Evening all: Off to check previous week's posts.
Baby ospreys in Australia. See http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/fp.php?pid=8132629
Tiger Signature
Gary Rio is a beautiful dog too.
This is a picture of Opel from 30th June 2010. She is now a big. I was trying to post it earlier but the system would not let me.
Tiger, wow Opel is beautiful. I wonder if her and Rio should get together:)
Chloe, we need to see your cats now!
I know people are interested in astronomy here, I just heard about this -
" Green comet 103P/Hartley 2 is approaching Earth for a close encounter on Oct. 20th. At that time, the comet will be only 11 million miles from Earth and should be dimly visible to the naked eye from dark sky sites. It already looks great through backyard telescopes: ~
It is apparently a 'smudge' below Cassiopeia, but I sure cant see it here as it's very cloudy! Will be out with the binocs on a clear night though :-)
I do pop in and read many of your posts, and see the interesting links and photos, so thanks to everyone.
ChrisyB That news to me but I have now found a reference. See comet
Oh, that's a great reference Tiger, shows just where to find it ! All we need now is some nice clear skies...
Hmm.. .on reading up it seems that it is very faint, maybe only a telescope will do.
For anyone missing Ospreys (guess that means all of us!) here are pics of Blue BA - sole Wigtown Bay chick 2009, taken from DVD playing in the Visitor centre in Wigtown:
"ok - that's the flappy bit ..."
" ... but that looks an awful long way down!"
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, OG. Lovely to see those pictures
Hi folks, back from our trip up North. Will post a brief essay!!!!!!!!!!! of what went on, tomorrow. Just scanned through this weeks posts - so many to get through though. Picked up on a few - love the pics of Vermont, Gary, and of your two pet horses. Doggy pics are great from one or two of you. SiL visiting Vermont for a holiday sometime now I think.
Just looking at the posts briefly, there seems to be quite a variety of news flying about!! Thanks for all the updates and promise I will try and look at some more tomorrow.
Will talk again when the new week begins.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Hi Lynette and welcome back. If your SIL is in Vermont this week it should be good timing colour wise, but I haven't seen a weather forecast.