Hi all. Haven't had a chance to check out most recent postings from last week but will do so tomorrow.
Thank you for the list, that will keep us busy until next year!
Also thanks to all who contribute on here, its great!
Hi everyone. I'm just looking in here before I head up to Aviemore tomorrow with Steed and younger daughter for the Harley Davidson rally. In case you hadn't realised, Debbie Aspinall posted on the diary page that the two juves left yesterday as we suspected, probably followed by Odin. Here is her post at 21.15 to save you changing page:
"No sign of anyone today, but that must be a good thing for our osprey family. It's the beginning of a whole new adventure for the juveniles and we can only wish them all safe travel and happy fishing! There wasn't much time difference between them going yesterday, but I don't think they will travel together. Look at the journeys for Nethy, Deshar, Rothes and Malachie, they were totally different. We think Odin may have checked that they'd left yesterday! Apologies, there should have been a new blog tonight. It was almost ready to post, but I left the stick behind."
So I presume that today's will be the last Daily Update and I look forward to seeing you all on this thread on Sunday/Monday after my trip and visit on Saturday morning to LG - even though the osps have gone.
Thanks Diane in Indiana, I've just picked up on your list. Will certainly have a look at some of them.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Have put them all in my favourites Diane. Djuma I already go to from time to time.
There is also one I go to which is: Mashatu Game Reserve, Pete's Pond.; I can't get the website up but just google Mashatu Game Reserve and it should come up.
http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/wildcamafrica/ Have found the shortcut for Mashatu - Pete's Pond but it is coming up - page not found.,, so not sure what is going on Diane. It may be that they have decided to stop this cam or there are problems with it. I had it on earlier in the day but it was a recording as the live web cam must be down.
Lynette: There have been problems with Pete's Pond which someone pointed out on here a while back - probably best not to go there for now...
Wonderful pic of osprey fishing from Alan - great stuff! I really must go to bed now as can't keep my eyes open any more. Night All.
Hi folks: Home, but wiped out from drive and off to bed early. Catch up tomorrow!
Morning Everyone: Sunshine here, so I might actually get my towels on the line today, whoopee! Also, 'not bad' weather predicted for the weekend, which is nice for those who are looking forward to their Bank Holiday Monday off.
margobird - Hope the deluge has now stopped in your part of the world, your local floods do not sound good. We can't have you on ' toilet watch' every night or you'll never get your beauty sleep! Also hope that your cough has continued to improve. Shocked to hear that Rhys has already reached that stage in life, when I'm still thinking of him as a little tyke. Goodness, they grow fast.
jsb: those dratted slugs. They can wreak such devastation in just one night. Had a whole potful of my tender annuals one night a month go. I regard it as a war - me against them.
Once again thanks to Alan for the wonderful osprey pic from the Finnish webcam - what a lovely capture. And its such a beautiful pool there.
Nice to hear from auntie again - we know you're busy, but love to have you pop in.
DjoanS - Don't like the sound of your OH liking you to be in the new kitchen a lot! Don't become a bird in a gilded cage!
Annette: You must be whacked now - do get some rest. It sounds so hot there, too. I would be limp & grumpy.
Everyone- Have a Good Friday & look forward to the weekend, not far away (again?? !)
Hi, all. Golly, where does the time go? I haven't caught up with everyone for a while. I've been really busy. I have a lot of work to do on the house this autumn before the really cold weather arrives here. The task seems insurmountable. Gives me nightmares. I guess I'll try to remember the quote by Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Sigh...
Everyone in the UK: I hope you're all safe from the flooding and bad weather -- and everyone's toilets aren't gurgling!Margobird: Hope the toilet has settled down, and you're over your cold.Heather: I look forward to chatting with you, too. The time will pass quickly, and EJ will be back before we know it! Glad your granddaughter is recovering.Alan: Great osprey pic! Sorry about the petunias. You mentioned screaming children encountered during your Tesco trip. I was in the supermarket this week, and a child was screeching as loud as a hungry osprey chick. Ear splitting! He wanted cookies.DjoanS: "More domesticated"!?! I'd have a few (unprintable) words for him. LOL I love soda bread.Patriciat: Oh, my stars. What a plumbing nightmare!!! Just awful. It's almost impossible to turn our water off at the mains here -- requires opening up a manhole outside, using a very long wrench, and twisting yourself into a pretzel.OG: I will have some gingerbread, please. What kind of material is your splash back made of? You said the fitters left you a huge sheet. I'm considering different ideas for my kitchen. Hope your blood test results are okay.Brenda: Sounds like you have a lovely variety of birds in your garden!Lindy: Sorry about the Acer tree. Glad that your daughter-in-law and Sweetpea are fine! I'm washing a huge mass of dishes this evening because the housework elves failed to arrive and do them. Sigh... Hope you enjoyed your movie.Auntie: Thanks for the cam link. Always good to hear from you. Hope you aren't working too hard.
AQ: A "plum in the mouth" accent? LOL I heard an interview today with a Tasmanian miner who had once been trapped underground for a long time. He described the experience and how it affected him -- harrowing! He said that even now, he can't stand to see an animal or a bird in a cage. He had a powerful accent, and I found his story riveting.
Annette: Welcome back. I'm glad that you arrived home safely. Hope everything went well with your granddaughter. Locusts in the trees? I know what you mean about the racket. We have big katydids screaming in our trees, and the sound is deafening outdoors right now. Mighty creepy little fellas, but good food for the birds.
Everyone have a good Friday!