Weekly Chat, Sunday November 14, 2010

Evening/Morning all: Off to check out recent posts.


  • I'm expecting the Harry Potter film to be darker than the others, as the book certainly was (have read them all, you may gather)  Just hope it's not too scary for all the youngsters out there who will be eager to see it. Mind you, things are shown on TV these days which would have scared me out of my wits when I was young (Dr. Who, Merlin etc.- & that's just the ones aimed at youth!).

    If you are still interested in the Iceland eruptions, there is news today on the BBC website regarding the theories around it: see:


    EDIT:    All  comments on your talents well deserved, Chloe!!


  • Couldn't agree more with your comments Lindybird concering Chloe's talents!  Although a PA in a former life I was completely at home with word processing, but left any clever IT stuff to the experts.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Thank you too Linda and Sheila. Messing around in Paint Shop Pro etc is something I get a great deal of pleasure from.

    I am a Harry Potter fan too Linda, hope the film comes up to expectations. I will buy the DVD when it comes out. Have already read the book.

    Thanks for the volcano link. I memorised the pronunciation of Eyjafjallajokull when it first erupted. LOL...small things and small minds.... :)

  • Hi folks, again not posted for a couple of days.  Just a couple of points.

    Alicat - LY Signature.    Shiela FE - dreadful news re juv osprey and Alan - thanks for the link.   It really puts us to shame as a country that someone can do that terrible thing to such a magnificent bird - who doesn't harm anyone.

    Congrats to Kate and Wills - I thought it was very touching that William gave Kate his mothers' engagement ring.  I'm sure he will have had a quiet word with her to check it was OK or I would like to think he did. If my mum had offered my grandmothers engagement ring to my intended at the time I would have loved it, it was an old fashioned setting with 5 very small diamonds in it.  Unfortunately it didn't come to me until a few years later and then during one of our moves I inadvertently lost it, shame on me.

    I know what you mean about crumpled merangue of a dress - it was such a disappointment after all the hype about the said dress to see it so creased.

    I am sure that members of both families will be mindful of the country's situation and will try to keep costs down, unfortunately it is the security costs that will be the most high due to the high profile of who is getting married.  Let's hope common sense will prevail.

    Loved reading all your chats and more and more of us are getting those animated sigs. Whoever started it off has started a trend - well done - it makes an amusing addition to the posts.

  • Am doing another post - first one was quite long so thought I'd better shut up and start again.

    Went to see an old friend from my home town who has been living in Northampton for a number of years and we have only just got together again.  OH took me over and stayed whilst Joan and I reminisced about a number of things.   Found out that she has friends who live in Pendlebury and just up the road from where LS Lowry used to live.  Apparently he was a tax collector and went on his rounds with a notebook and pencil in his pocket and would get it out when he saw something interesting to sketch.

    Spent about 2 hours with her and really felt I was back home for a brief time. Nostalgia!!!!!

    Been watching the sixties programme too, last two years are tomorrow, 68/69. Should be interesting as '68 was the year we got married so it will be great to see what went on during the year.  1969 was the first year we went abroad and that was to Austria - a beautiful country.

  • Sheila - I had forgotten about ‘The Stonor Eagles". I must find it and read again.

    May a mere colonial join the ring discussion? Much as I would be delighted to receive an heirloom handed down in the family, I would prefer to choose my own engagement ring. As I did, or rather, as we both did. OH was there to throw in his opinion (as well as pay for it. LOL)

    I spent yesterday baking some meals for Dau#2. The gr-chn are staying with her during the week as she is close to their schools. Some pre-cooked food may save the day when she gets home tired from work. This afternoon I will go and stay with the teens at their home so they can "veg out’ in their own rooms. I’ve packed a pile of books and my knitting. Dau has a concert on Sunday (she plays clarinet in community band), so I shall return the darlings to her care after that. There are left-over meals in freezer for OH - if he remembers to defrost them! I’ll catch you all next Monday if I am still sane. Have a great weekend.

    Brain teasers
    20,000 L U the S
    7 W of the A W
    1 W on a U
    5 R form the O S
    57 H V

    Last week’s answers
    90 D in a R A = 90 Degrees in a Right Angle
    200 D for P G in M = 200 Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly
    5 G R = 5 Gold Rings  . . . [yes it was Christmassy]
    3 B M (S H T R)= 3 Blind Mice (See How They Run)
    4 Q in a G = 4 Quarts in a Gallon

    PS Just heard on news of some idiots who have been charged with "riding their skateboards at night" and "riding skateboards at more than 50 km an hour". They were clocked at 90 kph (that’s 56 mph) down the freeway in the Adelaide Hills. A busy road with cars, trucks, semi-trailers. Idiots.

  • Evening all: Another busy day today - and looks like tomorrow is another one.

    Liz LFW:  Re avatars, must confess I'm leaning toward a rose.   Interesting discussion re Diana's ring seems to have hit a nerve. I thought William's rationale was rather nice, but what do I know!  My OH and I didn't bother wtih one; in fact, we got married on three week's notice - after 17 years! - and I used my Mom's plain gold wedding ring until we found one we both liked (white gold with traditional but simple Gaelic design). 

    Re talk about low-profile weddings in such a bad economy, was just wondering if Gretna Green still has the same attraction it did when I was growing up (running away to GG always sounded so romantically reckless!) 

    Lindybird: Hate to see useful stuff go to the dump - maybe see if one of the charities can pick it up?  When no-one wants to pay for our rejects, we advertise them in the "free" section of craigslist. Put our old turntable on their and had two young people eager to take it (along with LPs, which we also advertised).    We have a wonderful store here called Trader Joe's which gives daily samples of their products: Last week it was truly delicious Pumpkin Ice Cream with ginger snaps!  Yum!  Was there today and successfully managed to avoid buying any, although did taste their butternut squash with cranberry sauce samples.  Re films the first half of the last Harry Potter movie is opening in the U.S. tonight, with long lines of diehard fans forecast....

    SheilaFE: Did Charles really say "whatever that means"??  What a hoot!

    patriciat: Good uck with the dog agility league on Saturday.  My daughter and I were planning to go to the horse trials Saturday, but now they're forecasting periods of heavy rain for the weekend.

    AQ: Have fun with the kiddies.

    Off to topple into bed again. Night all.

  • Re Gretna Green weddings Annette, I have not heard of anyone doing that in a long time. There seem to be lots of people going for the novelty of getting married abroad  these days and also having a ceremony/celebration at home. Must cost an absolute fortune!

    Yes Charles really did say "whatever 'in love' means of course"  when he and Diana got engaged.

    Thanks for the quiz AQ, think I have them all now. Enjoy your weekend!

  • Re Gretna Green weddings they had a bumper day...10.10.10....and as that was reported in the Scottish Daily mail I must assume it is correct...maybe. It was a Sunday they do not normally carry out weddings on a Sunday but they did this year. Financialy rewarding I should think.

    My youngest says she can go one better in Olympic year as she will have her birthday on 20.12.2012.

  • Morning, All.   Very fuzzy and misty out there, this morning.  Damp, too.   Brrr!

    Had a phone call a few minutes ago, and my heart leaped - the Baby!!!    but it was an efficient sounding woman, saying they now had my new stove & could they deliver it on Tuesday, please?  Naturally I said yes but of course as soon as I put the phone down had huge doubts about fitting in babies & stoves into the schedule - Sweetpea is due on Monday, officially, and anything but anything could happen in the next few days, as you know! -- watch this space for my dramas!!

    AQ :  Thanks for solutions to the quiz - never thought of Monopoly for No.2  so grrr!!

    Annette:   Yes, Charles did really say "whatever that means", and every woman in the country sharply drew in her breath - but we did not know, then, that it was a clue as to how the next years were going to play out.  Poor Diana was so in love with him, but he was just doing his duty to provide an heir, I think.  Gretna Green still has a fascination for folks, and you can get married there quite easily, lots of people do.

    Our Youngest, (who is the father- to-be at present)  was very brave and chose his own engagement ring, which he produced when proposing together with flowers and champagne in, I am told, a most romanitic way!   It has three stones in a row, which I told my d.in. law stands for "I loved you then, I love you now, and  I will always love you"   Aaaaah!  - she loves it, incidentally.

    Looking forward to fun and frolics tonight on the 'Children in Need'  night which is a h u g e fundraising affair for us Brits.