Weekly Chat, Sunday, October 24, 2010

It is that time for a new thread again. We continue from  Weekly Chat, Sunday, October 17, 2010 Last week had so many fascinating topics I am not sure what should be carried forward.

It was such an eclectic mix, my  memory is of birthdays, bears, steam engines, hedgehogs, hummingbirds, osprey pictures, computers,  relativity, quantum mechanics and cats of  all types. No doubt it will be repeated in the week to come.

Oh I forgot. Outlaws and inlaws! :)


  • wow, what fascinating chat:) I can't hope to comment on all of it but enjoyed catching up

    Margobird, sorry to hear the time you and OH are having. Not good at all.

    Enjoyed all the pictures and graphics. Must have a go at getting a moving graphic. I see Auntie has mastered it:)

  • Morning all: Just back from nice walk before have to plant myself in the courtroom for the afternoon.

    Auntie: I'm completely biased, but only on the "best" issues!  :-)

    OG: Maybe George should join your OH in that interview about bad IP service!   Maybe you can hover in the background....

    Tiger: Oh dear, wonder if Paul the octopus had an inkling.....?

    Diane: Looks like you guys still have some bumpy weather ahead.  Do you have a cellar to go down to in case one approaches? 

    Margo: Please give OH big hug from all of us (assume I'm not being too presumptive here) for his rotten day. And pouring with rain too!  How dismal. He'll be glad to get home.

    In the meantime, sun is out with nice warm breeze; more rain forecast for Friday though....  Off I go, take care all!

  • Hi Annette I will certainly give OH a big hug from you all.  Have spoken with him several times and he is bearing up but I don't think the pouring rain is helping much.  He will be home at about 11.00 tonight and I am guessing he will be absolutely shattered.  He has to go back to work tomorrow and says he will be OK to do this.  His friend is now at peace together with a baby son that he and his wife lost just after it ws born, so today has been very poignant in many ways.


  • Good evening ChloeB thanks for the link to the countdown clock.  Now 149 days and counting, can't wait.


  • Hi Diane so relieved to see you here and that you and Dad are safe.  Must have been terribly nerve wracking for both of you.  I am not suprised you felt like taking a nap.


  • Annette, hope you're still managing to avoid that 3 week trial!

    Margobird, your poor OH. What a day. And that couple, what tragedies they've had to bare.

  • Evening Gary it has been a very sad day for that family.  OH has been friends since school days and always kept in touch with each other.  His sister said at last the little boy as with his Daddy.


  • Evening Margobird. I feel so sad for the family. Hope your OH gets home safe and sound

  • it looks like phoebe's nest is nearly finished

  • Evening all:    Boo hiss.  Managed to get seated on the jury!  So will be there 9-4:30 (except Tuesday mornings) until approx. November 17.  How am I supposed to get to the gym and take care of important things like - um - um - y'know? - all those important things that fill up our days, like checking on Phoebe, following the escapades of you guys, etc!  Oh well.  At least I wasn't guilty of making incredibly feeble excuses (like some potential jurists) about why I couldn't serve.  I will tell you all about it when it's done; as of now, can't talk about it.  So many people flaked out (after two days of questioning, etc.)  that we ended up with just 12 jurors and 1 alternate (to serve in case one of us has an emergency). They could've continued jury selection another day but they really wanted to get going, so the judge sent us home admonishing us to please, avoid skateboarding or skydiving until after the trial!  He's quite a character.

    In the meantime, took laptop in and now have to squeeze in moments on OH's computer!  Mine should be fixed/replaced in two weeks. Probably good timing in the greater scheme of things.

    Margo: Oh dear, sounds like that young family has had more than its share of heartbreak. How sad. I'm sure your OH appreciates your thoughtfulness regarding his trip.  Poor guy.

    Will sneak in again in the morning before I zoom off to court; in the meantime, take care.