Well, what a funny day we had yesterday. Comings and goings. EJ in the morning. Odin later on. Two juves screeching away for food which was delivered afternoon and evening. EJ was seen at breakfast time but not since. Has she left?? We will have to wait to see what today brings.
Thanks once again to all who update us early morning etc sometimes with pics but often with witty comments.
At present the nest is as you can guess empty. Spotlights have been seen in the area but I failed to snap as was too late to do so. Not sure what it was all about.
Over to the early morning shift - must think about bed as it has gone midnight here.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
No supper tonight then for two hungry GEMs. Just been catching up taking snaps from video's taken earlier tonight. Super pics from you all when the juve's were on the nest.
I take it then that there were no deliveries tonight. Its gone very dark already at LG and its not 10pm yet. The nights are certainly drawing in.
margobird said: HeatherB of course I don't think you are being flippant. I have in the past taken Fishermen's Friend lozenges but had totally forgotten about them until you mentioned them. I will go and get some tomorrow. I always think the old remedies are the best and the ones that work. As I type GEM still shouting for supper.
HeatherB of course I don't think you are being flippant. I have in the past taken Fishermen's Friend lozenges but had totally forgotten about them until you mentioned them. I will go and get some tomorrow. I always think the old remedies are the best and the ones that work.
As I type GEM still shouting for supper.
Unknown said: I can't stand the FF lozenges either. I used to love Victory V lozenges as a child and I tasted one a couple of months ago and found I no longer like them.
I can't stand the FF lozenges either. I used to love Victory V lozenges as a child and I tasted one a couple of months ago and found I no longer like them.
Unknown said: That's fine Lynette :) Sandy may have something to say It's not a matter of life and death after all , I just lilke to hone my observational skills if I can. It's been a good day so far though hasn't it? :)
That's fine Lynette :) Sandy may have something to say
It's not a matter of life and death after all , I just lilke to hone my observational skills if I can.
It's been a good day so far though hasn't it? :)
You're quite right Cirrus, Identifying the youngsters isn't important at all, when the last one leaves in the near future it will become entirely academic. Tiger's right though in saying we should do our best to try to ID them while they're still here. I for one would like to know when each juve starts their migration and the easiest way to do that is to agree the last time it is seen. It's therefore important to post good pics of the youngsters each time they're seen on the nest.
Earlier on Titch did us all a favour by joining #2 on the nest so we know that both of them are definitely still here. As for #1 . . .
It looks increasingly as though #1 just might have gone - who knows what tomorrow will bring!
Lynette D said: . . . who knows what tomorrow will bring!
. . . who knows what tomorrow will bring!
Exactly, Lynette!!
I'm goingto bed; I've been watching to see if that spotlight appears again - nothing at the moment. Let's hope it won't happen tonight.
It's been a pretty exciting day - albeit rather a noisy one! Judging by the noise one of the youngsters was making I should think he/she could do with one of Margo's Fisherman's Friends!!!
Hope you feel better tomorrow, Margo.
Daisy Ray:
I think the explanation of headlights of a car on a bend in the road is what it was most likely to be. Nobody would be out to wreck anything at this late stage in the day.
Night, night
Let's hope that's all it was. Odd, though.
Night, night.
Thanks to everyone for the great captures!
Tiger Signature
started new thread