Hi all. Off to read last few posts of previous week.
Well done on managing to photo the mugs, Cirrus! They are indeed lovely, when they are 'working'.
Glad you enjoyed the bit of a poem. Only dashed it off in my head while I was driving the car, then had to remember some of it to write down later!
Thanks also for all your sympathy about OH's tiny roasters - he could have put both of them in the palm of his hand and still had room left for another couple! When I think how I have to make a huge tray of them for roast dinners at home! Last Christmas, our Eldest ate at least 5 with his dinner, then had seconds of at least 2 more!!!!!! (Mind you, he is 6ft. 2" and eats like a starving man all the time...)
Hi all just been plunged into darkness while i was in middle of eating a late tea, electric is now back on it kept going off then on then off again now finally back on which it has been for a while now hopfuly it will stay on.
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Tiger, thank you for all that info regarding date differences in Scotland. I hadn't remembered you were brought up in N Ireland. What part are you from?
Hey Ho! I’m all behind again – blood tests and flu jab this afternoon, and then out this evening! Totally different weather today – dreich and damp, can’t see moon, but at least cloud cover is keeping temp up – still 15 degrees at 10pm.
Emma – have a great time at weekend celebrations – do they live near? It’s a pity your daughter will miss it – and how is she getting on?
Lynette – LotL blog over last few days explains the new feeding pole – supposed to be for Pine Marten but inaccessible to Deer. I was surprised PC can get on it, but they have stills from video of it from around midnight last night! The Chaffinches have definitely adjusted to the new position in the daytime! I hope I wasn’t rude about spelling – I’ve lived in the Region 7 years and I still have to check my spelling of Kirkcudbright! And the Dark Skies link was for any who might be coming up this way anytime! I’m sure I have seen Orchardson House adverts around.
Communications Group at church is going to recommend change to an “Editorial Team” to prepare magazine items for commercial printing, rather than the two of us editing and OH printing on the church copier. Our resignation is effective after we produce the Feb 2011 issue - it is only 3 a year, so only that one now! I think it’s good to change roles occasionally – it is so easy to get “stale”, then what has begun as a pleasurable task becomes a bore. While in England, we too have over the years been down the Sunday School and Youth Group route – as well as Treasurer, Church Warden etc etc.
Annette – I hope your laptop is feeling better today! – *&^%!, I see it isn’t!
AQ – don’t know Drysdale Abbey – where is it? Can’t find it on search – or do you mean Dryburgh near St Boswells – that is more remote than many, less ruined and very atmospheric. Another great pic of the feline alarm clock – OK for him, he can go back to bed when he chooses!
Diane – I felt sorry for that Turkey bearing the Happy Autumn message – we all know what Autumn and Thanksgiving means for Turkeys! Thanks for the good wishes, and to you too.
Lindy – great, altruistic Money Tree poem!
Paul – I think I need to say Happy Birthday for October now, otherwise I shall forget, and you can store it up for the right day (just remember which drawer you put it in!).
Joan – very envious of you and others with Scottish ancestry – seems so much easier to trace. It’s something we intend to do when we have more time.
Bedtime – will tell you about this (Weds) evening tomorrow (Thurs) – includes some good Osprey news!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Linda - I have to watch g-son or he would take all the roast potatoes for his first helping! Another great poem.
Annette - Once a mum, always a mum. We worry about our chicks even when they leave home, and our grand-chicks too.
OG - You are right. It was Dryburgh Abbey. Oops, if I had only thought before dashing off my comment . . .
Diane - Love turkey pic. Memories but he is far more colourful than my mother’s farm turkeys.
Received a text from newly-weds, having arrived in Europe safely but bagless. After 4 flights and some 30 hours who knows where luggage is. I texted back with difficulty - can't turn off predictive text thingie on OH’s rarely used mobile. I need to speak to Miss14. <sigh>
Evening all: Took computer to Geek Squad this afternoon and found out I have a burned out backlight - basically a lightbulb has gone out. OK, so how many computer geeks does it take to change a lightbulb? Who knows Too many I suspect. . I do know that moneywise it takes at least $150 and three weeks if Best Buy does it. I looked online and found the actual lightbulb (except it's an LED thingy) costs only - oh $9.99!! But it comes with a kit and there's all kinds of bits and pieces you have to watch out for in terms of causing some electrical-or-whatever damage. I wonder if it's really that hard if if they're just protecting their jobs. Anyway, will try to find someone local who might be able to do it for less. In the meantime, Best Buy sold me a VGA cable which allows me to hook my laptop up to my brand-new flat screen HDTV! I hooked it up and it didn't work until I shouted at it, then impatiently jiggled the connections and smacked the computer. Hurray! Images, words, Weekly Chat - all larger-than-life on my TV screen. The downside: I can't watch telly and futz on the computer. But sill....at least I can check e-mail and say hallo to you guys.
Went for lovely walk this evening - to Lake Los Carneros - and saw a fella with his scope on a tripod. He was watching a family of White-tailed Kites. The Mom had apparently snagged a vole and was sitting on a tree enjoying dinner (the fella let me have a look). He said the two chicks had gone to one tree where Mom had originally started eating and begged for food, but she just flew off! Dad was there too, I watched him hovering - almost motionless - but he didn't get anything while I was watching. These are not migratory birds; they were smart enough to make California's Central Coast their permanent home. Anyiway, off to shower and then check telly offerings. Take care folks. Hugs to all.
I just realized that when I wished everyone a happy autumn I neglected AQ, Wattle, and everybody celebrating spring in the southern hemisphere. So:
These are Sandhill Cranes. I didn't take the photo; the photographer is Dave Herr of the USDA Forest Service. (Photo is copyright free.)
Thank you and a Happy Autumn to you Diane, and everyone else up there in the northen hemi. Don't worry when necessary, I just translate. eg Autumn = Spring, field = paddock, elevator = lift, and so on and on!!!http://www.statsci.org/smyth/ozus.html
AQ: I loved that link. I just read through it. I was familiar with a lot of the differences -- thanks primarily to you and this blog -- but some were surprises. By the way, when Australians mention the "woop woop", do they mean a real place (far away or isolated) or more of a supernatural place (e.g. where Bunyip lives)?
Annette: $150 and 3 weeks to change a light bulb !@?#&*! I believe I'd try to use the kit. That sounds wonderful to be able to hook your computer up to your new HDTV.
OG: Hope your blood test results are fine. I wish I could send you some of our weather. We're having record-breaking heat for this time of year. It was 95 F/35 C here today. Glad that others are taking over the magazine so you can do something new and different. You're right; I always had trouble proofreading my own writing.
Emma Peel: That link was funny! I'm keeping my fingers crossed hoping Steed finds a great new job.
AQ: Doesn't Jasper have a snooze button? LOL He certainly keeps early hours. So the newlyweds lost their luggage? Oh, no! Hope it shows up.
Lindy: That poem was wonderful!!! And I agree with it fully. I also agree with your comments about the working conditions in the clothing sweatshops. I wish we could sit down in person some day, have a cup of tea and a proper chat. I think we have similar views and opinions.
Paul: Glad you found your charger for your camera batteries. I thought I was the only one who puts things away and forgets where they are. :-)
Joan: Good luck with your genealogy research. Sounds like you're making fast progress. It is fascinating to find out about one's ancesters, and it can sometimes shed light on your own life. I recently realized that my life has many parallels with my maternal grandmother's.
Hi to Lynette!
Everyone have a great Thursday.