Weekly Chat, Sunday October 10, 2010

In the absence of Annette it falls to me to start the new weekly thread.  Continuing from  Weeky Chat, Sunday 3rd October 2010

 I hope you all have a great week and no doubt we should welcome back Annette before the end of it. Hopefully the other holidaymakers will reappear too. It is so hard to keep track of but if memory serves me right both OG and Alicat are also on holiday.  A birthday coming up on Saturday (16th)  too :)


  • i took this in my garden yesterday before we went to see the osprey i think it is a brambling

  • Hazel b said:

    Lindybird  I love your Monday smile as always. That top picture reminds me of life as a child when we used to sit on the top of loads, indeed beg to be given the chance.

    AQ   Oh it shows how little I know about the Australian outback. However your picture of the settlers hut reminded me of when I was growing up.

    The house I was born in.

    My very first school classroom.

    The outside of the school


    All pictures taken on Monday 21st September 2009

    I have many good memories of both places. I started to walk to school about a mile from home at the age of five. I only ever had other children all less than eleven years of age for company.

    First task of the morning at school was to try and get the coal burning stove lighted. In retrospect it was very educational.

    Alan   I do not think I have ever had such good reports of the World Conker Championships. I remember at this time of year it was normal to ask a school friend how many his cokner was the king of before engaging in battle.

    I once had a particularly hard conker. However during a battle the string broke and somehow when the conker was recovered someone had "accidently" trod on it!

    Emma  Yes there will be much anticipation of Marge's return in March 2011.


    "I once had a particularly hard conker."

    Oh, really?? :))

    "However during a battle the string broke and somehow when the conker was recovered someone had "accidently" trod on it!"

    LOL oops, sorry! :) Awww you poor little mite :)

    Enjoyed the pics Tiger. I didn't have as far to walk to school but remember walking there from a very early age. There were always a group of us though. The small village school I went to had three classrooms: infants, juniors and seniors which had previously been the source of pupils' entire primary and secondary education.

    Enjoyed your pics too Alan, thanks.

    Thanks Lindybird for the Monday smiles and well spotted Alicat, great you got a pic of the osprey!

  • Good morning Lindybird love the view you have across the fields and also lovely pics of ChloeB and your amaryllis.


  • Good morning Alan so nice to see a post from you.  Love the pics from the Conker Championships compelte with commentary.  So pleased you had a good day.


  • Good morning Brenda H  doing my usual Monday morning catch up as I didn't log in yesterday.  Well done on your win at quiz night and very impressive that you are still unbeaten.  Hope you had a good lunch yesterday.


  • Good morning ALICAT and I am so envious.  You must have been thrilled to see that osprey and well done for capturing pics.  If it had been me who had seen it I would have been shouting my head off for all to have a look.  If I get to LG next year as a volunteer my reactions to seeing an osprey live will be full of emotion and wonder.


  • Good monring HeatherB I am sure you regain control of the "plot" but it must have been so exciting for you over the past week with your SiL being home. Will keep my fingers crossed that your card will arrive on time.  Where will SiL be posted next? 


    Mty challenge this winter will be to learn how to take pictures of the webcams.  Off to my farm holiday Saturday next with a friend who is going to try and teach me how to do it.  My friend is registered blind and with the little sight she has manages to take far better photos than I can.  She is always sending me pictures she has captured from webcams and I will be thrilled to bits if she can teach me how to do it in readiness for LG next year.  I admire her so much because of rhe way she deals with her disability.  I have pretty poor vision but it is much more than she has and she also has a lot of patience which she will definitely need as I am a bit slow on the uptake at times.


    Have a good day.


  • Good morning   aquilareen  pleased that Jasper is no longer disappearing over the fence and I guess you are keeping a very watchful eye on the blackbird nest.  I am convinced that most of the times birds are pretty clever and nearly always aware of a cat.  Sounds really hot for you at the moment and as you say not even summer yet. 




  • Morning again Lindybirtd  and I love logging in on a Monday when the Smile is there.  Going to miss it when you are away.


    How lovely to have felt "Sweet Pea's" movement.  Not much longer to wait now and how you must be looking forward to it.


    We had a glorious day yesterday, it felt like summer with temperature in our back garden getting up to 70 degrees.  Spent nearly all day in the garden, OH mowed all the lawns and lots of weeding and pruning done.  Have to say how amazed I am at our grass you would never know it looked like straw a few weeks ago.  Hoping to get one more mow done before winter sets in.  Nice day again but the chilly wind they were forecasting has arrived so not out there in just a teeshirt doing my bird thing this morning, heeded a fleece and socks on my feet.  Not complaining though have a line of washing out (white) which I hope will come in later unmarked.


    Hope you make good progress with "To Do" list and have a good day.


  • Lovely pic of the goldfinch Alan.  I wish they would visit my garden.
