Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 December 2020


The new moon (the dark moon) is 14 December. I hope everyone has a safe, healthy week. Seek out joy, folks. 

Check back to last week's thread to see the latest posts, including one from Rosy. 

Red-Headed Woodpecker
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
National Park Service: NPS/Warren Bielenberg
Photo labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • AQ Glad you're feeling better each day. But don't go off and do too much!!

    A mixed day for me, here . Got lots done but there still seems to be plenty left needs doing!

    Will write about The Great Custard Disaster later....

    Spent half an hour with my OH at lunchtime putting up my Christmas present, which is a Lowry print.
  • Very quiet here, guess everyone is busy one way or another.
    I went shopping, not very successfully. Couldn't get a couple of things that I'd planned for presents. Should have got them when I put them on the list. Anyway, then to M and S food hall and have managed some more stuff.
    Stepson due home on 24th but is a possible Covid contact. A ship that he piloted a few days ago. Now a big discussion with his wife about the wisdom of having her 90 year old mother at their home for Christmas Day. He thinks not, his wife thinks everything will be OK. No wonder we're in such a mess....
  • Morning all:  I have a funny Trump video I tried to post on here but the file is 5.23MB  and I've no idea how to reduce it easily.  Hints would be appreciated.  My iPhone and e-mail can manage it but not this site..

    AQ;   Copied all your 'thoughts' on Xmas to send on.....   Glad you're feeling normal; please milk any support from your OH for as long as possible.   I fear the beauty of any opals will be overshadowed by me in tatty gardening togs....  Speaking of which, I have two ancient but very comfortable long-sleeved cotton t-shirts that have been perfect for messing around in the garden but they are now literally falling apart, with holes around the neck and - as OH pointed out yesterday - now in the elbows.  :-(

    Lindybird: One bad day is enough; hope today ended up a little better and that tomorrow will be brilliant.  (Why do I think the Custard Disaster has faded in light of subsequent frustrations.)   I assume that's the abstract print that caught your attention?  Nice and light and easy on the eye.   I shall post photos of my hedge trimmer when it arrives (not really).  :-)  

    SunnyKate:  What a hoot.  I wonder if that whisky will be any good, but would be a great conversation piece for anyone who bought a bottle.

    Heather:  More Covid dilemmas I see. What a pain!  How long is stepson going to be home?

    Returning gardening tools to friend this morning, then a couple of errands....  take care everyone.

  • ANNETTE stepson will be home for a week from the 24th. The guy who tested positive was only 27 and apart from.a high temperature had no other symptoms. Note past tense....

  • PS ANNETTE You must be very posh - holes in jumpers are de rigueur for  the aristocracy here ....

  • Lindy - I could certainly live with that Lowry print. I haven't seen one of his with ships in it before ... very different, and lots to 'explore'.

    As from tomorrow I will be living in Tier 3. The border is around a hundred yards from my home but I'm just the wrong side of it! My church is over the border, so I won't be going there. I am supposed to be at another church further into Tier 3 on Sunday, but they are discussing this evening whether or not they are going to close for the duration. One church in our Circuit has already decided to suspend services until they are back in Tier 1. As has my bowls club. Our carol singing around the Christmas tree was rained off - it rained all day. Feeling rather sorry for myself - sorry to moan.

    Heather - So sorry to hear about your stepson. So many difficult decisions ...

    Take care, everyone.
  • I do like that, good choice LINDY. Must go, we are zooming with cruise friends.