Weekly Chat, Sunday 28 November 2010

Ah. Lovely to meet you, Lynette & Dibnlib. [Pics on previous week's thread.]

Gorgeous pics of snow Wendy, Alicat & Osprey. But I bet you are not thinking "lovely"!!! My nearest to snow was some grey slushy roadside stuff in Tasmania 40 years ago.

Tiger I think I have Gary’s puzzle solved. Alas I can only award you 2½ out of 5 on the brain teasers. I was being diabolical this week. Until Friday then . . .

Linda Successful shrunk pics. The walker’s seat - what a wonderful way to remember someone.

Oh no, Auntie, minus temps already.

Alan Love your intermittent "busy pics", the shivery one, the dreaded leaf blower & the migration.

A bit shivery here today, expecting 20 C max again. I’m not complaining. A quiet day for me. Yesterday I helped Dau2 washing, wiping, cleaning, etc as per her list. G-kids did minimum possible. Brats. After lunch Dau & Sil went shopping while I guarded the fort. I think they were out longer than necessary but I don’t begrudge them that. The brats are really rude & unhelpful. GS greeted me with "what are you doing here?" Hello and nice to see you too! They spoke to their mother on Skype - what a lot of complaining & false info. Grumbling that Sil put passwords on computers. Well Miss14 did abuse the privilege. She is proud of doing badly in final exams. Alas these days kids don’t repeat a year at school. It seems it is more important to stay with peer group than to acquire knowledge. I just don’t understand them. Sorry. Rant over. I’ll go and read Linda’s answers again to put me in a better mood with some giggles.

  • Unknown said:

    Lindy - when replying to Dibnlib, I was thinking about arrival of our first Grandchild 21 years ago in Aberdeen - just realised Grandson#1 was born 1st December, so shares a birthday with yours!  Ours will be graduating next summer and getting married in July!

    There's a thought, OG!  Such is life.   Some of my friends & relations have been grandmas for ages now, and others are still waiting....

    Hope you get to go to the graduation, and enjoy the wedding.

  • Morning all,

    Great Tech Support story Tiger.

    Everyone else thanks for the chat.

    The weather is sunny this morning but very cold curent temp is minus 2.7c. Not quite cold enough for the snowmen to light campfires Paul but getting there. We have had our usual birds in the garden this morning including collared doves, large wood pigeon, magpie, blackbird and one of yesterdays pied wagtails. Lady P has gone off with daughter to do some shopping in Peterborough. Rather them than me as I cant stand the crowds at this time of year. Not sure what is planned for rest of the day we will see what evolves.

    Keep warm and safe. 


    The stars are gleaming and extra bright:
    The moon is glowing, too.
    They both are lighting up the snow -
    And all because of you.
    My heart is full with a new love -
    There's always room for more, as
    I loved your father beyond words
    So many years before.

    I hope we'll find some time for fun
    And I will hold your hand
    To help you through the paths of Life,
    To help you understand.
    So Welcome, my sweet little one,
    To a place both cruel and kind:
    A world where man has tried
    To make all things to his command.

    A world where humans strive for more
    But do some goodness, too -
    An ever changing kaleidoscope -
    Somewhere you could change, too.
    I hope your life will stretch out long
    Filled with love and caring, right through.
    I hope that yours is full of joy
    In everything you do.

  • Oh Linda ... what a beautiful poem .. you've just reduced me to tears!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • --usually have a cry, myself when writing, Joan!

  • Good morning DjoanS I agree it does all look rather beautiful outside.  It was -10 here last night and not likely to get above freezing all day.  Very treacherous underfoot though, I am extremely wary when I go out to feed the birds.  Just got enough food until tomorrow when OH gets more supplies.  You made me smile about the starling squadron, we have one here.  I have noticed that they are the first to go to roost.  Sparrows hold on until quite late and the pied wagtails and robin are usually the last to go.  I don't usually put bread out for them but have done so for the last couple of days, brown with seed and nuts in so hope that is filling them up as well.  Haven't see Billy this morning although he had visited overnight as the food had gone down.  Take care and keep warm.


  • Good morning Lindybird I so hope you will be able to see your new grandson today.  You must be really excited.  Hope the weather doesn's spoil things for you.  It is freezing here and not likely to get above freezing all day, my patio is like a skating rink.  OH put some stuff he got from B&Q which is supposted to help but I think if is so cold even that does not work.    Look forward to your photos.


  • Great Tech Support story Tiger.  Gave me a good laugh.  Had to smile at AQ's  as well about asking OH silly questions which don't seem silly to me. 


  • Good morning original goldfinch and what lovely photos.  That little robin is gorgeous and how nice to see a song thrush.  Sparrows are such cheeky little birds too.  Your soup sounds good, just right for this weather.  Take care and keep warm.


  • Good afternoon WendyB  lovely photo of a snowy scene.  Hope you are managing with all the snow you have.
