Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 November 2020


I hope everyone has a healthy, safe, and joyful week. 

Stay strong, friends! 

Northern Parula
U.S. National Park Service NPS/N.Lewis
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • This time I shall make replies which I didn't do this morning.

    AQ - pleased you have just a "dainty" scar.; mine changed shape after the radiotherapy. That was a huge rise in water usage during the lockdown - good thing it didn't last any longer! Good quotes - heard the middle one before, but have added the others to my list!

    LINDA - I have been feeling cold today, especially in the last couple of hours - OH thinks it may be tiredness. I think Boris is a good strong name for a dog - but it does give the impression of a large one. not that neat little fellow! Looks as if he enjoyed the photo call! Loved the funnies - especially Racoon!

    ANNETTE - look forward to Puppy pics if you can ever take some - maybe while she sleeps? Pretty name - what breed is she? (I am sure you must have said, but I forget). I got the impression somebody wrote that for the stubborn outgoing Potus - don't think he can put that many coherent words together!

    A few regulars missing today - I hope everyone is okay. I have completed the magazine ready for proof-reading. Last page is full of jokes (How did Mary know the birth weight of the baby Jesus? He was a-weighed in a manger!)
  • Annette - We look forward to seeing Pearl. Lovely name.

    OG - I think you can feel chilled if you're overtired. Take good care of yourself. Like the Nativity joke!
  • Grumble. Weather heating up again. Overseas χmas cards to be posted by 30 Nov. I’m not in the mood, too early for cards, but I did the four with briefest of notes and ready to post.

    I’m easily distracted - I saw this item in a 1924 newspaper when I was seeking info about stained glass windows

    A certain politician recently became a parent. On announcing the news the doctor exclaimed gleefully, "I congratulate you, sir; you are the father of triplets." The politician was astonished. "No, no, no," he replied, with more than parliamentary emphasis; "there must be some mistake in the returns. I demand a recount."

  • Just a thought

    Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want. (Ken Poirot)

  • AQ: That sounds like a very sensible philosophy. I'll let you know how it works out!

  • Good Morning. Dark & damp here, ugh. I'm off later to collect the new specs. May pop into Sainsburys for some bits & bobs which we like, from there. Not set foot in it since January!!

    Have a good day, everyone.
  • Hello all
    Cold but bright here.
    I'm beginning to wish that I could go to bed on Christmas Eve and not get up again for a few days. I have the most caring family but every day, I'm hearing about plans which involve me not being alone. There is no way that we will all be together on any day and I'm pleased about that, in this horrible year. I just wish that they would decide among themselves what is happening and when, then tell me !!
    I am probably one of the least controlling/needy folk around ( in my humble opinion!) .
    End of rant.....

  • Heather: sympathies on such a difficult decision for both you and your family. We are lucky in that on the day, as I have said in the past, we usually have The Day alone just us two, which is what my OH prefers. No idea what shape or form the rest of the time is going to take, until today's announcement about these "tiers" which I think will probably cause a lot of "tears" for many people. <sigh>

    I expect your family are endlessly discussing how they can include you but not break the rules. Eventually, they will decide on one plan and then you can say yea or nay.

    Very dreary day here, grey and damp, and as I have to go out I'm putting on my most cheerful boots and trying to make the best of it. Must get more things done off the To Do List which doesn't seem to get any smaller in spite of our spending so much time at home.....
  • Just lost a long post - brain is not with it this morning as I am listening for arrival of outside painters - supposed be taking advantage of several dry days (today is actually sunny), and to have arrived at 9 o'clock, but nothing happening yet! So just a brief one now - wonder how much I can remember?

    AQ - sorry getting hot again - take care. Loved story about triplets, and today's thought.

    LINDA - hope you are pleased with the new specs. Tried to imagine cheerful boots, but the only image I could summon up was a pair of old boots which were parting body from sole so they had a big smile across the front, and I am sure they weren't yours!

    HEATHER - I am sure your family mean well - why not relax and just enjoy whatever they can plan - after all, there are two holiday weekends to fit visits in, with time to spend with each. We are lucky because we don't see ours anyway - English family would be allowed , but we shall discourage them!

    J has been chasing the result of his recent knee X-ray - nothing of concern. Doc has also requested physio. My heel did well with the bindings and anti-inflammatories. NHS Podiatrist is supposed to phone me next week - will let it happen in case he/she has any new advice to add. E-E has admitted he needs to phone dentist following announcement several weeks ago that they are working again - I have been complaining at the number of times his denture falls out because the broken tooth was one of those holding it in.

    Quotation for kitchen arrived yesterday - seems too good to be true - need to go through it in detail to find out what they have left out!
  • Morning all:  

    Heather:  I somehow ended up in a grocery store very early yesterday to pick up one item and it was beginning to get crowded (last minute TxGiving shopping).   I rolled my eyes at the lady behind and she said,  'It's so stressful and none of the things they tell you to do to stay calm work!"    Is it that you don't want family members coming and going nonstop?  If so, tell them you need some 'down time' in between to recharge your batteries.  They probably don't realize that  you'll be okay for a day with just the TV, a glass of wine and some nice peace and quiet.

    OG: Always worrying when a quote comes in so low you don't trust it.   Images of EE's teeth popping out of his mouth at unexpected times come to mind.....

    Lindybird: My idea of cheerful boots are green or red  or green ones with flowers.

    Daughter and granddaughter are getting haircuts today; I'm the chauffeur.  Grandson arriving sometime this afternoon or evening.  He can be in charge of pup and Ms. D who have energy to burn.