Hi everyone.
Thanks for all the great posts, pics, videos etc on yestarday's Daily Update. Seems like it was a momentous day at LG on Monday. Perhaps EJ has set off on another migration to Africa. If so her last appeance on the LG nest in 2010 was something to behold. It was almost as if she was saying: "See you later." to the magnificant Odin, and perhaps even us viewers. She deserves to play to the camera though. She's an absolute star. Can't wait to see her next spring.Rain falling at LG now. Who knows what dramas today will hold.
I'm starting to feel tired, so I'll fly off to roost.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
He's back ... I don't know if he brought more furniture, but he's re-arranging again!!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
I am beginning to worry. He did try to mate with EJ again...........
Its a bit like Dad checking that nothing has been left behind after a house move, except, I'm not sure who IS around at present.
He is just trying to entertain his many viewers to keep the ratings up. He is aware that ENS is boring.
Came on, to see handsome Odin on the nest again...
I think he is just a houseproud bloke! - he always did take his duties very seriously.
The pity is, that after all his hard work, the LG Team will move in and remove it all.
He has just left again.
He's off again ... I have to say the nest is looking a bit untidy after that last bout of housekeeping ... EJ would NOT approve!!
Unknown said: He is just trying to entertain his many viewers to keep the ratings up. He is aware that ENS is boring.
He may be gone from the nest, but I can hear him!
He may not be on the nest, but he is still around. Chirruping nearby. Camera post perhaps. No, he is on the move the volume varies.
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