Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 November 2020


I hope everyone has a healthy, safe, and joyful week. 

Stay strong, friends! 

Northern Parula
U.S. National Park Service NPS/N.Lewis
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • ANNETTE - no, I am used to and can cope happily with family around the house. It's just because they want everything cut and dried, who is doing what and when. Youngest son in law is a key worker ( oil and gas) and at present working ad hoc which of course includes Christmas if he's needed. So it can't be planned precisely and I'm fine with that. I just don't want to talk about it every day :-)
  • Needed my cheerful boots as had a bit of an annoying morning: had two 'incidents' driving to the next town where the opticians are, neither of them my fault but caused by bad driving on the part of others. Then, after waiting in a queue outside to be admitted, the girl in the opticians produced two pairs of specs as ordered, with a flourish. But one was with a sunglasses prescription inserted, rather than the reaction lenses I ordered. Boo. I was then asked to wait for a chat with the person who I'd seen when I put in the order - she was talking to a client who seemed to have a most complicated problem. After half an hour, with not much of an apology, I was asked to go home and "they will ring you when they're ready". Boo again.
  • Not good, LINDY. It's a bit like going to the bank. I always seem to end up behind someone who has multiple things to discuss with the teller. Hope your incidents didn't involve a bump.
  • OG - Good that x rays were OK. Also that your foot is easier.
    Hope no nasty surprises with the kitchen estimate !
  • No, Heather, no damage except for my turning the air somewhat blue! One of the happenings was someone cutting in front of me, quite needlessly.

    Sorry your family are being insistent on returning to the subject of what form the festivities should take. You will just have to bear with it, I suppose, and remember that they all love you and want to devise what's best in a bad situation. Go outside and shout at the sky!!

    My boots were just my favourite ones (I have three pairs) and I won't describe them: it's up to you to imagine what colour and shape they are, to suit yourself!! Sadly, although I left home cheerfully, I let the events weigh upon me, and got home again full of moans to my poor OH, who had to listen to my whinging. I'm OK now, and hope that I've not spoilt his day!
  • A Winston Churchill quote for everyone: "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm"
  • Hi all, just skimmed through and picked up on one or two things.

    Lindy - love the nativity cartoon. Carpets - well really we ought to get someone in as they are pretty dirty . OH is hopeless with diy and with his legs and mine at present there's no way we could tackle the job.

    OG - hear that J's hospital visit went ok and that you managed on your own. I bet you're glad you've got the magazine almost done.

    Also love that pic with the quarintine toilet rolls, very imaganative.

    Haven't really a lot to say except just been ordering online some Christmas presents. Weather here mixed with light rain and sunshine.

    It looks like we might get up to Manchester at Christmas. Also drop off Nottingham presi's perhaps at a services on the motorway - meeting up in the fresh air. Will have to wait and see about that one though.
  • I saw surgeon for post-op this morn. Nearly good news. It has not spread to lymph nodes. However the lump was bigger than expected (20 mm not 13), So she wants to take out a little more of the surrounding tissue. I am booked for day surgery next Thurs 3 Dec. On the way home I bought bread & broccoli. On Monday when supposed to be cooler, I shall replenish pantry & fridge as I expect another week of no driving. I have been wearing a mask (recommended but not mandatory in our state). Not very pleasant on a hot day (30 C so far).

  • Dear Diamond,
    We all know who is really a girl's best friend.
    Sincerely yours, Chocolate Cake.

    All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. (Charles Schulz)

    Chocolate. If it makes you happy eat it! And if it doesn’t, give it to me.

  • AQ: I'm very sorry that you must undergo another surgery, but I'm glad that is all you will need. It's going to get cold here and snow on Monday with high winds. I will direct the winds to take that cold air to you.