Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 August 2020


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, joyful week! 

The full Harvest Moon is 2 September. It's late on the night of 1 September for Annette.

For the gardeners on this thread, HERE is a photo of cardinal flowers blooming on the prairie at a state park near my hometown. Cardinal flowers (lobelia cardinalis) are wildflowers native to our prairie. It's a member of the Bluebell family. They depend on hummingbirds for pollination. I just thought they were a happy sight.

  • The castle at Criccieth, from the car park. It got busier and busier as time went on.

  • Lindy: I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Your photos are fascinating. What a lovely place. (I've sent you an email.)

  • Thoughts during covid

    You have only got once in a lifetime opportunity to stay at home, lying in front of the TV to save the world. Don’t screw this up.

    You think it is bad now? In 20 years time our country will be run by people home-schooled by day drinkers.

    Now is not the time to surround yourself with positive people.

  • Lindybird:  Happy Birthday, tra-la (late, but oh well) and thanks for more lovely 'escape' photos.  :-)   Diane and I might just need to rent your caravan sometime after November 3...

    AQ:  I'm being clueless again.  "Now is NOT the time....""??   Just call me Pollyanna...  :-)

    Our wonderful bookstore Chaucer's has opened it's doors again and I spent a happy 45 minutes browsing (no more than 15 in the store at one time but people are only just catching on that they're open).  I bought a Henning Mankel mystery that I'm sure I read eons ago but won't remember.   Must get on library website this evening to reserve some books, but they're being awfully slow about stuff these days....   :-(

    Take care all.

  • Good Morning. Sunny start here, but not supposed to last: doesn't matter, as spending day cleaning & tidying up before leaving (in the rain) tomorrow.
    Very relieved to get a message from sis in law Sue that she's had a good night and feels much better now after a ghastly day yesterday. Her family are all away so no one to check on her or run errands if needed.
    Annette - Glad things are looking up on the literary front!
  • Thanks for the birthday wishes. As often happens, I may get two birthdays as doubtless there will be cards waiting for me at home when we return.
  • Lindy - Happy rather belated birthday. Hope you enjoy your final day in Wales - I'm sure amidst all that cleaning and tidying there will be a little time for some fresh air and lovely views to carry you through tomorrow's rain ...
  • Yes, Pat - can see some mountains through the window. My OH is polishing them as I speak/write. I did some of them the other day but seem to have used too much spray and I've smeared them a bit. He swears by using just a damp micro cloth with no products! And annoyingly, it works!!

    I just washed my hair, had a shower, and cleaned the shower cubicle all at the same time. Multi tasking!