Weekly Chat, Sunday October 10, 2010

In the absence of Annette it falls to me to start the new weekly thread.  Continuing from  Weeky Chat, Sunday 3rd October 2010

 I hope you all have a great week and no doubt we should welcome back Annette before the end of it. Hopefully the other holidaymakers will reappear too. It is so hard to keep track of but if memory serves me right both OG and Alicat are also on holiday.  A birthday coming up on Saturday (16th)  too :)


  • Hazel b said:

    In the absence of Annette it falls to me to start the new weekly thread.  Continuing from  Weeky Chat, Sunday 3rd October 2010

     I hope you all have a great week and no doubt we should welcome back Annette before the end of it. Hopefully the other holidaymakers will reappear too. It is so hard to keep track of but if memory serves me right both OG and Alicat are also on holiday.  A birthday coming up on Saturday (16th)  too :)


    Hi Tiger birthday on 16th but not on holiday had a day out near york NOT joking but i went to a place were you can fish and im not  joking but i  saw an OSPREY it was a juv i got some pictures of it not very close had a good view really close with bins but camera hasn't got a big zoom i will see if i can zoom them once i put them on computer will post them tomorrow

  • Evening all - late signing in.

    Thanks Tiger for starting up the week.. Thanks to you all for your news and pics.

    Chloe B - pics of your kittens - so adorable - and then later pics of them now, they are a lovely pair.

    Lindybird - love the pics of the farmland at the back of your house - what a nice outlook you have.  Jodrell Bank I believe celebrated their 50th anniversary about 3 years back.   Glad to see Sir Bernard is still with us, 97 - what a grand age - he shares the same birthday as my mum who is now 91.

    Alan - glad you enjoyed the WCC and the pics are great.

    Alicat - fancy spotting an osprey whilst you were out, must have been a real surprise.

    George b - lovely pic of the surrounding countryside up there.

    It has been an absolutely fab day down here - cloudless blue skies right through the day but don't know how long it will last.   Did absolutely nothing today, just chilled, apart from cooking dinner. House seems very quiet now that daughter is away on holiday for a week. Have to get down to the housework tomorrow, but that's another day.

  • Sorry Terry M, getting mixed up with your kittens which are adorable and Chloe B's pic of her cats.

  • Hi Lynette we went to an rspb reserve yesterday while we were there someone mentioned seeing an osprey we asked him were told us but didn't know if it was true or a wind up, as we parked up and got out of the car it flew over head just had enough time to get bins on it before it flew off we sat around for a bit then it came back i then got some shots of it not really close be might be able to zoom them on computer once i get them uploaded which i will have ago at tomorrow

  • Hi everyone.

    What fun you have had on here today with conkers, nuts, mushrooms, etc.  We have a ring of various mushrooms growing on our back lawn at the moment  - shows how wet its been - but wouldn't risk eating any of them. Thanks for starting off the new thread Tiger and for putting the record straight on Lady Marge's age.  I don't really mind whether she is a record-breaker in terms of her age as in my eyes she is such an exceptional female osprey having recovered so remarkably from her illness this year and successfully rearing two more juvenile ospreys with her new mate.

    So delighted that you have had such good weather down south.  Steed and I had planned to go hillwalking up Schiehallion today but there was too much cloud cover and we wouldn't have seen much if anything from the top so that was abandoned in favour of the monthly Harley Owners Group (HOG) meeting in Fife.  Goodness it was a very long meeting and I must confess I was more than a tad bored after an hour and the meeting lasted nearly two hours!  Stopped off for tea and a scone on the way home - refreshments weren't great but we are lucky to have such fun biking friends that we always have laugh with them wherever we go. Great to read all your posts and see your pix.  Take care.  Emma

  • hi not very good but have done the osprey shot

  • Alicat, fantastic you saw the osprey and the pictures prove it! Great stuff. 

    Lynette, how nice to have a relaxing day.

    Emma, glad you had a good laugh. I'm interested what you discuss at the monthly HOG?

    Happy Monday everyone. Our horses have a visit from the dentist planned. That's always fun..


    Linda & Brenda - I am fascinated by old settlers’ huts. Just imagine what it was like for the poor women trying to rear children in such primitive conditions. At least this family would have had neighbours fairly close, but way up north, neighbours would have been many miles away.

    Hey Tiger, those pics weren’t "Outback’, just a mere 40 miles as "the crow flies" from Adelaide!!! It was still drought then though.

    Margobird - I shall get in early so I don’t miss you - Have a great farm visit.

    Linda - Lucky you with such a room with a view. And changing through the seasons.

    Today’s temp was expected 28 C but it reached 31 C with a nasty north wind. I am melting and it’s not even summer yet. Time now 5.25 pm Monday.

    Latest Jasper bulletin: The good news is that he is no longer intent on disappearing over the fence. The bad news is that he has discovered a blackbird nest (with egg) in the abelia. I became suspicious when he kept trying to invade the abelia from every direction. Mr & Mrs B alarm call whenever Jasper appears. They don’t when it is I alone. Smart birds. We watch Jasper very carefully.

  • Monday all! Still very beautiful autumn weather here, sun has shone on daily basis. Yesterday the first snow came to Lapland but of course it didn’t stay yet. Yesterday winds started to blow from north so temps turned a bit chillier here too, today it is +4C but ‘cause the northerly wind it feels like -1C. So going definitely to a opposite direction with temperatures compared to AQ, to whom I wish good luck with taming Jasper‘s hunting urges…. My life has been busy and boring work-home-work-home, so a bit dull and no news to tell LOL. Thanks for everyone for entertaining chat and lovely pics and to Tiger for starting this new Weekly. Wonderful to see Alan again. Love those field pictures, Lindy and it must've been wonderful to feel sweet-pea's movements. How smart you are Brenda winning another quiz again, well done! And how adorable kittens Terry. Brilliant montage of your bunch of feline friends Chloe! Hope Gary has loads of fun at Lida’s and Clover’s dental appointment. Hope each and everyone has a nice Monday and do take care

  • Morning, Everyone,  & a Happy Monday.  Sunny here again but will not be as warm as yesterday, which was almost like a summers day.  (got lots done in the garden, hooray!)

    Lovely pics of your adorable cats, Chloe, and also enjoyed Alan's pics of the warriors at the World Conker Champs.  Amazing that Alicat managed to see & snap an osprey in York!  What a thrill for you!

    I have a  h u g e   'To Do'   List this week, so will get off & start on it soon, meanwhile here is this week's Monday Smile:







    --- hope I've not repeated any, but I am in a hurry now!  Have a Good Day/Week!