Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 August 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week. Not much summer left now. 

Here's a photo--taken by Indiana's official state photographer--showing one of our Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds

Also, I found out that my hometown area (which is about an hour north of where I live now) has a breeding pair of Mississippi Kites. These aerial raptors normally reside in the deep south, and Indiana has only a few pair in the entire state. Click the arrows to see all three photos if you're interested. 

Take care and be strong, all. 

  • I'll be back later today to start the new thread, and then I probably won't post for the next few days. I'm preparing for several major battles with an American bureaucracy that wants me to be sick, poor, and without a telephone. I'm sharpening my tongue and girding my loins.  LOL!

  • DIANE - whatever it is that you are going to do battle about, I wish you well and hope that you win.
  • Morning all:  It's official, Fall is lurking - walked into two cobwebs on my way down the front path to pick up the newspaper.  

    Diane:  Thanks for the launch info; just looked at a replay on that link.  Good luck with the bureaucracy; I don't envy you.  

    Lindybird:  Haha  "...heady days" of moving furniture around.  And now we have errands upgraded to 'outings.'   Too many thrills!  Oddly enough, we didn't really get any paint smell; only the new carpet required open windows and fans for a few days.  Everything seems to be 'green' these days.

    OG:  Good to read all feeling better.

    I also hope bjane is okay.  I just checked the Cedar City Gazette and apparently many people are still without internet.  And Wendy is still MIA....

  • So pleased to read that all is well at OGs, and it's not anything too nasty.

    Another mixed day here: so annoyed with myself as forgot my walking shoes so that when we went for a stroll alongside the Menai Straits, following popping into the main supermarket for supplies, we couldn't go as far as we would have because I was wearing soft soggy shoes. Bah! My OH bought two meat pies which he fancied from the pie counter when I sent him to buy a pork pie for a salad ---- the meat pies will need heating up and will not "go" with the planned salad tomorrow! Why does he sometimes accuse me of impulse buying!?

    This afternoon Bonnie threw up - twice - on the carpet, before I could haul her into the kitchen. She had eaten something unsavoury looking on the beach :-(
  • New members of the family have arrived next door. They just fed everyone by having a BBQ, but we are wondering where they're all going to sleep: it's the same as our caravan, with two bedrooms with beds for 2 in each, plus a fold out bed hidden underneath the sofa for 2 small people. At the last count there were 8 next door, so maybe the small sofa will be needed too!!
  • I think I promised to come back, so here goes! A dry day but not as bright as we would have liked. After the printing, I helped with stapling and stuffing envelops and OH also sent the email copies of the Mag (about 50%) I had to write a letter to one postal recipient who wanted to hear from somebody. A few domestic tasks, and now end of the day.

    PAT – we decided it was time to explain again why the church cannot reopen yet – they find it very difficult to understand all the practical preparations and implications of risk assessments. I must say, I am rather cross that so much “deep cleaning” is required – as if they think Covid has been living in the church building waiting for us to return!

    LINDA – well done with the solution to the damaged jigsaw puzzle! Your lunch out on Friday sounded really appetising. Sorry about non-standard loo seat. Even if he had cleaned the outside of the caravan in spring, I expect it would be needing doing now after the recent weather! I too am worried for BJane. What a nuisance about forgetting the shoes – and having the wrong kind of pies! I hope Bonnie is okay after the whatever-is-was from the beach. That sounds quite a crowd next door – maybe they have a tent for some to sleep in?

    ANNETTE – well done, getting all workmen off site! You must be very pleased with it all now it is complete. Loved your BiL’s reply to the chicken crossing, he must be great fun to have in the family! I hope you won’t have difficulty getting in the garage now you have parked the contents of the kitchen in there as well as your OH’s book boxes.

    AQ – your Daughter did well to train Toby so well at the same time as having all the Trio at home! Funny, I always imagine you with curly hair because of photos of the little people. You haven’t mentioned the older Grandchildren for a long time – what are they up to now?

    DIANE – it definitely wasn’t Covid – none of the right symptoms! Sorry you have to battle with bureaucracy to get what is rightfully yours!

    It seems to be going dark earlier every night now! I’m off.