings too to those of you over the pond.