Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 September 2020


The moon turns full on Thursday, 1 October.

I hope everyone has a joyful, safe, healthy week! 

Check back to last week's thread for Lindy's photos and other posts. 

  • OG – I hope J is managing better now. Our modern appliances do not last as long as they used to. Built-in obsolescence?

    PAT - My first glimpse of those cliffs on the Sussex coast was from a hire car. I was so stunned at the view I pulled over to side of road not realizing I was in a bus zone. Hasty exit! You walked five miles? my knees could not manage that.

    LINDA – I was wondering about your travels when our news said Wales had gone back into lockdown.

    “soundproof booth with lock” and then lose the key?

    I escaped to State Library for a few lookups this morn. Very few on bus going in and with so few pickups we were early and the bus c-r-a-w-l-ed all the way. Coming home I rushed to catch bus at my stop; idiot, I should have realized it was late, 10 mins late, and so was packed. Well, not exactly but one person per double seat. Then further on, a wheelchair came aboard and those sitting in the “handicapped” section had to move elsewhere. I was glad to get off and saw, to my dismay, the next bus right behind. If only I had waited, it was nearly empty. There is supposed to be 15 mins between.

    Our state’s restrictions are easing with drinkers in outdoor areas of hotels no longer required to be seated. (Known as “vertical consumption” in this new covid language we are learning.) Also dancing now permitted at weddings. I told OH we weren’t married properly ‘cos we did not have dancing at our reception.

  • Just a thought

    Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering. (Winnie the Pooh)

  • Unknown said:
    I had my replacement crown fitted today. I was not keen as I still have a sore gum, but the dentist said that the permanent one would protect the gum. I am doing the hot salt mouthwashes.
    At least this crown did not go AWOL.

    I'm pleased you've had it done.  I really hope it all calms down now - there's very little pain that's worse than a bad toothache!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • aquilareen said:
    “soundproof booth with lock” and then lose the key?

    Then transport booth to the Marianas Trench and drop it in.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. A bit grey here, and some wet days are predicted ahead. Good for the garden?

    Rosy, I hope your tooth has settled down somewhat, now.

    My OH has rushed off to golf and I have the usual job of putting stuff away and then popping out for milk etc. Didn't get much of a pile of post, so suppose that's a good thing.

    -------  --------  --------

    Contacted my late Friend Gs husband to wish him a happy birthday, and he told me that their ancient cat had died suddenly, very recently, poor thing. He still has their small dog to keep him company but I know he will be sad, as G loved her cat very much. At least it did not happen when she was seriously ill.

  • This gives pause for thought.......

  • A very wet morning here.

    OG sorry things are so hard for J and therefor very difficult for you all. I do hope he is able to get more help soon.

    HEATHER Don't know about Callum and solicitor but wish you all well. I had a FaceTime with a solicitor a few weeks ago. It took about 40mins and I expect a bill of £250 - £300. It is so easy for those bills to go sky high. We had hoped it would just need a form to fill in but no, everything had to be done through a solicitor. WHY????
  • DIBNLIB- Callum was driving to Ullapool with a few friends, early in 2018. Stupidly, one or two of them were overtaking at speed and one of Callums friends was killed. The lad who was directly involved is now in prison for causing death by dangerous driving. The other lads have been charged with dangerous driving. And yes, solicitors bills can be very high. OH and I had mirror wills, very uncomplicated and simple to execute, but I got a bill for ££££

  • Oh dear, dibnlib, solicitors seem to be expensive whatever form of help they give.

    Its brightened up here and when I fed the birds, who were all glad to see me, I'm sure, I did a tour of the garden and looked at what is still in flower. Quite a lot, surprisingly. Including some roses, our hanging baskets, and the lovely nerines, who love to surprise me:

  • ROSY - son's shop is in Shrewsbury, so not too far from the Welsh border.