Evening all: Just started this one; now back to check on latest posts on previous week's thread.
Afternoon george g you are so kind taking SiL to the hospital. I live in Poole and we can longer get a bus into the New Forest from here as Sunday buses disappeared a long time ago. Glad your central heating has been sorted out now as it will not be long before we need heating on again. Whilst I have been feeling unwell have not been able to get warm so have wrapped myself in a blanket. I don't really want to ;put the heating on in August. The sun has come out for us this afternoon and I am slowly feeling better and warmer, so much so I can feel pangs of hunger now after only eating two slices of dry toast at lunchtime.
Clever birds these ospreys. They even grow their own corn in Winsconsin:
Morning all:
Cirrus: Thanks so much for copying Wattle's post - I must've scrolled past that bit about the locusts while watching bears or salmon or something on the telly. Sounds frightful!! In my Long Beach house, the neighbors behind me put on a new dining room that loomed over my wall and allowed them to see me in my bathroom!! Loss of privacy is just intolerable - you wonder what these people are thinking. Do hope you can persuade/stop that project before it gets completely underway!
Margobird: Glad you're keeping some toast down. Do get well -I want to hear more about your social comings and goings - so much more lively than mine!
George: Lucky you found out about your heating problem at this time of year than when everyone else found out about their's come October/November. Glad it's fixed.
Lindybird: The Monterey Bay Aquarium is state of the art - it includes the life of the Bay in the actual building with real waves, etc.
Alan: Very funny shot of entrepreneurial ospreys.
OH e-mailed me from sister's saying perhaps he'd like me to pick him up from LAX Tuesday rather than ride the shuttle! I should think so! I must remember to let him snooze in the car and not chat his ear off the minute I see him! My daughter is arriving back in SB that morning and I'm picking her up at 9 a.m. and taking her home, so a day of driving hither and yon. Still everyone back where they belong so that will be nice.
I didn't see EJ at all last night when I was online, off now to check if she's been seen today. Where has the year gone!
Watched the first half of Natural World on sea otters, then decided it might be getting too sad, might pluck up the courage to watch the other half later. We were lucky enough to take a cruise from Vancouver to Alaska and then had a week travelling in Alaska in the year 2000. We spent a full day in Glacier Bay with the cruise liner just turning slowly and the bay was just full of sea otters on the glaciers and swimming around. It was wonderful. We did see Grizzlies but foraging for berries and not fishing which was a shame. In fact we had not realized but we were a bit early in the year as most bears were not yet out of hibernation. A shame as it is something we will not be likely to do again.
Forgot to say they were sea otters... wonder if that means they don't eat fish as such?
Thanks to Alan for story of the enterprising Ospreys, growing their own garden!! lovely pic of them, too.
Also thanks to OG for the story of the little bear, with the Happy Ending. Good that someone there cared enough to go to all that trouble to sort him out;
Glad to hear that you are now feeling a little better, margo - do take care of yourself and Eat What you Fancy.
I'm off now to root around & look for the elusive USB for my mobile phone as I looked in there yesterday, & found the pics of the huge cow parsley I promised to show. (it was ages ago now & I forgot to do anything about it of course) Meanwhile here is a pic for you:
--a pretty 'Cuban Whistling Duck' which I don't think I posted before... or maybe I did... anyway, just tried about 5 different pics and most of them won't download......aaaargh!
Hi everyone - A very quick check in since dinner is cooking. Internet has been down again today, my friend phoned - usual conversation 'have you got internet?' answer,'no, have you? Answer 'no' :-(((((
I will try and get on here again later, meantiome thanks to all for enquiries re granddaughter -( Dibnlib, it was Dr Greys Elgin.) They think that she may have a small fracture, phoned the Ortho consultant at home, he said he would come in tomorrow (today!) and look at the x-rays, and proceed from there. She was sent home with a sling. I haven't heard from Elgin yet so not sure what is happening. Update later!
How frustrating for you Heather, to have such trouble with your connection. Glad to hear that something can be done for the little one. Perhaps if it is just a small fracture she can just wear a sling for a bit & feel important, and not need a cast. Hope so, anyway.
Hello All – OH and I cycled around Derwentwater today, beautiful sunny and warm day. Lots of people about, walking and cycling. After tea and cake in the Cycle Cafe in Keswick we went to Bassenthwaite lower viewpoint and the juvenile was on the dead tree again, apparently been there two hours already. They have seen all four osps today, ChrisyB, so Mrs No-ring hasn’t left yet. Youngster flew off up the river and perched in another dead tree and an adult came in to land where son had been.
Oh, Wattle, I wouldn’t fancy living with locusts, yuck. Those are pretty parrots, I can see green, blue and yellow, but not red, they must be hiding their red rumps!
Hope all who are ailing feel better soon. I think I have decided that I cannot now go back to the week-before-last's Diary, so hope I haven't missed anything really important!
Terry in Cumbria
Hello -Back again and hoping that connection is going to last!
AQ - OH looked at the bridge picture, but sadly, couldn't help, I'm afraid.
Cirrus - I too value my privacy and can understand your annoyance re this raised decking. Our neighbours built an extension which means that they have a back door and kitchen window directly opposite our side kitchen window. It is taking me a while to get used to it, feel awkward now when coming downstairs in the morning (in nightwear!) to put the kettle on, I tend to keep the blind down longer than I would normally!
Margobird - This is not good. I sincerely hope that by tomorrow morning you will be feeling better and able to keep food down.
Georgeg - There aren't any words really, to say what I want to re this difficult time for you and SiL. I'm sure though that you know you have many friends here who are thinking of you.
Dibnlib - Ha! A woman after my own heart re salads etc. The description of your meal made my mouth water. Sadly, I was cooking roast pork. Now, can there be a meal more unsuited to a warm day??? My OH who grew up on a farm (as I might have said a hundred times on here!) just cannot get his head around any supper that doesn't consist of a meat dish. I get his fish and salad ration in by doing lunches of say, grilled or baked fish and salad or the only fishy evening meal he enjoys, herrings in oatmeal!!
Annette - The Skype conversation must have been good after being alone for a while. I quite identify with your comment about chatting in the car!!
AQ - I love your tales about Miss 14! Oh, the principles we had at that age! I can easily remember my son, now in his 40s, trying valiantly as a teenager, to explain where I was going wrong in life re this that and the other.
Everyone else - Great chat, take care, talk tomorrow.
Phew!! Hot day – and I am boiling beetroots in the kitchen so escaping in study! Has anyone here tried doing them by the oven method – or any other less odoriferous way? It’s good to have fresh beetroots, but … ! Spent the morning planning autumn dates for the diary (nothing further north than Dunblane). Went to cream tea again this afternoon – took some of our kitchen items for the stall – came back with only a bunch of parsley (feeling so virtuous!), which I have frozen because mine is very late this year. Also made two birthday cards before dinner – why do they all come in bunches? I don’t like to make a batch in advance as I prefer them to be personal for the recipient, but when several are close together, it feels like a production line anyway! OH is now feeding and watering outside.
Terry – good to read about your successful day at Bassenthwaite Saturday - I hope the Robin really has two healthy legs and feet. And the cycle trip and more Osp sightings today – lucky you!
Heather – I hope your friend got a discount from his caterers! Bad that there was nobody to give a definite diagnosis on your wee Granddaughter – hope they know more by now.
Wattle – good to hear from you – with great pictures too. Sorry the locusts are approaching – can you actually hear them munching as they arrive?!
Annette – how lovely for you to go and relax among the roses yesterday! Makes your work (and others’) worthwhile. Busy driving day for you Tuesday – nice to have them both back in the “nest!”
AQ – how “sad” when people have to be “protected” from nature’s facts of life – and death! Pleased the family dinner went well, especially the experimental dessert recipes. Working on your bridge ID – watch this space!
Cirrus – sorry about your neighbour problem – I hope you can reach an amicable solution – such as suitable screening their side or yours. I hope it didn’t spoil your day out.
Lindy – I hope your holiday planning was a pleasurable experience – and that the holiday lives up to the brochure! I think many of us are getting “numb bum syndrome” because we are all posting more now the Ospreys are less visible. Still looking forward to the giant Cow Parsley pic – hope you find the USB thingy soon! Liked the Whistling Duck – you had mentioned it before, but without photo.
George – pleased your heating is now fully fixed and ready for winter. Good of you to take SiL to hospital – you are a very kind and caring man. Will continue thinking of you all.
Dibnlib – good that you managed your swim – non-weight-bearing exercise and all that. I hope you enjoyed your lovely summery meal.
Margo – pleased that you are feeling a bit better again.
Alan - lovely Osprey story pic from Winsconsin!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!