I hope everyone has a good week. Take joy and peace where you can find it.
Stay strong, friends!
I've usually enjoyed handing out candies - the little kids are so sweet and excited and most say thank you (and if they forget, lurking parent or I remind them). Older kids (12-15?) are usually hyped up but not aggressive or bothersome (no money demands for sure!). Still, in non-Covid times, more schools host family events on premises with an eye to reducing street action.
AQ: I like the sound of your lady doc and the speed at which things are happening.
Off to Tai Chi and modest workout at the Y, where things are strictly controlled. I was one of only two people in the weight-equipment room earlier this week. Meanwhile, lots of guys busy in the now-outside free weight area....
Oh, - and one more dead rat last evening! Nothing overnight and no telltale signs of anything either....
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home