Hi all,
Its been a mixed day, weatherwise and ospreywise. Comings and goings and fish deliveries from early morning to afternoon/evening. Lots of off and on the nest between at least two of the juves yesterday afternoon. I notice not much action in the evening.
Lets see what today brings. Over to the night shift. See you in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Just logged on to find two noisy birds, one on nest one in tree but now there are two noisy osps on the nest. They were mantling as though an intruder was about but have now stopped and are quieter but for how long.
Thanks to the night shift for their commentaries and to DJoan S and Lindybird for the pics and updates this morning.
now much quieter ............whew..... had to turn volume down
'Morning all. Two juvs on nest at the moment. There was a lot of screeching from one on nest and one off. 2nd. juv arrived and joined in the chorus. 3rd bird arrived! 2juvs mantled and screeched. No rings that I could see but didn't look like Odin. All peaceful at mo'.
The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.
Looks another miserable day up there but it seems the FB bloggers enjoyed their day according to Debbie's update on the latest blog on the main site.
They're off again, not quite so loud this time. Keep having a mutter to each other.
Watching the world go by on the extreme left. An osprey has just flown by the nest, probably from nearbye tree.
Morning all and thanks for all the earlier reports and pics. EN at the moment at LG,LOTL and Manton Bay . I am off on a shopping mission soon so catch up later..
'Morning everyone and many thanks for posts so far. Thank you Lindy and Lynette for pics :) . Off out to Brenda's today (taking lunch of course) so I'll not be posting much but will be reading and catching up later.
I hope you all have something good today to watch and not much screeching (fat chance !!). It's too early for EJ to go, isn't it ? Anyway, someone would report that wouldn't you ? .... if EJ not seen today . The centre will take two days to be sure before posting. Later then ....
EN currently and as sombody else said '' Quelle surprise !)
AH EJ arrives with fish and Youngest gets it :)
EJ lands with a partly eaten fish
She is closely followed by a screeching GEM who grabs the fish and mantles over it until EJ departs!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
10.15 E J arrives with large headless fish. One screecher arrived and took it from her and continued to scream until she left.
EJ with fish awaiting takeover bid: