Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 August 2020


I hope everyone has a healthy, safe, wonderful week! 

  • Just a thought

    If you're reading this . . . Congratulations, you're alive. If that's not something to smile about, then I don't know what is. (Chad Sugg)

  • Evening all:

    Diane:  Thanks for the links to the weather back East - do hope bjane is okay.  Those videos of Cedar Rapids are nasty.  Looks like the worst of it going south of you?  The Perseid Shower peaks tonight; am hoping to see some, but may not make it that late.

    OG:  How did J's first days go?

    AQ;  Sorry you don't have a chatty companion for your outings.  I think 'old-style' men don't have any idea how much is done to keep a home running smoothly.  - 'clueless' comes to mind.

    I'm frustrated with myself because I thought the carpeting was coming in this Thursday, but it's next Thursday.  :-(   I also ordered some 'bumpers' for the canister vacuum (to protect the new paint) and they've sent me the wrong item three times in a row!  Arghhhh.  A frustrating day - but still a First World problem

    Have a good Wednesday all.

  • ANNETTE: The storm went right over me, but I'm okay. No worries.
  • Good morning. The weather is giving us a strange atmosphere – feels uncomfortable and as if it needs to do something – probably means we shall be on the edge of any storms or showers later. I was woken in the night by just one rumble of thunder, and we did get some rain in the early hours and I believe there were storms the other side of the Solway.

    Yesterday afternoon about the time J arrived home from work, we went into the garden to pick peas and tomatoes and pull a few carrots. We had just got indoors when there was a gentle shower which morphed into heavier rain – so we didn’t have to get the hosepipe out as we had thought we might. Later while I sat at the dining table podding peas, movement outside the window caught my eye. It was a young Stoat, coming from under the Japanese Anemones to the birds’ ground food dish, and then dashing behind the first few plant pots, before turning round and going back into the Anemones!

    J was very relaxed after the first day back, and happy to know how the situation in school is to be managed. He actually worked in the evening too, processing information he had been given. He went off for a second training day today, and has been told he is still working his four day week, so he will be at home Wednesday, when they start organising the pupils.

    LINDA – I hope your visitors arrived safe and sound after all your preparations.

    AQ – pleased your OH is sitting comfortably – and can get up too! The quote is so true!

    DIANE – pleased you were able to report that you are okay after the storm – I too hope that BJANE is safe.

    Sun has just burned a hole in the white clouds and I can’t see any dark ones now, so maybe an afternoon outside while OH does more weeding and dead-heading (if not, he will be cleaning shower rooms). We have switched back to evening main meals now, so of course he will also have veg to cook.
  • OG - How wonderful to see a stoat in your garden. They usually keep well hidden. I remember standing for ages in the gardens at Nymans, in an area rarely visited by people, and watching two stoats - possibly youngsters - having such fun on a patch of grass the other side of a small lake. Magic!

    Still steaming down here. I'm off to Hever Castle this afternoon. We wanted to see the dahlias at their best, but I wonder whether the intense heat we have been having will have damaged them. The friend I'm going with is so looking forward to seeing them - hope she is not disappointed. We are also going to need to find some shade for our picnic lunch ... a bit of valuable shade not already occupied, and with a nice bench. I can't sit on the ground any more!!
  • OG - pleased that J was so relaxed after his day at school. That will make for a good atmosphere at home!
    PAT - enjoy Hever. I was sorry to read about the reason for stopping golf, hope that you can sort something out....
    LINDY - I expect that you are having great Amber-time :-)
    AQ - I did think that it was a stupid question to ask the ABC man! As you say, there will always be folk who will resist advice and break rules! I can remember a few from childhood.
    LYNETTE - Hope that daughter enjoys her holiday break. Have you tried the exercises yet?
    ANNETTE - what a good idea to get something to stop the vacuum cleaner damaging the paintwork. There are a few chips here....

    Good that you weren't affected by the storm, DIANE - or rather, that your home wasn't affected.

    It was incredibly dark here at 6 am when I went downstairs to make my morning coffee. Then it rained and now it is 18° and quite pleasant. I'm not even looking at the weeds today, just pottering about in the house.

    Middle daughter says that the teachers in 'her' schools are ignoring the request to leave the buildings half an hour before she and her colleagues start cleaning. So she has been told by her manager to politely ask them to comply with the rules and inform the teachers that the cleaners will wait outside the school until it is empty ! The opposite has been happening in the morning. Teachers are requested not to enter the building until the cleaners have left but it hasn't happened yet! I guess that everyone has to adjust to the new guidelines....
  • PAT - I hope the Dahlias were good at Hever today and that the two of you found a good bench for lunch!

    HEATHER - Incredibly hot here - lovely to sit outside at first when there was a breeze and the sun was intermittent - then the breeze seemed to disappear and the clouds with it, so incessant hot sunshine. OH did well with dead-heading and we had some discussions for future planting or plant removal. J is pleased he still has Wednesdays off - ready for his break after just two days!
  • Hever was unbelievably HOT!!! We usually walk around five miles, but today it was only around three, with far more stops on shady benches to 'admire the view' than usual. We had lunch in the tropical garden, watching the grasses waving in the gentle breeze and with our backs to the lake. Sadly the dahlias were still not doing their stuff - just a few brave souls flowering, but mostly large buds. They do look as though they need a really good drink. Probably means we will be forced to go back and try again in a couple of weeks ... such hardship (not!!).

    There is rain forecast at some point over the next couple of days, with thunderstorms now forecast for Friday. I don't believe any of it - I'll look out of the window! But the gardens are looking parched. Some of the small villages not very far from here have been without water for five days. How awful must that be, particularly in this weather.

    Hope you are all coping with whatever nature is throwing at you. Take care.
  • OG How lovely to see a young stoat. I do hope it returns to your garden.

    Very pleased that all went well with Js return.