Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 August 2020


The moon turns new (the dark moon) on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. This is a rare "Black Moon," the third new moon in a season with four new moons. Each season has three months and three new moons. When a season has four new moons, the third new moon is sometimes called a "Black Moon" in popular culture.

Everyone have a wonderful, safe, and healthy week!!!

  • Good for you Harelady - how lovely of Luna to say that to you. Only wish we had grandchildren but have a step GD instead and Dau shows no sign of getting a partner yet. We will have to coo over our step- GGD when we eventually get to see her, just have pictures sent by her mum to look at.

    Very blowy but reasonably fine all day, we seem to miss the worse weather.

    Have a good weekend all.
  • Evening all: House still loos like a charity shop, but had some out-and-about stuff to do today. I have no plans to go much farther than the garden this weekend.

    Have a good Saturday all.
  • They say the body is made up of 90% water. So, I’m not fat, I’m just waterlogged.

    I snack so my kitchen doesn't get lonely in between meals.

    Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Give a man Twitter, and he will forget to eat and starve to death. (Andy Borowitz)

  • Good Morning. Came on here & was relieved to see Annettes post, as saw the dreadful reports of the California fires last night. Keep safe, Annette.

    AQ - Good quotes today!
  • Lindy: I checked a Cal Fire map, and I think Annette is completely safe this morning. The massive fires are burning in the northern half of California. Some smaller fires are in Los Angeles County, but they aren't near Annette. Annette is in Santa Barbara County. Annette can correct me if I'm wrong. I couldn't sleep, and I'm sitting here playing Scrabble against a computer on the POGO site at almost 4:00 a.m. LOL!

  • Yes, ROSY, it would be hard to refuse Katie anything :-)
    I looked online earlier to see where the California fire were, not near ANNETTE but still awful, over 500 fires.
    OG - I think that my son has osteoarthritis in his knee but he he says it's less troublesome this week. Meanwhile he is on a weight reducing diet - his GP was very frank with him.
    Hope that all here are OK. It is wet and miserable today.

  • Morning all:

    Heather:  Diane s correct (tx D!) - nothing near us (at this point).  We could smell those fires yesterday though with the smoke that blew down here.   Just got a text from my friend Kate in Santa Rosa (Sonoma County) whose friend has just moved in with her due to evacuations in her area.  Kate lost everything in floods in Guerneville two years ago and is hoping they both don't have to evacuate again.

  • How awful for your friends friend, Annette: still, glad you're OK and safe. I'm sorry to hear how bad it is in your part of the USA, and that there have been lives lost.

    We are having typical UK weather: one minute warm sunshine and its summer, next minute, wild gusts of wind are tearing the leaves from the trees and strewing them on the lawn, making it look autumnal. We are tidying up things in the garden before we leave here tomorrow. Have put our big garden umbrella on its side, furled up, so it can't fall over and break anything. The sweet peas are nearing the end of their lives so it doesn't matter if they get a bit dry over the next week so I'm not asking anyone to water for me, but my OH has asked someone at the allotment to water his tomatoes etc in the greenhouse and told them they can help themselves to those and to our yummy green beans!

    Had inexplicable tiredness over the last two days, and have to keep having a "sit down" to rest. My knees still ache to some degree but are much better since I stopped opening windows!! I must do something about my diet as I don't think I'm eating enough fruit and veg and my digestive system is complaining.

    Heather, glad your son saw the GP and at least knows what ails, and that he might be able to do something about it.
  • LINDY- I must have missed something, are you going to Wales for a week?
    Sorry about your tiredness and general feeling of not being right. It's so difficult to know if it is the general situation, or not. Are you already taking the statins? They can have side effects which should be listed on the patient info in the pack x