WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 4, 2020

Hallo all.   Don't fail to check back and see Lindybird's lovely pix of Anglesey.

Rosy:  That's a tough one; maybe suggest she not commit to do all the work until the leaves and rubbish are gone and she can see what she's up against.....  Good luck.

Wrote my last batch of letters to prospective voters - this time in Kansas.  Have been following the headlines, but as usual with this White House, it's impossible to know what's what.a

It's my daughter's 60th today.  We tend to celebrate both sides of birthdays, so she's been the recipient of several days of treats, flowers, gifts with more to come (most noticeably the recliner which has yet to arrive).  I was really hoping to be there for her birthday but the new windows were scheduled to be installed in the AZ house this coming week so we decided I'd come early for them.  But now they've been delayed a week thanks to Covid (we hope that's all!) so I'm now planning to go a week later. 

Take care everyone.

  • Heather, I can see that you are short of time with the family, too. Its hard. Rang our Youngest for chat about what is to happen, and the whole idea of our popping down to see them has now been shelved. I'm going to have to have birthday presents sent to them direct from the suppliers, plus my own parcel made up of little things I have ready.

    He was stirring pasta on the stove as we spoke, and said that little Rosie was staring at the phone in wonder to hear another voice coming out of it, so I was able to talk to her for a minute, and he gave her a big kiss from me.

    Things do seem rather up in the air, nationally. There does not seem to be an end in sight of the various measures being taken to try and contain things, as Heather says. It only puts off the evil day when it will all get really bad again, but I supposed we have to think of the health workers being overwhelmed or burnt out, and try to do as we are told. Us oldies don't have much choice in the matter but to be careful, anyway! Not unless your name is Trump, apparently.....
  • Stressed! Hope I shall feel like conversation tomorrow! Forgive me.
  • Afternoon all:  Got updated instructions from bookcase people today that differed from those that came with the package and still don't allow the front casters to rotate fully..  So I threw caution to the wind and made my own adjustment and now have a working bookcase, but I do have to say that Ikea (where I bought a chair last month) does the best job on guiding people through assembly (with no words; just pictures, so no language issues either!).

    OG: Sorry you're stressed; hope tomorrow is better.  I had a meltdown yesterday over a couple of things, which wasn't helped by the VP debate (more civil than the Trump/Biden fiasco) but still.....   Our VP, Mr. P.  was described by one commentator as having 'a breathy earnestness while saying nothing."   Another likened him to "an unseasoned potato salad,"  which made me laugh - so true!  I do like our VP candidate Kamala Harris - a smart woman.

    Lindybird:  Can you Facetime with Rosie so she can connect the voice to the face?  It's a shame that you guys are having to curtail even 'careful' family visits....

    No sun today so a good day to do indoor stuff.  I'm hoping to find a good thriller on the TV to while I put my books away.  :-)

  • Finally found time to post my Minsmere photos from yesterday afternoon.  If you click on Mr Mallard here, you'll see the rest:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Beautiful pictures Clare.

    I have busy today doing nothing much. A pesky moth attacked one of my knitted blankets I was storing before taking them to the Cancer Research shop. It took me a couple of hours to repair. At least I learned how to graft knitted stitches. I hope I do not need to use the technique again, though.

    This afternoon, I was asked to go to a new solicitor with a fellow committee member for our block of flats.
    We needed to take our ID to register with them. I am sure there is a proper term for this, but I do not know what it is.
    Fortunately, it was within walking distance and it wasn't raining at the time.

    Thanks to all for news. Sad that we cannot see our families as much as we would like to.

    Sorry you are stressed OG. I hope you feel like communicating tomorrow.

    Well done for the DIY Annette. I prefer words to pictures. I find it difficult to follow pictures. Just my brain (or lack of it) I suppose.
  • Unknown said:
    Stressed! Hope I shall feel like conversation tomorrow! Forgive me.

    Sorry you've probably had a bad day, OG. Hugs from here....

  • No, LINDA & HEATHER, I wasn’t tired after The Visit. I felt quite refreshed.

    OG - {{HUGS}} to counter your stress.

    ANNETTE – I was out & missed the “unseasoned potato salad” fest; only caught snippets on our evening news.

    CLARE – Brilliant pics.

    Alas lunch was a disappointment. We chose the cafe for its convenient location. I had been looking forward to a salad roll, one not of my making and with lots different ingredients. That cafe doesn’t have rolls or sandwiches. Only pies or sweet stuff. There was a 90 min limit on car parking so clock watching necessary and we barely had time to offload our winges.

  • Just a thought

    Write it. Shoot it. Publish it. Crochet it, sauté it, whatever. MAKE. (Joss Whedon)

  • For everyone, but OG in particular at the moment.