MANTON BAY – AUGUST 2020 to end of FEBRUARY 2021

Continued from Manton Bay – July 2020.  

The history of the Manton Bay nest, breeding stats and links to previous threads can be found here    

The season so far:  The resident pair both returned on 16 March - Blue 33(11) at 07:12 and Maya at 13:16.   Maya, for the second consecutive year, laid four eggs – the first on 29 March with the other three first seen 4, 6 and 9 April.   Maya and Blue 33(11) faithfully incubated the four eggs and on day 38, chick #1 hatched 6 May c 13:20 followed by chick #2 on 8 May c 06:10, chick #3 on 10 May c14:45, and chick #4 on 13 May c20:45.   On 16 June the chicks were ringed with their blue darvics – Chick #1- 080, Chick #2- 081, Chick #3-082 and Chick #4-083.  On 26 June, Blue 080, aged 51 days, fledged at 16:03 followed by Blue 082, aged 50 days, at 06:15 on 29 June, Blue 081, aged 54 days at 16:03 on 1 July and Blue 083, aged 55 days at 07:30 on 7 July.

Maya and Blue 33(11) have done a tremendous job rearing their family and 33 once more has proved himself to be a fantastic provider as there has not been one day this season when he has failed to bring in fish for his family.

Thanks to their fantastic parents, Blue 080, 081, 082 and 083 have had the best possible start in life growing into strong, healthy young ospreys and soon will go their separate ways setting off south on their first migration.    

Webcam\Copyright:  © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • LAM - hope you enjoyed your wine and Gardeners World - Monty, he is character.  I enjoy watching him - has a way of inspiring you to get out there :-)

    Still looking cloudy

    no signs of Maya or 33 so far at the nest this morning 

    and according to the forecast , dry this morning with a chance of rain later.   But northerly winds so will be chilly!


    I wonder how much longer Maya and 33 will hang around?

  • 2nd September last season Karen, so wonder if they will stay a few more days yet, I know they like a couple of days together on their own, it is the agonising part each season when you see them fly off the nest thinking is this the last time I will see them this year.   You get yourself all geared up to think it is, then they like to come back just to play with you. 

  • Good Morning All.
    We enjoyed the wine and Monty thank you Karen. Hope you had a relaxing evening after your stressfull day!
    Thank you also for the chilly weather warning so we can layer up! Northerly wind is straight into the hide so it's freezing! But we're well wrapped up!
    Clarified with centre that a volunteer saw 080 and 081 on Monday.
    Very interesting they also say that Maya has gone yesterday! She does a signature flight on departure which is a spiral up and up above the nest until she gets to a set height then she shoots off south! Apparently she did this yesterday! But must've been late on after you reported seeing her on nest teatime Karen then it was raining so hard so puzzled! No sign yet of 33 either! I'm virtually in tears at the thought of being so close yet so far in seeing this departure from Maya. We have been told about it but really wanted to see it :-(
  • Hi Mary - yes 2 September last year and yes, after them being part of our lives for so long, it is agonising watching/knowing they're off to southern shores.

    Last year 33 spent some time on the nest re-building but not so much this year as they both seem to have spent more time on their perches which we know thankfully from LAM being at Manton Bay. But could be down to the weather for it has been wet!

  • LAM - I am really feeling for you both - I am just about in tears myself at the thought of you both there freezing and missing her but the weather was awful so perhaps not??

    Maya - I saw the unmistakable "X" on the head and absolutely have no doubts whatsoever about seeing her on the nest at 17:20. It was very brief - I didn't even have time to switch on the record button - only one capture of her!! 

    Thanks for confirmation about 080 that a volunteer saw him around.

    Interesting no sighting of 33.

    Will look out for your later reports should there be any further news/ sightings. Keep warm :-)

  • Aw thank you Karen we're well wrapped up really in rabs so please don't be worried :-l
    Still no sign of an osprey will have to clarify if centre have definitely sighted 33 today perhaps if don't see him before we leave.
    Not puzzled about doubting that it was Maya on the nest but more that she'd leave that late on in such bad weather! But she isn't here so perhaps the weather made her decision!
  • Thanks KAREN and LAM Please stay safe dear Maya and enjoy your winter break
  • Thanks KAREN and LAM Please stay safe dear Maya and enjoy your winter break
  • Karen W said:

    Rutland have now amended their FB post to show the last sightings of 080 and 081 as Monday 24th August.


    When I seen this I thought back to when 33(11) intruded at the Manton Bay Nest the year he hatched - he was determined to get this nest, and what a "Super" osprey he has become, I did a bit of digging, and found the original posts.   

    Alan will remember this vividly no doubt. 


  • What great memories Mary, and what a memory!!