Weekly Chat, Sunday August 22, 2010

Hi all. Haven't had a chance to check out most recent postings from last week but will do so tomorrow.

  • Perhaps they also grunt in Australian, OG!    ;-)

  • God Morning ALL. The sun is trying to shine, but the threatened heavy rain and gales are forecast to arrive by lunchtime. Pleased to say that OH's specs were fine and he is happy with them. He has had to wait a month for them. Plenty of apologies from the opticians but very annoying for OH to have to wait so long.

    Margo, I presume you slept alright last night as the bad weather is for today and tonight, but with more for Thursday and Friday !

    Annette, Beautiful pictures of your long journey. So glad you avoided the storm. You are going to be so tired by the time you return back home. The temperatures would be far too hot for me.

    AQ. Thanks for the Burra Mine photographs. You really are a ' mine' of information.

    Linda, Sorry you lost your plant pot, but we are all apt to ' put off ' things we should do today.

  • Hi Annette so pleased that you arived safely and you must have been tired 500 miles seems like a monster journey to me especially in all that heat.  Thanks for the pictures.  Shows the vastness of your homeland with miles and miles of emptiness apart from the wonderful views.


  • Good morning Lidnybird you always make me smile with your posts.  Know what you mean about smalls draped everywhere.  Got a line of washing dry yesterday before lunch but no such luck today.  Chinese laundry like in my bungalow.  We have had some very heavy showers this morning and apparently it is going to get heavier as the day wears on.  Guess I will be on toilet watch again to make sure it doesn't back right up.  Have to time my visits to the "loo" when it is not raining so hard.  Such an exciting live I lead.


    Sorry about your pot and it is Wednesday already. Doesn't time pass so quickly.


  • Afternoon all  - have read and enjoyed all your posts, as usual !

    Glad to hear that we are all well - or what passes for it , those of us that are of a certain age! I woke up and realised straight away that was one of those flat days, when everything is an effort.  I'm sure that we all get them from time to time---- Anyway, I'm going out for a walk shortly, its dry here and the exercise will do me good.

    Margo - I think the thought of an overflowing loo would keep me awake too so I hope your rain will happen in the daytime--- I am so glad to read that your cough has almost gone.

    Annette - Great pics - empty roads too (or did you just grab a photo opportunity?!  Hope you enjoy your trip.

    AQ - Enjoyed the picture of the Burra Hills. Thank you.

    Lindybird - I empathise about the drying of washing in wet weather - and there has been a lot of it about! In winter when our vine is bare I rig up a temporary line which helps a lot. Our covered area, wherin resides the grape vine, is at the back of the house. At this time of the year, well- ----

    OG - Glad the gingerbread worked with molasses. I have filed that one away in my brain but on reflection, it might be better to write it down somewhere :-(

    Brenda - Still thinking of you re family events.

    To everyone else - enjoy the rest of the day, will talk later.

  • Hello Heather B.  I am not on toilet watch yet as apart from a torrential downpour just after 9.00 this morning the rain also still fallling is not quite so hard, but not sure if it is going to get worse overnight. 


    Have amused myself this morning watching the garden birds, especially the starlings.  They have been in and out of the bath all morning even though it is raining.  Messy litle devils but such fun to watch.


    Talking about getting washing dry we have a dehumidier which has a laundry mode which is very useful.  It gets used quite a lot on the winter when washing doesn't dry very easily and as far as we are concerned a good investment.


    How is your GD doing with her arm now?


  • Afternoon all,

    Thanks for all the chat and pics.

    Annette : Thanks for the pics taken on your long journey. Hard to imagine such hot weather.

    Linda : I had the same problem earlier this week with a tomato plant in a clay pot. It blew over and to my amazement the pot broke in two. I had to hurriedly repot it into a plastic one. Seems ok now.

    Yesterday we had strong winds which wrecked most of the petunias in the hanging baskets. Today it has been cloudy and it has just started raining lightly. This morning went on a shopping mission and bought another niger seed feeder as we are getting so many goldfinches at the moment. I find that niger seeds are cheapest in Wilkinsons where you can get 1kg for £1.99.   

  • Good afternoon Alan  I have been chatting to myself a bit on the daily chat very quiet on there today. 


    I get most of our bird food in Wilkinsons, much cheaper than animal food stores.  I feel really sorry for my birds today, pouring with rain and I keep charging out in the garden putting more food out.  Had to take the ground feeder away because I give the birds suet pellets and they just dissolve in the wet and the patio becomes very greasy.  The other feeder has a roof on so a little bit of protection but even that is getting a bit wet now.  Starlings still insisting on having baths though, they so amuse me.  Wish I could get goldfinches in my garden we have lived here for four years and despite trying to tempt them in with niger seed have never seen one.


    Sorry the wind spoilt your petunias yesterday.


  • Just returned home after having a lovely steak and kidney pie for lunch at the garden centre. The food is cooked on the premises and is so popular. It is raining and the car registered only 15c, so we both decided we needed a hot meal. Just remind me that it is August.

    Alan, I have never seen nyjer seed at such a low price as £1.99 kg. but we don't have a Wikinson's store anywhere that I can think of. I have read that it has been a very good year for goldfinch. From our experience, the numbers will greatly increase as winter approaches, so stock up with the seed.

    Margo, I am surprised you don't see goldfinch in your garden but then we very rarely see any starlings.

  • Afternoon Margo. We did not have goldfinches in the garden until last year when I put up the first niger seed feeder. I knew that they were about in the area because I used to see them when I was out walking with Hamish. Now we have lots of adults and juveniles enjoying the 3 feeders and they are now our most common garden bird apart from the starlings which appear from time to time.