Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 September 2020


The moon turns full on Thursday, 1 October.

I hope everyone has a joyful, safe, healthy week! 

Check back to last week's thread for Lindy's photos and other posts. 

  • Typical view across the green countryside of the island- it's mostly farmland, apart from some light industry near the port of Holyhead which is a busy port mainly serving the ferries & cargo ships to Ireland.

  • First view of Cemaes Bay, from the tiny car park. We had to wait for someone to leave to get our car in. The tide is out, leaving quite a lot of smelly seaweed.

  • Morning all:  Quick look in as doc appt and Tai Chi this morning.  Much ado here over someone's tax returns.  As one pundit said last night, 'Many illegal immigrants are probably paying more in taxes than the President).

    Lindybird:  You get A+ for effort photographing those churches  Lovely pix of the island - again. Thank you!

    OG:  How nice to look back on a pleasant weekend.  Yes, front and back gardens tidy; just the normal maintenance now.  I'm contemplating taking out a New Zealand flax - they're lovely, but there wasn't a path in front of it when it was planted and now it's huge.  Its very long leaves can trip you up and are very tough and fibrous when you try to cut them back while the dead ones require brute force to dislodge them from the base of the plant.  I took out two some years back and the roots are the very devil to get out.  We'll see....

    If we're lucky, Santa Barbara County will be upgraded to the Red level this week per Governor Newsom's edict re covid cases. We were in the Purple level (the naughtiest).  If we go to Red tomorrow, gyms and some other places can open at greatly reduced capacity; then, if we continue to reduce infections over a four-week period, we can move up to the Orange level, then on to the Yellow (but not holding my breath for that one).

    Off to hose down; take care everyone.

    Still no news from bjane.  I guess she's not on Facebook or anything.....

  • Hello all. Managed to get to church yesterday as we opened for the first time in 6 months. Different way of doing it but just about managed with my mask on all through. I hate wearing them as I get a sense of claustrophobia when on.

    I see you are still in Wales, Lindy. Glad you had a lovely day exploring Angelsey..Oh dear, did he eventuallly relinquish it or ate it.
  • Diane , meant to say , thanks for starting us off and what an amazing pic of the osprey with 2 fish in its talons.

    Clare, glad you can go for a swim. We gave up the gym some time ago and really miss my swims but not sure now whether it is feasible to join again if they are open.

    PatO - pleased to hear you have managed to see your family, allbeit keeping safe distancing in mind. We went over to our son's last week for his 50th birthday and it is the first time in 6 months that they have let us in the house but of course we had to distance. My D-I-L has had Covid 19 and it is a long term affair for her. She has been signed off yet again a few weeks back after going back part time but unfortunately symptoms persisted, hence off work. She has now decided to retire after 40 years service in the NHS at Northampton General. Very proud of her and believe she is doing the right thing given her circumstances re Covid 19.

    Saw that you managed to get rid of the smelly fish, Lindy. Nice pics of the chapels.