Hallo all!  Hope Friday 13th was uneventful (we still have 7 hours to go here).

Here's to a good new week for everyone.

  • Good Morning. Dry here and still cold, but supposed to warm up as the day goes. We still have red geraniums out in a hanging basket, unaffected by last night's colder temps!

    Annette, I have a great mental vision of OG dancing around in the absence of family to say "you can't do that!!"

    AQ - Love today's quotes.
  • Cold here, also, early this morning only 1° but warming up nicely.
    Sorry, DIANE, that you have had high winds and power outages. I hope that you have been able to do your work etc.
    LINDY - I'm sure that OG would like nothing better than to be able to dance, as you say.
  • Good morning; I was full of good intentions for today, but have really done very little so far – just some tidying and sorting bits of paper and now it’s nearly time to have my lunch which has been left out for me. E-E and J phoned when they were halfway there and are well on time, despite E-E having a dramatic nosebleed when they stopped for coffee!

    I slept really well last night and am enjoying the reduced pain - I usually groan at every step and scream at the worst ones, with varying sounds between. I am so quiet today that I am almost missing the noise. One thing I need to clarify, the podiatrist was not the NHS one (not sure what their waiting list will be). The one who came was our lovely Louise who normally looks after our feet. We decided to pay for the extra visit but she wouldn’t charge because it isn’t within her normal range of treatments, although she had been trained to do it – she said she just wanted to help me! There are some good people out there.

    LINDA – I think we recorded Life of Pi last Christmas, but never watched it! It’s nearly time to purge old recordings again, ready for recording this year’s “specials” which will probably never get watched! Same here re flowering plants in the garden – even the Dahlias are not over yet, and the Fuchsias are amazing.

    LYNETTE – I hope they don’t increase the after-effects of Christmas by adding extra freedoms – I have to say I am in the “don’t travel” camp. Our MSP has just resigned the party whip in Holyrood by saying we should be allowed across the border – silly boy! My OH and Son are only in Edinburgh today for medical reasons. Hope your Daughter’s birthday cake arrives!

    AQ - what a fiasco over SA’s covid alert and lockdown measures! Glad you feel okay but do take care. When will you know whether further treatment is necessary? Like the quotes – especially the middle one!

    HEATHER – my mother used to come to church with us, in her wheelchair, and when we sang about dancing in heaven, she used to say she was dancing in her heart!

    On that note, I shall go and investigate my lunch!
  • Glad to hear that all is going well so far, OG, apart from the nosebleed - how inconvenient. I hoped that you would be "dancing in your heart, too" :-)

    The film "Life of Pi " was most unusual. Not sure whether to highly recommend it, as its rather Marmite and some may hate it. But we thought it was beautifully filmed and atmospheric. The actors were all excellent, including a short appearance by Rafe Spall, who is the son of famous actor Timothy Spall (we are huge fans of his). The young actor playing the lead is very good. We had it on a DVD which I had bought years ago, when the film first came out and was much praised. Then I saw it was on TV and was cursing myself as we could have recorded it then! I can only say watch it if you like to see the unusual, and there is a lot of Nature in it, with some rather clever CGI.

  • Lynette: Fingers crossed for your daughters birthday cake. Hope you can enjoy the takeaway as a nice treat, even though you can't go out, sadly.

    It raining here now but getting warmer as promised. My knees were aching last night so I suppose arthritis is on the cards as I seem to feel the colder temps.

    Just wrapped up three Christmas presents, as I have already bought them ages ago, so might as well get a head start on things (Four grandchildren now, brings me back to when our boys were young and I had marathon wrapping sessions!)
  • OG How nice of your favourite podiatrist. There are many more good than bad people around. The waiting list to see an NHS podiatrist up here is 12 months unless you have an ulcer or something equally awful. I had a phone consultation....oh well, better than nothing. Hope all goes well in Edn, shame about the nose bleed.
  • Hope everything going well for OG and family. Thinking of you all today, on your busy day.
  • Here is a new member of our family- this is Boris, a 6 year old terrier cross, now adopted as her dog by my sis in law Sue!

    Actually, he sort of adopted her, as he moved into her street with a neighbour who had brought two rescued dogs back from Cyprus a few months ago. Once he got to know Sue, he used to rush down to her house every time he got out of his own front door!!

    So now they are a family together, as the lady who had him said she is quite happy that he is happy & she still has her other dog.

  • Lindy - That's great news about Boris (gosh, I never expected to type those words!) Sounds as though he has definitely adopted Sue, and after her last sad experience I'm sure they will be very happy together. He has such a lovely face ... and I'm really a cat person, so if a dog appeals to me it must be really cute.
  • PatO:  You  had me there for a minute when I read your post.  I thought Boris had resigned or something!

    Lindybird: Fascinating about Boris.  I wonder if he didn't think sharing an owner just wasn't on and was on the lookout for a likely candidate.  He's a cutie and I'm sure will be a great companion for her   I didn't see The Life of Pi; kept thinking about it....    Re Xmas presents, I took Ms. D's with me on my recent AZ trip (two books and $$$s for her Mom to take her shopping for clothes) and am sending granddaughter's back with daughter, who's arriving Sunday for doc's appointment next week.  I was in the post office yesterday and they were telling customers that they should aim to get any presents in the mail next week to be sure of Xmas delivery.  

    OG:  Gosh, not great timing for EE's nosebleed.  Hope all went well with their trip. How nice that you got a good night's sleep and that your podiatrist is so generous with her skills.  :-)

    Lynette: So did the cake arrive?

    Went to Costco this morning to buy new tires (big sale on Michelins) and made an appointment to have them installed early December.  I had the technician show me the "wear line" that tells they need replacing (my mechanic told me to be sure and get new ones before the rain but they'd looked okay to me).  Saw my yoga teacher in line and we commiserated re no lessons. Roll on a safe vaccine....