WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 4, 2020

Hallo all.   Don't fail to check back and see Lindybird's lovely pix of Anglesey.

Rosy:  That's a tough one; maybe suggest she not commit to do all the work until the leaves and rubbish are gone and she can see what she's up against.....  Good luck.

Wrote my last batch of letters to prospective voters - this time in Kansas.  Have been following the headlines, but as usual with this White House, it's impossible to know what's what.a

It's my daughter's 60th today.  We tend to celebrate both sides of birthdays, so she's been the recipient of several days of treats, flowers, gifts with more to come (most noticeably the recliner which has yet to arrive).  I was really hoping to be there for her birthday but the new windows were scheduled to be installed in the AZ house this coming week so we decided I'd come early for them.  But now they've been delayed a week thanks to Covid (we hope that's all!) so I'm now planning to go a week later. 

Take care everyone.

  • ANNETTE – Thank you for starting us off. I wonder what surprises this week will bring? A Dau aged 60? – you must been a very young mother. Conflicting reports re health. How many mask-less people have caught the virus by following his lead?  I wonder how this year will be summarized in history books.

    OG – Spring is definitely here, with occasional “summer” days. Prunus blossom has been out for weeks. Our crab apple is covered in shades of pink and humming with bees. My bulbs are taking turns; the spring stars, bluebells & irises have finished; the Arabian Stars, Queen Fabiolas & ranuculi have taken over. The Scillia are lurking. Most of the iris are white and I have tied red wool around the remaining 4 blue iris scattered across the garden, so I can find them when the leaves die back to retrieve, separate & replant.

    LINDA – More travel pics, thank you. Last night I watched a chap walking old railways of Norfolk then an Escape to Country – Cheshire. I decided to note the place names and I shall visit them via Google. Tarpoley, Wettonhall, Warmingham, Frodsham. Will that ease my angst at no bus trips? I doubt it.

    Numbers were down at church this morn. A combination of families travelling away for long weekend (Labour Day holiday) & school holidays, as well as the beginning of daylight saving.

    Hello to EVERYONE posting & lurking.

    Pics of our crabapple 2 weeks ago.

  • Weather means more when you have a garden. There’s nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans. (Marcelene Cox)

    A garden feeds more than the table, it feeds the soul.

    To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. (Audrey Hepburn)

  • AQ:  If I could like your sayings more than once, I would!   I was considering planting rocks - so I'm not sure what that says about my attitude... The crabapple is so pretty.    Yes, I believe I've mentioned before that I was a very (way too) young mother.   OH and I avoided any news this evening because we couldn't bear to hear another word about you-know-who and his arrogant selfish cohorts.  Instead we watched How Writing Changed the World and The Next Pompeii, both on Nova (a science series)..    Sorry you're missing your bus trips - any other ways to satisfy your travel itch apart from watching TV?   A day trip o a train?   How's your chauffeur lady friend?  Is she up for an escape?

  • ANNETTE - Day trip on a train? In our state? What’s a train? Oh, there are some suburban commuter trains, Outer Harbor to Adelaide, Gawler to Adelaide (that’s full of vandals & bashers), Seaford to Adelaide (that’s 36 km & electric), Belair to Adelaide. It would be quicker & more convenient to drive. It’s not helping to be aware I would have been safe to go on some trips a few weeks ago but how could I know that we would only have virus cases already in quarantine. Better to be sure than sorry blah blah. Alas Chauffeur Friend is not well, nor is her OH. It sounds as if their outings are almost all medical and I don’t want to tap into their contacts.
  • Annette, thank you for starting us off. Hope your daughter manages to celebrate her birthday in these strange times. And you! - you don't look your age nor a day older than when we met...... (a joke, folks, we haven't seen each other)

    AQ - Thanks for lovely blossom pics. If you trundle around Cheshire, it's a lovely county, although it's my adopted home and not the place of my birth which was in the south, in the rolling hills of Bedfordshire. Cheshire is flatter, but has much farmland and prettiness.

    Wet here today of course, and more to come. Frustrating that we need to do some garden tidying as things are dying back. The forecast for this week is more wet stuff. 

  • AQ: I don't know whether this would interest you. I've been especially anxiety-ridden and totally unable to concentrate lately, and I've found some relief by watching the livecams at explore.org/livecams. They offer dozens now from all over the world. Mostly wildlife, birds, and scenic views. If you click on "Films" at the top of the page, you can watch lots of nature and cultural films for free. Their Zen Cams are relaxing.

    Clare: You might like the livecam of the brown bears fishing and eating in Alaska. The gulls swim right up to the bears and beg for food! Please tell Limpy hello. I meant to "speak" to him when he posted last week. 

    Lindy: I've viewed all of your photos. They were beautiful!!! I'm glad you had a good holiday and are safely home.

    Hello to all. Sorry I've been so hit-and-miss about replies.

  • I messed up that link before, but I fixed it. Try again if it didn't work.
  • ANNETTE: Thanks for starting the thread. I forgot. Sigh...
  • DIANE - WOW!!! I'll never have time for any housework now. THANK YOU!
  • Good morning, all. It's wet here, but I've just had a beautiful magpie land on the washing line which meant drips flying all over the place!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.