Weekly Chat, Sunday September 26, 2010

Evening all: Off to check previous week's posts.

  • Very late for me to be looking in. We have been helping my brother and his wife move some of their belongings to their recently purchased house. They have been living in a rented property for three months, since they sold their last house. The removal van arrives tomorrow with the bulk of their furniture and belongings, which have been in storage, so we have promised to help again.

    OG/ Patriciat, Enjoy your coffee meeting. I am sure you will have plenty to talk about.

    Heather, Just under 24 hrs before your son-in-law will be home. Your daughter and children must be so excited. Give him a hug from us as well.

    I must go to bed as I am so tired tonight and definitely don't need any Horlicks. I used to love Bournvita when I was a child.



  • Tiger – those Raymond Barlow photos: a-ma-zing!

    Brenda – is this a practice for moving daughter in a few weeks?  Very good of you to help.  Son had said he wanted to do his own thing this move, then phoned to ask if we would be available after all – had to say we shall be away then!


    Just noticed the time after browsing other threads.  Must get to bed so I can get up in the morning – want to call in at Dumfries Museum for concert tickets for carols in December!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hazel b said:

    Absolutely stunning pics Tiger. Thanks for the link.

  • Aaack: Crazy day here. Two docs appointments (dermatologist kindly blasted me with ice cold whatever so now will have lovely blotch on face for next 10 days; got all clear from other doc) , then battery on car died, but apart from that, all is well.

    Diane: Saw about the Goldilocks planet on the news this evening. I wonder why they insist on thinking that life would only evolve in conditions similar to ours? After all where do little green men come from? Mars of course and we all know what that's like!  Maybe, as Tiger, suggests (little green) ospreys would do well there, but would they have to migrate from the light to the dark side?  OK, entirely too much rubbish from me on that topic.

    OG:  Ah, no. Haven't tried drinking water after OJ. Will try it. Stay tuned.  Do say Hallo to Patricia.

    Tiger: I keep bumping into Dave's Garden. Just checked out their About Us page and see that the site is owned by a software company in El Segundo, Calif.  El Seg is part of LA; my OH used to work in that (very unglamorous) area.  Marvellous shots by Barlow - cute family too.

    Lindybird: Nice story about the whimbrel.

    Heather:  Hmm. Little birds being shot and eaten in Europe?  I eat chickens......hmmmm.  Another moral dilemma....

    Off to bed now; take care all.




  • Annette   It is always like that. You see something "new" and then it pops up all over the place. I think it is just the fact that one does see it but it only registers when you are aware of it.

  • Morning all. Back to grey wet and windy here this morning, after a beautiful day yesterday.

    Annette and Tiger, it is like that when you buy a car. Suddenly you see lots of the same car as yours on the roads.

  • Hazel b said:

    Diane  Here is your Goldilocks planet!  See http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html

    Yes, I wondered if you had seen that this morning Tiger. An interesting illustration. Will this news precipitate more UFO sightings do you think?

  • Morning Everyone:  Dull, damp, dismal and raining here!!!     Horrible start to Ocotober, which can be a beautiful month, when the leaves start to turn colour.

    Thanks to Tiger for the link to Ray Barlow - what fantastic pics he takes.  I loved the big cats, the birds of course, the scenery, the wolves....... oh, all of it!

    Have to say I'm not a vegetarian either, but think there is a huge difference between eating meat from animals/birds raised for the purpose and shooting out of the sky little migrating birds which may nearly be extinct.

    I used to have Bournvita, too,  Brenda!  - wonder what happened to it???

  • Good morning all and a dreadful day here in Poole, very high winds and torrential rain so guess what I am on toilet watch again.  So far everything fine but this is forecast to continue until later today so will be on tenterhooks all day.  OH had to go to Essex  this morning on business and left here at 5.45 to drive up to Farnbrough where he catches a train to do the rest of the journey.  He then comes back to London after lunch for another appointment and finally will drive home from Farnborough later on this evening.  Get really worried when he is driving in this weather.  He is an excellent driver but it is others that cause problems.  Phoned me to say the journey up took ages due to the weather conditions but at least I know he is safe.  He is going to be absolutely shattered when he does arrive home after such a long day.


    Trying to keep the birds satisfied with food and the sparrows are still making me smile chirping away in the tree.  Can't see them but they are in full voice again.


    Lindybird I just googled Bournevita and you can still get but looks as though it is only on-line.  Used to drink that myself a long time ago.  Going back even further I used to have Ovaltine as a child and belonged to the Ovaltineys Club so every Sunday at 6..00 would listen the programme on Radio Luxembourg where the reception was always awful so when they did the coded message I used to miss most of it with all the crackling and whistling going on.  Now that really dates me.


    Annette  that cold ice treatment really stung when I some suspicious areas removed from my forehead and it does leave you with a a blotch for a while.  Pleased you got the OK from other doctor.  Cars never stop costing money do they.  My Dad always said when you have a car you always have your hand in your pocket for cash to keep it running.

    Tiger thanks for the link to those stunning photographs.


    Hope all  have a good day although I suspect most have rain today.
