Ah. Lovely to meet you, Lynette & Dibnlib. [Pics on previous week's thread.]
Gorgeous pics of snow Wendy, Alicat & Osprey. But I bet you are not thinking "lovely"!!! My nearest to snow was some grey slushy roadside stuff in Tasmania 40 years ago.
Tiger I think I have Gary’s puzzle solved. Alas I can only award you 2½ out of 5 on the brain teasers. I was being diabolical this week. Until Friday then . . .
Linda Successful shrunk pics. The walker’s seat - what a wonderful way to remember someone.
Oh no, Auntie, minus temps already.
Alan Love your intermittent "busy pics", the shivery one, the dreaded leaf blower & the migration.
A bit shivery here today, expecting 20 C max again. I’m not complaining. A quiet day for me. Yesterday I helped Dau2 washing, wiping, cleaning, etc as per her list. G-kids did minimum possible. Brats. After lunch Dau & Sil went shopping while I guarded the fort. I think they were out longer than necessary but I don’t begrudge them that. The brats are really rude & unhelpful. GS greeted me with "what are you doing here?" Hello and nice to see you too! They spoke to their mother on Skype - what a lot of complaining & false info. Grumbling that Sil put passwords on computers. Well Miss14 did abuse the privilege. She is proud of doing badly in final exams. Alas these days kids don’t repeat a year at school. It seems it is more important to stay with peer group than to acquire knowledge. I just don’t understand them. Sorry. Rant over. I’ll go and read Linda’s answers again to put me in a better mood with some giggles.
just popping in for a few minutes to catch up had a better night last night OH tablets seems to be working still not back to him self but getting there slowly
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Back in the study after dinner, so looked in.
Alicat - so pleased to see your update - still thinking of you both.
Chloe - been reading about your Mozzie Blackbird - a true story of suspense - looking forward to next instalment - didn't want to spoil it by commenting over on that thread, but want to recommend it to others!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Thanks OG glad you have been enjoying it. All finished now.
Hi everyone, just catching up. Been busy writing so haven't had chance to do much else. Thanks for all lovely posts, funnies, pics and news.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Evening all. Have enjoyed pics etc. Hope you are all keeping warm and safe in the wintry conditions. We don't have much snow but what we have has frozen into difficult walking. Managed to get the young dogs (Tweed and Indy) walked in our local country park this morning - hilly path through disused quarries. Very pretty and manageable with care and a trekking pole. Fly and i had a 2 mile walk along the edge of Stramgford lough this afternoon. Tide was out but Brent Geese, shelduck and lots of waders feeding in the mud.
Our red squirrel is back - neighbour whose kitchen overlooks the gardens says he was missing for about 10 days but is now a regular visitor. He was certainly around today, even when she and I were talking in the garden. Another exciting visitor to bird feeders today was a tree sparrow. I'd never seen one before but was able to compare him with a house sparrow on a neighbouring feeder and then check on my bird book. Very excited about those two. I'll report the tree sparrow to RSPB here as I know they planted trees at the Portmore Lough reserve in County Antrim to try to encourage them. think we have to thank the Woodland Trust for buying an area of land behind our house some years ago and planting lots of trees.
Looking forward to seeing pictures of the Goldie/Border Collie pups. I'm sure they will be gorgeous.
Lindybird You must have been really thrilled to meet Tomasz Adam, even if only briefly. Lovely that he has a name to reflect his ethnic ancestry. I'm sure you'll want the snow to disappear so that you can have more visits.
To all those I haven't addressed by name, keep warm and well.
Hi ~Alicat, pleased you managed to get some sleep last night. Lets hope OH's tablets keep working for him.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Thanks to ChloeB for the entertaining story, I won't comment on content in case people have not read it yet.
Thawing somewhat today, but I dug some snow from around the car in case it freezes later, as I really could do with getting out tomorrow.
A teacher asked one of her pupils, "What's the nation's capital?"
The reply was, "Washington DC."
On being asked what the 'DC' stood for, the pupil added, "Dot com!"
Tiger Signature
Brenda - Your son will notice it is rather cooler in NZ after AUS. Tiger, Annette & Tiger - Ha Ha Ha. You tell a great story Chloe. Haven’t heard from Wattle for a while. Probably busy but I can’t help wondering how she is, having heard there are floods in NSW.
I couldn’t sleep last night, too hot, still 30 C at 1.30 am. So I spent the time attacking my overseas Christmas cards & letters. Now if I get them in the post tomorrow, will they be delivered in time with all the snow Up Over there? Overseas mail takes at least 2 weeks. Perhaps they still send it in a Tiger Moth plane. Dau2’s postcard from Europe took a month to arrive, long after she had returned. Now must dash to prepare salad rolls for lunch before departing for "fun" afternoon with g-chn. Hm, poor planning, salad for tea this eve too. Too bad. Anyone who complains can get the meals.
Starting new thread.