Weekly Chat, Sunday September 19,2010

Hi all. Off to read last few posts of previous week.

  • Hello Annette  sorry to read about your granddaughter and terribly stressing for you and her is the fact that she is pregnant.  My thoughts are with you both.  Can only say after separating and finally divorcing my first husband life got much better when I met my now husband. I hope the same will happen for your granddaughter too.  She sounds as though she is a very strong person and hopefull will pass through this difficult time in her life. 


  • Good afternoon BrendaH.  It is a most beautfiful day here in Poole again but sadly I think things will be going downhill from now on.  Rain promised for tonight with heavy showers tomorrow and turning much colder towards the weekend.  I will want to hibernate as I can't stand winter, dark mornings, dark nights and lower temperatures. 


    I have stroked this particular penguin a couple of times now and he just loves to be with humans.  I always thought they would feel soft but obviously they are very oily and it was a big surprise to me when I first stroked this particular penguin.


  • Hello Diane  and Happy Autumn Equinox and Full Harvest Moon to you also.  Love the turkey, what a handsome fellow.


  • Good afternoon Lindybird and I had to smile when I read about the tiny amount of roast potatoes.  My OH would not have been impressed either.  He has the appetite of a horse and fortunate not to put on weight.  It is me who has two pieces of roast potatoes and OH has about eight pieces.  He also eats all my leftovers.  I am not very good with wine at lunchtimes, always come home and fall asleep.


    As i have said many times OH is a real treasure I couldn't be looked after any better.  He cooked his own breakfasts while we were away, made all the teas and coffees and also made the bed each morning.  I did absolutely nothing as he wouldn't let me. 


    The barn owl was just beautiful and to be so close up and look into his face was an unforgettable experience.  I still can't believe how light he was as well.


    You still sound so busy but nice to see you make time to post as I always have a smile when I read them, especially the Monday Smiles.


  • AQ thanks for another picture of Jasper, I have fallen in love with him, what a cutie even though he does wake you rather early in the mornings.


  • Good afternoon Emma Peel and rather late I would like to say I was sorry to read about the loss of Steed's job.  My oH was made redundant a year ago and I was so worried with the job market being what it is.  Fortunately he found a really good position within a couple of weeks so I will keep my fingers crossed for Steed and wish him luck in his search.


  • Now I have caught up a bit with all the news just want to say hello to all I have not mentioned


    I am feeling so much better now after what seemed like a long month of not feeling too good at all.  That will teach me to go to the doctors sooner next time.


    Went for the fitting of my second hearing aid this morning and now have stereo LOL.  Can hear even more now and so glad I decided to have hearing aids.  It has made so much difference to my life. 


    Have to say that I have been thinking of Lady P and Alan, how sad for them and the family.  Life is short so it makes you realise you really do have to live every day as it comes. 


    Hope you are all getting some sun before winter sets in which I believe may start this weekend with much cooler temparatures being forecast together with rain.    Take care  and look after yourselves.  Off now to get some more washing in which fortunately is drying quite well at the moment but I am still only half way through.


  • Good afternoon everyone.  Thought I would look in here before getting busy with domestic duties.  Steed is out at HGV lesson so I am making hay although there is no sunshine here.  Damp, dreich and absolutely tipping with rain although I see brighter sky in the distance from my window so perhaps this miserable weather will cease soon.  Thanks Margobird for good wishes re Steed and yes, please do keep your fingers crossed.  According to today’s newspaper, Scotland’s unemployment rate is at its highest since 1996 and child poverty rate is back on the rise (report commissioned by Joseph Rowntree Foundation).  These are difficult times.

    Like you I too have been thinking of AP and LadyP.

    Happy Equinox and Full Harvest Moon to you Diane and to everyone else.  As I finish this, the sky is brightening up. Smiles.

  • Valc  I have now checked it out. Scotland did introduce the Gregorian Calendar on 1st January 1600. Thus there was a difference of 10 days until 1700 and eleven until 1752. Confusing indeed. Mind you I do not know when Scotland took the ten days out of the calendar.

    See  http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/home/scotland/time.html

    Thus Culloden was fought on different dates depending on whether you use the calendar in England or that in  Scotland.

    I was brought up in Noerthern Ireland too. I got my tertiary education in Scotland and have lived in England for a very long time!


  • Did so love that picture of the Wild Turkey, Diane! - I have copied it and added it to my huge library of things shown on this blog! - he is so handsome and so colourful!

    Glad to hear that you are now feeling lots better, margobird and that you are now hearing everything in stereo - much more modern!

    Tiger,  you have surprised me with the news that the Scottish calendar has been so changed - we never learnt that bit at school - and I never had you down with an Irish accent either!!!


    How wonderful my life would be
    If I could grow the Money Tree!
    When into bloom the blossoms came
    I'd pay all debts now in my name....
    I'd help my relatives and friends-
    For old remisses I'd now make amends.

    There would be bound to be a crop
    Of special berries on the top
    Enabling me to use the tree
    To donate to the RSPB!
    (I'd send you All some tiny seeds
    So you could also fill your needs....)

    Around the world could go the shoots
    Helping others buy new boots,
    Dig new wells, and cease disease:
    Preventing wars and hunger, please.
    Not forgetting large and small
    The creatures who we could help All.

    I'll try to grow the Money Tree -
    You understand, its not just for me
    But to help the world to heal itself
    Now that would mean finding True Wealth.