Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 November 2020


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, and joyful week! Peace and comfort to all who are facing adversity. 

Be sure to check back to last week's thread to read Lindy's wonderful poem and other posts!

Stay strong, friends!

Florida Sunrise 
Photo labeled "public domain" (copyright free)

  • OG - my OH had progressive hearing loss from his mid sixties. When I was sorting out files I found a letter he had written to a hearing aid company in Aberdeen at about that time. I had to laugh, he wrote that his family had told him that he was becoming deaf !
  • Woke up this morning; checked e-mail. Something 'especially for YOU' from Costco: Wrinkle cream, brown spot remover; eye cream...... Oh. So that's how you feel about me!
  • Annette - Your day can only get better after that rude awakening!

    Dull all day here, but still mild. Went to Wakehurst Place and had a lovely walk. Not a lot of autumn colour left, but we stood and watched some wonderful birds feeding - pheasants in all their glorious plumage, more nuthatches than I've ever seen, blackcaps, chaffinches, greenfinches, bluetits, coal tits, great tits and many others. We found a lovely 'scenic' bench for lunch - and a robin came and sat on the bench with us! What a treat that was. Don't think he would have enjoyed my cheese and grapes, and my friend had just taken the last mouthful of her Marmite sandwich, so we had nothing for him, but he still sat with us for some moments before flying away - probably in disgust! 'Here I am, come specially to see you - and you offer me nothing!' Sorry, Robbie - next time we'll have to have something special for you.
  • ANNETTE - not really worth waking up for that one!

    PAT - sounds a good visit to Wakehurst Place. I know I have been there, but can't remember which it was as we visited so many gardens down there. I think we were with my Auntie when we went, and ... was it the one with the seed collection? Wonderful for you to see such a mix of birds - but poor Robin!

    Man came to measure kitchen - he thought I had been very industrious drawing any sort of plan, apparently many people don't.. He had some suggestions for us and answered most of our questions. Next step will be his scale drawings, then OH will visit the company again to look at colours etc. We have almost definitely decided on quartz worktops, so dread to forecast the likely cost!

    Had a lovely email back from GD#2. She managed to be back home before a regional lockdown, and due to the possible student arrangements for Christmas she may not go back to York till after Christmas. She has some distance learning coming up, and has two assignments to write. She sends lovely notes by email or in lovely handwriting, but I really should write to her big sister some time!
  •  Another lovely pic from OH.  This was taken from The Kessock Bridge a couple of days ago

  • OG - Yes, Wakehurst has the Seed Bank. It's actually owned and run by Kew, although National Trust members can get in free. If you take a car, it's extortionate unless you are a member of Wakehurst itself. Which I'm not, so I go with friends who are so we get free parking.
  • Lynette, you seem to have quite a mouse population there.

    Pat: love your description of your outing, and all the birds. I remember seeing an item about the Seed Bank on TV once.

    OG: At least you are now off on the road to the new kitchen, having made a start. Now you can look forward to the finished room, later on.

    Beautiful photograph, Dibnlib!!
  • It was dry this morning, so we both worked in the garden, pruning, raking leaves, moving plants, and putting fuchsias on one side to go to overwinter in the greenhouse at the allotment. Afterwards we had lunch and looked out of the window - after nearly two hours of our working, the garden looked much the same!!

  • Today my camera had planned an outing but the sky is dull and grey. Showers have been forecast. I have postponed until tomorrow. Instead <sigh> I could finish the vacuuming.
  • Just a thought

    The two most important days in your life are the day you’re born and the day you find out why. (Mark Twain)