Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 October 2020

  • SunnyKate - I got hooked on Jigsaw Planet at the start of lockdown, and worked my way through most of them. I tried one 'rotation' puzzle and got sooooo frustrated, I didn't do any more. Perhaps I should go back and try again. I now have a 'real' jigsaw which someone lent me. It looks really difficult and the box has been sitting on the table for about six weeks. Must start it soon ... but it's a bit intimidating.

    The weather looks good out there, and the colours are very sharp against an almost cloudless blue sky. So a friend and I are off to Hever Castle shortly. Looking forward to seeing the autumn colours there, and comparing them with Sheffield Park.
  • @ Pat

    Do go back, as there are thousands ( read somewhere it said millions) on the site, and new added weekly,

    I love some of the Harbour ones as they are challenging, with all the boats etc ( especially when done on rotation selection.with largest number) I often think " I cant do this one anymore"but save it and choose another , coming back later and to date have always, finished.

    Hope you will enjoy the one in the box......

  • LINDY What a beautiful jigsaw. I looked it up and can't buy it at the moment, more is the pity.
  • Dibnlib: I think I only paid about £3 for it.... It has ever changing effects, the owl, for instance, flies downwards, and there is a stag in the centre who appears, then walks off and then disappears. I have just put about a dozen of the "easy" pieces in starting with the red flowers. My OH said "put it away and do something else" as he couldn't get to grips with it. We'll see.

    Fought with all the stuff stored under the stairs, and then found my stash of Chr. cards left over from last year so that I could see how many were needed: ordered some plus calendars from the RSPB site, as they're doing 20% off, if you order early. Also sent for some educational charts for the grandchildren on garden birds and butterflies.
  • My OH has cleaned and painted the shelf over the radiator in the hallway, as it had got rather shabby through plenty of use, as it's the place to throw everything when you come home.

    We had a lot of rain this morning but it's dried up now and the sky is clearing.
  • Missed a couple of days while busy on the magazine - it was going well so I didn't want to stop. Most of it is ready now, even a difficult obituary.

    J got on well at the optician. My leg is still good - the sore , I mean, don't ask about the pains. Feet are now more deformed than ever before and walking is very painful on my heels.

    OH has gone to look at the kitchen showroom this afternoon, so that first step makes it feel like it will happen! He also wants to pick up a bag of compost at the garden centre on his way home to finish the last three containers of bulbs. Sunshine here right now - really pleasant for a part of each day.

    Slept better last night after the very bad previous night - awake every hour - but found it very difficult to wake up and get up this morning. Breakfast was blueberries and pancakes, but again I couldn't face them - don't know what has happened - used to love them but now can hardly bear to look at them! I put peanut butter on my pancakes instead and ate a banana with them.

    You can probably tell, I am not functioning properly, so I think I'll give up trying. Now got to try to assimilate the five-level plan by our leader!
  • Good to hear from you, OG. I was hoping that it was just that you've been busy. Well done on your sterling work on the magazine - I hope it's appreciated!! Good also that your poorly leg is healing.

    I think I know what you mean about changing your mind on foods - I don't know if it's an age thing, but I seem to have changing tastes, now, too. You also sound tired - I think a lot of us are weary with the constant drip of "bad news" and I read somewhere that it's a natural reaction to the situation at the moment. I keep falling asleep in the afternoons, which is frustrating as I want to get things done. Hope you pick up soon.

    My OH made some turkey soup for lunch! I thawed out some turkey stock which would have been made last Easter, when we roasted the last of the Chr. turkey, and my OH didn't want to waste anything! I haven't told him that we still have one more packet of stock left - We'd better eat it before December! On my To Do List for today is to order this year's bird!!
  • OG I am so very sorry that you are in such pain and discomfort.
  • Hever was lovely. Super autumn colours and two hours without rain, so we walked round the lake and up to the very top path towards the rather wild garden at the end - we had seen a glimpse from the road as we drove in and it looked beautiful. But half-way along the heavens opened so we turned and high-tailed it back to the car. As we drove out, the sun shone brightly ... grrrr!!! We promised we will do that bit first next year.

    I will go back and look at Jigsaw Planet again, SunnyKate. I know I haven't investigated all of them. I might still keep away from the rotational ones, though - having more respect for my frustration levels!.
  • LINDY I did have one jigsaw I gave to a charity shop without completing. I hope the next owner managed.