The Mystery of The Missing Egg

The first osprey streaming webcam was the DPOF  one in 2003.

I started watching in June 2004 and life was forever different.

One of the most fascinating things which ever happened was the "mystery of the missing egg" in 2006.

Betty the female osprey laid eggs as follows:

1. April 14

2. April 17

3. April 20

4. April 23

Now on 1st May 2006 at 6.35am EST a very odd thing happened. Suddenly for no apparent reason Betty lifted one of the eggs and dropped it out of the nest.  See this at    egg destroyed

At about 1 minute 10 seconds of the video the egg is seen to  fall outside the nest on the right.

Now this started off a great mystery as to which egg she destroyed and why she did so. I am not sure we ever got to answer for why she did so but by a variety techniques I think we eventually worked out which egg was dumped.

The 2006 season at DPOF was the most gripping ever in my experience in no small part to one of the eggs  being dumped.

I hope to show over some time the evidence which allowed us to identify the missing egg and why it has such amazing consequences.



  • Hello all,

    Just arrived here from Tiger's 'gender debate' links. What a fascinating season that must have been, and well described textually and visually by Tiger and ChloeB. I'm really sorry to have missed it all now! I didn't realise that Dennis Puleston had such an important impact on ospreys across the Pond, and how revolutionary the DPOF project was. I'll be returning to that site now to look at the archives.

    One problem though: I seem unable to sign the guestbook. It keeps complaining that I failed the anti-spam (i.e. CAPTCHA) test, despite having entered the correct word on several attempts. Is this a known issue?

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein

  • TtB   It has never been an issue before but it is now as I cannot sign the guest book either. I will ask on the main board.

    Glad you enjoyed reading the story. Yes 2006 was a very gripping year.

  • So pleased you enjoyed it Robert the Bruce. Yes it really was an amazing season.

  • Clap clap clap  .......  I've enjoyed it very belatedly too . How clever of you both Tiger and Chloe. You tell a ripping yarn Tiger .  But glad you told us where to look for the  egg falling in the first video . I had to watch it twice just to be certain I had seen the egg fall !

    What a firery little ''Garten''  youngest turned out to be .... ha ha

    Thank you

  • Unknown said:

    Clap clap clap  .......  I've enjoyed it very belatedly too . How clever of you both Tiger and Chloe. You tell a ripping yarn Tiger .  But glad you told us where to look for the  egg falling in the first video . I had to watch it twice just to be certain I had seen the egg fall !

    What a firery little ''Garten''  youngest turned out to be .... ha ha

    Thank you

    I think it is the other way around. What a fiery little "Flag" Garten turned out to be. Mind you Flag would have killed to be as well fed as Garten

  • Mmmmmmm. Hope we have another trouble free nest this year.