MANTON BAY – AUGUST 2020 to end of FEBRUARY 2021

Continued from Manton Bay – July 2020.  

The history of the Manton Bay nest, breeding stats and links to previous threads can be found here    

The season so far:  The resident pair both returned on 16 March - Blue 33(11) at 07:12 and Maya at 13:16.   Maya, for the second consecutive year, laid four eggs – the first on 29 March with the other three first seen 4, 6 and 9 April.   Maya and Blue 33(11) faithfully incubated the four eggs and on day 38, chick #1 hatched 6 May c 13:20 followed by chick #2 on 8 May c 06:10, chick #3 on 10 May c14:45, and chick #4 on 13 May c20:45.   On 16 June the chicks were ringed with their blue darvics – Chick #1- 080, Chick #2- 081, Chick #3-082 and Chick #4-083.  On 26 June, Blue 080, aged 51 days, fledged at 16:03 followed by Blue 082, aged 50 days, at 06:15 on 29 June, Blue 081, aged 54 days at 16:03 on 1 July and Blue 083, aged 55 days at 07:30 on 7 July.

Maya and Blue 33(11) have done a tremendous job rearing their family and 33 once more has proved himself to be a fantastic provider as there has not been one day this season when he has failed to bring in fish for his family.

Thanks to their fantastic parents, Blue 080, 081, 082 and 083 have had the best possible start in life growing into strong, healthy young ospreys and soon will go their separate ways setting off south on their first migration.    

Webcam\Copyright:  © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • Thank you for your dedication to this nest KAREN Enjoy your me-time and see you next year I for one can't wait
    I love that poem I have a copy in my notes
  • Thank you Karen for all your hard work, it has been a pleasure to follow you and Manton Bay, as you say, it has been a great season, despite the restrictions etc, Until we all meet again, enjoy the rest.
  • Karen, it's such a poignant poem that always brings me to tears, so pleased you posted it,... Thumbsup

    Have a well deserved break, I think you need it just as much as Maya and B33! See you in March 2021 Relaxed

  • Thanks to everyone and especially to Karen for your contributions to this thread. Have a safe and virus-free autumn and winter, everyone, and see you back here next year. Fingers crossed that both Maya and 33 return and that next year is as successful for them as this year. And that we will all be able to visit them in person!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • 19:30 A pair of Cormorants making use of the nest

    19:33 Moving a stick


  • Has this happened in previous years? I don't remember two Cormorants occupying the nest like this!
    I know there is often a problem with Egyptian Geese at the start of the season...
  • Hi Birdsong,

    As luck would have it, I found this pic in my MB file, taken on 30.9.18


  • Karen B said:
    Has this happened in previous years? I don't remember two Cormorants occupying the nest like this!

    I've got loads and loads of Cormorant pics somewhere, but this has come to hand from the start of the 2017 season:

    Also have videos.

    I just popped in here to catch up after deserting this wonderful family months ago, the cam problems having broken my spirit, almost.  I could not carry on with it and cope with other nests at the same time.

    What a fantastic season it's been yet again, with KAREN managing the coverage with such dedication and skill.  Congratulations to all

  • Thanks for replies, Sandra & Scylla - obviously many oportunistic Cormorants!

    I only pop in occasionally to Rutland webcam as sound is so important to me and I find it frustrating not to be able to hear their calls etc. (so been very sad about lack of sound at Glaslyn this year and so pleased to see 5F at Lyn Clywedog with sound & chat).

    No Birdfair this year either which is when I normally get to see the Rutland Ospreys...
    Maya and Blue33 make a formidable pair and raising 4 chicks successfully (in what seems to be becoming a regular feat) is amazing.
  • Karen B said:

    I only pop in occasionally to Rutland webcam as sound is so important to me and I find it frustrating not to be able to hear their calls etc


    This was part of a reply from ROP in the comments section underneath the 'appeal' Fb post

    Rutland Osprey Project - 'We will be incorporating sound into the system...'

    Fingers crossed they raise enough money for the new system, it will be great to hear the Ospreys at MB next year! Slight smile