Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 September 2020


The moon turns full on Thursday, 1 October.

I hope everyone has a joyful, safe, healthy week! 

Check back to last week's thread for Lindy's photos and other posts. 

  • We've had a very pleasant Last Day, here - so much to do, that now I'm way behind in packing!

  • Went for our usual walk by the sea, but when I snapped the above, someone got into the picture!!

  • We've found a new place in a pretty valley to sit and have a coffee and cake. Today we sampled their home made scones with jam and clotted cream....yum.

    My spell checker decided that the jam was 'ham....'...
  • Our TV will be covering a certain, er, discussion, later this morning, so I just had to change my planned thoughts for the day.


    The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool. (Richard P Feynman)

    It’s not the answer that enlightens, but the question.

    The message below is a lie,
    The message above is the truth.

  • aquilareen said:
    Our TV will be covering a certain, er, discussion, later this morning, so I just had to change my planned thoughts for the day.

    By all accounts that wasn't a discussion - that was a ranting session by the Orange Knob.  The worst thing is knowing all his brainless supporters will have been cheering him on.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Been trying to post for half an hour....<sigh>

    Weather ghastly here- very wet & windy now, so glad we're going home. Glad Trump showed his true colours.
  • I hope you have an uneventful journey home, Lindy.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Got up to early today - I keep nodding off! J has just surfaced - doesn't work Wednesdays. Hoping to get some meds for him - his anxiety was way above the usual yesterday so doc has promised something to calm him, but has to be compatible with all his other stuff.

    So apart from his woes, yesterday was a domestic nightmare. Main thing was the tumble drier - seems to have written off its main bearing. Is 18 years old, so came through our two moves on 2003, and has probably done its time here - man coming tomorrow. Yesterday was foggy all morning, so dried underwear indoors. Today is wet, so will hang the socks inside too.

    Had to rearrange most of yesterday as OH spent much of the morning on the phone for tumble drier and for J, so hoping today will be less chaotic.

    HEATHER - I hope court news was not bad.

    LINDA - have a safe - if wet - journey. I see parts of North Wales are locking down again now - but not your bit. I assume you will be planning one further trip to lock up for winter.

    Can't remember any more I wanted to say!
  • At home now after good trip back.
    Hardly any leaves left on the plum tree, was my first impression of the garden. Def looks autumnal now.