Weekly Chat, Sunday September 26, 2010

Evening all: Off to check previous week's posts.

  • Patriciat - My mother would have said "More haste, less speed". Hope your head is better soon. Have a great holiday.

    Linda - Our house isn’t exactly a strange environment for our Dau’s cat as we have often cat-sat while she was away on work trips. But never as long as this. 10 days gone, 21 to go <sigh>
    Brenda - So much responsibility. I would not like to tell Dau that we lost her cat.
    OG - he is mostly an indoor cat, though Dau lets him wander outside. The main difference is that he comes when she calls but he just ignores me. Generally he is a wimp but on today’s excursion Jasper pestered the poor blackbirds who have a nest probably in the yew. Jasper kept racing 1 metre up the crab apple, "oooh it’s too high", and coming down again. Then he found my future tomato patch and rolled in the dirt. Charming.

    Annette - Your heatwave made headlines in our newspaper.

    Our federal parliament settled their speaker problems by appointing a Labor as Speaker and a Liberal as Deputy Speaker. The govt lost the first vote on the first day when the Independents did not support a move to allow the immediate recommittal of defeated govt bills when a member is inadvertently excluded. A recommittal will only take place if the House is satisfied an absence is legitimate.

    Several times lately I have been told I was excluded when trying to load this blog. So far (ssshh, don’t tell the gremlins), when I retry it has worked. Today it asked me to sign in. Gee, I hope I don’t have to log in with my password - I have no idea what that is. Maybe I should have chosen something obvious such as "Altzheimers". LOL

    When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. (Anon)

    If you are foolish enough to be contented, don't show it, but grumble with the rest. (Jerome K Jerome)

  • Evening all: Not so hot here today but still a little muggy. Should get better soon.  Sorry it seems to be dismal on that side of the pond.  Hawk sat on fence right across from OH's desk today - eyeing the birds at the feeder!  I didn't see it.

    OG:  I have been guzzling home-made orange juice and already have a sore place in my mouth!  May take a bottle over the road to the young family with the chickens. Tell your son not to drop anything on that toe during his move.

    BrendaH:  Uh oh. Banned from the quizzes? You're too good. Better fail the next ones you take!  Nice to have a successful shopping expedition.  OMG: That guy with the carpet on the mobility was really taking a risk.  Thanks for alerting us to Richard's blog. Good old Rothes!!

    Margobird: Oh dear;  more bad news about your OH's friend. 

    Gary: Welcome back and a belated Happy Birthday to your Mom. Uh oh, she's probably left by now.

    Heather:  Hurray that SiL is on his way home. Brilliant. What a relief for you all.  I had to try three passwords before I got on this morning; had no trouble this evening.  I remember "Guards against night starvation" ads!!   I like hot milk at night during the winter - take it to bed with a good book! (have to cut out the cookies though!).

    AQ: Good password - as long as you can remember it!

    Enjoyed reading all the posts -  thanks all and take care.

  • Hey, folks. Have been really busy, but thought I'd drop in and say hi. Hi! I'll try to catch up with everyone tomorrow.

    I did want to post this link for those interested in astronomy or aliens or both. :-) Scientists have just found a real, honest-to-goodness "goldilocks planet" in our own galactic neighborhood! This is HUGE news! A "goldilocks planet" is one that is not too cold and not too hot. Not too far from its star or too close. Not too big or too small. Just right for containing liquid water and developing life! Woohoo! Of course, it's about 120 trillion miles away, so I don't think the neighbors will be dropping in for tea any time soon. And its inhabitants may look like the mold on the leftover soup in my refrigerator. LOL  But... If you were standing on this newly discovered planet, you could see our sun!

    One of the planet's discoverers has unofficially named the newly found planet "Zarmina's World" (after his wife).The planet circles a star called Gliese 581. Some of the big-time science dudes now are saying that maybe 1 in 5-10 stars has a planet that is Earth-sized and habitable. That means that at least 40 billion planets have the potential for life!!!

    See article, slideshow, videos, etc. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100929/ap_on_sc/us_sci_new_earths

    Annette: One of the discoverers is from the University of California at Santa Cruz.

    Everyone have a nice Thursday.

  • Diane    Yes I heard about the "goldilocks planet". Unfortunately it is not goldilocks in terms of it distance from earth.

    Did I read that it its year was 37 days?  just long enough to hatch osprey eggs. They would have to spread the breeding over a few "years".

  • Alison W said:

    hi i received my Roy Dennis book a life of Ospreys it looks good can't wait to read it will have finish the philip brown one first

    Yes you will enjoy "Life of Ospreys". I guess you are enjoying "Scottish Ospreys"?


    Hi Tiger,yes i am enjoying "scottish ospreys" i'm up too chapter five now been busy so haven't managed to read a lot


    Ah you are about to get to the exciting part where they actually get nesting ospreys. 1958 was a mixed year as far as ospreys were concerned.

  • Tiger: Yup, 37 days. It's only 14 million miles from its sun/star. And it doesn't rotate much, so one side of the planet is nearly always light; the other side is dark. Wonder how life would evolve there? Any species on the dark side would be vastly different from life forms on the light side. Wonder if they would have any contact and what happens if/when they do?

    Sorry, folks, I love this stuff.

    EDIT: Hey, Tiger, maybe ospreys live on the light side, and owls live on the dark side??? LOL LOL

  • Morning, Everyone.   Sunnier here this morning, but this is the first morning that has been definitely more autumnal - there was a mist over the fields when my OH brought me my morning cuppa in bed (bless him!) and I can see that  all my acer trees are looking as if they are beginning to turn colour.  We still have some lovely fuschias out, and there are still some roses too.  Even some of the smaller clematis are still trying to flower again, but I think they will be short lived.

    Diane:   Don't apologise for  putting on stuff about astronomy - that's what makes this site great, all the diversity.  I don't know a lot about it, but am always interested.  Loved the calculations a few years back that there was absolutely no doubt that there are other planets out there like ours -  wonder if they are having global warming problems too??!!  Bet they don't have such interesting politics !!!!!!!

    Saw a joke which tickled me in a list which a friend sent to me  - unfortunately, most of them are wa a ay too rude to put on here, but this made me laugh!

    "The trouble with bucket seats is that not everybody has the same shaped bucket...."

    Have a good day, wherever you are.


  • Unknown said:

    Tiger: Yup, 37 days. It's only 14 million miles from its sun/star. And it doesn't rotate much, so one side of the planet is nearly always light; the other side is dark. Wonder how life would evolve there? Any species on the dark side would be vastly different from life forms on the light side. Wonder if they would have any contact and what happens if/when they do?

    Sorry, folks, I love this stuff.

    EDIT: Hey, Tiger, maybe ospreys live on the light side, and owls live on the dark side??? LOL LOL

    Diane - please don't apologise, I love astronomy too. Suits me fine :)

    Morning everyone. Blue sky and sunshine here for a change and what a difference it makes.

  • Hazel b said:

    Diane    Yes I heard about the "goldilocks planet". Unfortunately it is not goldilocks in terms of it distance from earth.

    Did I read that it its year was 37 days?  just long enough to hatch osprey eggs. They would have to spread the breeding over a few "years".

    They had better find some water too Tiger. No water, no fish! :)

  • Good morning all on Thursday – better weather today, should be ok for Patricia’s crossing.  Just had long conversation with juvenile Woodpigeon on the windowsill – very brave compared with adults.  Got to go shopping soon to make a pan of soup at weekend for church harvest “soup’n’pud” lunch on Sunday.


    AQ – pleased to read that Jasper has some outdoor life – once knew a young woman who insisted her cat was “happy” never to go out – when she was home I am sure he was fine, but when she went to college and work, she wasn’t there to see him climbing the window in frustration trying to get to the birds outside!

    Annette – sorry about sore mouth – have you tried drinking a small glass of water after juice?  Worst risk to Son’s toe is his work – the kids have trodden on it several time while he was awaiting surgery!  He didn’t work last evening, and probably won’t need to go in tonight – he can do some admin at home. 

    Diane – I don’t personally follow astronomy items, but quite enjoy reading interesting items posted here by you and others.

    Lindy – our fuchsias are still blooming like crazy – and the old blue clematis – also one of the Lupins which threw up new flowering spikes after we removed the old ones.  I noticed the courgette plants have made new fruit-bearing shoots – I wonder how many of them we’ll get before they are affected by frost.  Loved the bucket seats joke!


    Time to move the day forward – cleaner this afternoon.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!