Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 August 2020


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, joyful week! 

The full Harvest Moon is 2 September. It's late on the night of 1 September for Annette.

For the gardeners on this thread, HERE is a photo of cardinal flowers blooming on the prairie at a state park near my hometown. Cardinal flowers (lobelia cardinalis) are wildflowers native to our prairie. It's a member of the Bluebell family. They depend on hummingbirds for pollination. I just thought they were a happy sight.

  • Hello, All. Been busy here as you can imagine. Sun came out whilst I was showering, so 1st lot of sheets on the line now, & 2nd lot pending.

    Garden looking very green after the rain. Bet my OH will get home from golf, then roll up his sleeves and mow the lawn before anything else!

    AQ - Lunches can be so boring, can't they? My OH says "just salad will be fine" but then proceeds to eat a big chunk of cheese and two tomatoes, whatever other goodies I put on the table. As cheese is my downfall, I tend to have far too much of it and too often. However, I swore that once we returned from our time away I would take myself in hand. So today I will get out the lettuce and tuna fish!

    So disappointing to hear the latest figures and news of the virus: some of our friends we meet in Wales are from Bolton, which has just been told they must endure more total lockdown. They are besides themselves with rage as its all caused by the younger people socialising & breaking all the rules.
  • Unknown said:
    CLARE – usual problem with seals – it will probably turn out that they are the opposite of what you think – if they seem common they will be grey and if they look grey they will be common. Either way, good to see them! Very many years since we visited Winterton – eldest was a baby and she is now 50! And a photo of OH looking really thin!

    I'll pop some photos on when I muster a sufficient level of concentration to pick out the best ones!  I inevitably got some gulls as well.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDA - good that you found the grass nice and green - not surprising after al that rain. Looks as if ours may not be dry enough to finish mowing until Sunday - I hate to see it half done, so not looking out of front window.

    CLARE - good that you are popping in again on this chat thread.

    E-E is halfway through his cleaning afternoon. I prepared enough beans for two more meals, which he blanched for the freezer, and we also cooked some tiny tomatoes and sieved for freezing.
  • Morning all:

    Rosy:  I'm appalled at the way your OH got the news about his appointment.  I would raise holy hell.  I'd be tempted to march over to the clinic and make a public fuss, then complain in writing to whoever's at the top of that particular ladder.   Grrrr.

    OG:  OH's office now sorted; just a couple of minor tweaks.  Hope everyone there hasn't made it onto the grumpy scale today.  :-)    What are they giving you for that leg?

    AQ:  So many 'funny' cards are just plain crude - do they pay 14 year-old-boys to come up with that stuff?  I buy truly funny cards when I see them, then forget to send them.....   My OH mastered sandwiches some decades back but I fear he has a long way to go to catch up with Lindybird and OG's OHs.  The guy was allowed on the bus with bare feet?  I assume that's the Tour de France you're watching.  I'm not, but are there crowds along the route?   My daughter rolls her eyes every time I say, "Wherever you go, there you are."  It's so true.

    Lindybird:  Can't they smack heavy fines on those young idiots?   Saw the word 'covidiots' in a headline last week referring to folks who refused to wear masks on a flight to the UK. Meanwhile, a Delta airplane returned to a terminal here in the U.S. when two passengers also refused to wear masks.  They were taken off the flight.

    Must tackle the irrigation problem this morning due to expected heatwave.  We have a giant schefflera (it started tiny!) whose roots have completely squished two tubes.  I've 'liberated' one and just have to seal it off, but the other one (which supplies the escallonia) is now lost under a huge root.  I have to find the part on the escallonia side and rig up a connection.  I've also noticed a nice crack in the low wall near the schefflera too; maybe need to take drastic action.

    Take care everyone.

  • Thanks to all for chat and pics !
    CLARE - It's good to see you here again. I'm happy to read that Limpy is doing OK, not good that he has PTSD but good that he has been having treatment which is helping him.
    ROSY- agree with you, not the best way to find out that there is a cancer diagnosis. I'd like to think that the poor communication is because of disrupted services in these awful times. That doesn't excuse it though.
    OG - poor J, he doesn't seem to get a break from problems. I'm glad that the grumpiness has all but gone! Sorry about your leg, though. Could it be cellulitis?
    LINDY - please send your OH here. I could do with someone who is always ready to tackle jobs ! Hope that Sue is feeling better.
    AQ - my OH wasn't much good in the kitchen, either. It was a place he walked through on his way to the garden....
    ANNETTE- you seem to have a lot of jobs to tackle in the garden. I just can't work up much enthusiasm for it lately and feel so guilty.
  • Heather B said:
    I'm happy to read that Limpy is doing OK, not good that he has PTSD but good that he has been having treatment which is helping him.

    He's had it for a very long time - things came to a head when his Parkinson's caused him to have very vivid, frightening dreams which clearly featured much of his military history.  I'm very relieved he finally sought help - and, perversely, the PTSD diagnosis ensured we could leave the house during lockdown.  I think being forced to stay indoors would have finished him.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Answers tomorrow, but just a quick post now. OH decided afternoon wind had dried midday rain enough to mow at least some of the remainder this evening, so is outside mowing now! I did remind him that wee girl across the road might be asleep!
  • Annette: The term "covidiots" was coined quite a while ago by someone in the press. And we have a lot of them! No way can the Police round up all the teenagers who are meeting up and failing to social distance.

    The other day, a plane from a Greek island landed and whole groups of people were later identified as having the symptoms of the virus. When they were tested, they were positive. Other passengers from the same flight said that several people were wearing their masks without covering their noses, and that lots of them had even taken them off to chat to each other. Grr. So I'm impressed that Delta Airlines wouldn't fly people who wouldn't comply.
  • Evening all: Busy but productive day, but chilling out with a chocolate ice cream cone right now......
  • CLARE – Good to hear your news and that Limpy’s Parkinsons is stable. My OH is self-conscious of his shaking when eating out and I keep saying it doesn’t matter.

    Last night I watched a program on the Welsh railway from Pwllheli to Criccieth to Aberdovy to Shewsbury. This morn I checked, yes Criccieth was in LINDA’s photos. Serendipity or what?

    ANNETTE –I watch the Tour de France for the scenery, not the cycling. Last night I gave up at midnight, sick of the drivelling commentary and lack of castles, churches & quaint villages. The bare-footed guy at my stop was catching another bus, so I don’t know if he put on his scuffs.

    We have covidiots here, especially in Victoria. They refuse to wear masks, incite others to demonstrate as covid is just a conspiracy. I would make them work in covid hospitals without any protection and then see if it is fake. Authorities have banned demos this weekend; one was planned at the War Memorial. How insensitive. Sorry, rant over.

    I tried a suburban version of yesterday’s store and found some track pants aka joggers for OH, too long of course, more sewing for me. Very few items on rack and I was told the stuff is not coming in from China due to decrease in flights. Why can’t we make our own goods? I also found some craft & jigsaws, so I am well on the way for Trio’s χmas. OH has gone out to lunch, I have weeded half of mini patch adjoining neighbour, time for a quiet read, methinks.