Weekly Chat, Sunday September 26, 2010

Evening all: Off to check previous week's posts.

  • gary a said:

    Hi everyone.

    Back "fresh" from my mum's visit. Only 2 weeks before the next lot of family arrive.. lol

    Just about to read back but saw the post from Heather about SIL returning tonight.  Fantastic news and let him know all of us "out here" have been worried about him and his friends, and is glad he's home:)

    Thank you so much, Gary.

  • We were ready to set off this morning when Patricia phoned – she said the weather was really grim – she couldn’t see any view from the hotel!  She and her OH advised us not to travel.  We checked weather map and agreed we should not drive up the Nith Gorge.  As she said, if we were just a few miles away it would be different, but it would have been a long way in really heavy rain and such poor visibility.  It was lovely to hear her voice, and disappointing not to meet up, but we hope to try again some time – she said the hotel is excellent and they will aim to stay there again.  I hope they get better weather when they continue to Nethy Bridge tomorrow.

    Since we weren’t going northwest, we decided to make a local trip east to Gretna Gateway shopping (jacket for him, two tops for me) and then to the Blacksmith Shop for a soup lunch, and to buy some more Dumfries and Galloway local goodies for our hosts in Derbyshire next week.  It rained most of the time, but not the real stormy stuff, which passed over Ae Forest to Moffat (as usual).

    Son phoned – his move has gone pear-shaped – previous tenant of his new flat has failed to move out and hand in keys, and landlord has now discovered immersion heater needs replacing!  He may get his keys mid-week and possibly still move on 8th, but it could be an extra week – he is ok to stay where he is until it can happen as he has paid rent on that one till end of October – with an option to move and receive a refund if he is in a position to vacate early – luckily letting agent for new is also managing agent for old, and is making sure he doesn’t have to pay until he gets keys.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG, What a shame that yours and Patricia's plans went haywire. Vagaries of the weather--- Yes, i hope that Nethybridge weather is better tomorrow. I haven't checked the forecast.

    Sorry to hear of Son's hold up re moving into new flat, thank goodness that he is able to stay where he is for the moment.

  • Enjoyed reading back and atching up with everyone's news. Sorry, but I can't comment individually but I think I know what's been going on.

    OG, sorry your plans were scuppered by the weather. and your son's move , how frustrating.

    Loved the pictures of the dogs, Tiger and Dibnlib. Our neighbours, with the goldies, are trying to get one of their's pregnant so with any luck we may have some puppies soon.

    Weather here has been very wet for a couple of days but not as bad as a lot of places around us.

  • Annette – sorry to hear about your Crazy Thursday.  I hope the skin is well under control; pleased the other Doc gave the all clear; hope you can resuscitate car battery and not have to spend on a new one – money tree again?

    Margo – sorry you are back on toilet watch – can’t something be done about the drainage?  Young Woodpigeon has been back – claims the window feeder as his own!  Seen a lot of the finches today, despite dismal weather.

    Dibnlib – haven’t seen Liz on here for ages – good to know she’s still reading – maybe if she notices this she’ll pop in from time to time?  Another lovely pic of Dillon – can’t have too many! – he does look a bit miffed by the buoy!  Great pic of Dunlins too.  Well done for finishing another essay – is that four done now?

    George – so awful about the Malta shootings – can’t understand how they get away with it.  Sensible to stay at home today, but I hope you can get out tomorrow – forecast better here, so hope that goes for you too.

    Terry – surprised you could garden at all today!  Hope you are successful volunteering for Dodd Wood next year.  Must look out old photo of us there about fifteen years ago – complete with dog!

    Tiger – lovely puppy pic!

    Heather – so good that the return of SiL has actually arrived!  Enjoy your babysitting Tuesday and Wednesday next week – and safe travel between the two.  I too hope that Alan will soon feel like chatting again – miss him. 

    Gary – more visitors soon?  Must be your year for them all to come!  Does that mean you get to do all the same sight-seeing trips again?

    Heather & Gary - Thanks for thoughts re Son’s move – not really a big problem, but he doesn’t cope well when changes happen, so he panics and phones us, even when there is nothing we can do!


    That’s all for tonight.  Tomorrow final visit to Book Festival, then finalising next week, which I will tell you about later.  Goodnight to all.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hazel b said:

    Ahhhhh. Are these cute or what? See  stunning picture.

    Awwwww Tiger they are wonderful! Especially the first one of the herons. I love 'em :)

    Lovely pic of Opal BTW

    Dibnlib - Dillon is gorgeous! I might have to retaliate and post pics of my cats at some stage :)

  • This is the Labor Day long weekend. Doesn’t make much difference to me, unpaid work takes no notice of Monday holidays. Oh woe - the Powers-That-Be have decreed that daylight saving starts this weekend. Already so soon. I do miss the quiet early mornings of warmer weather. It is starting to warm up now, expecting max 22 C today, 25 tomorrow.

    Newly weds had it wet in Berlin, cold in Prague. Today I’m jealous as they are in Vienna. Every time the phone rings Jasper gets excited and miaows loudly. No, it's not his "mum". He’s been so naughty scratching the armchairs that I have wrapped them in old sheets. Looks glamorous, no? BTW he has 2 (!!!) scratching posts.

    HeatherB - So glad your s-i-l has returned safely. I haven’t dared comment before as Aussies have had so many "mishaps" lately, that I didn’t want to jinx yours.

  • Evening all: Quick pop in before I fall into bed.  Getting ready to leave Sunday for Sierras - going to have granddaughter fly up to join her Mom and me as poor kid is so depressed right now.

    Sorry moving plans/meeting plans, etc., got messed up; hope everyone else is okay and yes, wonder how Alan and Lady P are faring.

    A few years back they changed our Daylight Savings from (2nd week in?) October to first weekend in November!! 

    Take care all.



  • OG - never far away from the weekly chat pages - usually reading 2 or 3 times a day, but keeping my head just below the parapet!!  All entries from everyone continue to be interesting and informative.

    Does anyone have any news about Caerann (Chicago Illinois) - she has been an absentee for most of this year I think.

    Glad your Son in Law back home safely HeatherB.

    Will continue to read entries quietly again!!