Continued from Manton Bay – July 2020.
The history of the Manton Bay nest, breeding stats and links to previous threads can be found here
The season so far: The resident pair both returned on 16 March - Blue 33(11) at 07:12 and Maya at 13:16. Maya, for the second consecutive year, laid four eggs – the first on 29 March with the other three first seen 4, 6 and 9 April. Maya and Blue 33(11) faithfully incubated the four eggs and on day 38, chick #1 hatched 6 May c 13:20 followed by chick #2 on 8 May c 06:10, chick #3 on 10 May c14:45, and chick #4 on 13 May c20:45. On 16 June the chicks were ringed with their blue darvics – Chick #1- 080, Chick #2- 081, Chick #3-082 and Chick #4-083. On 26 June, Blue 080, aged 51 days, fledged at 16:03 followed by Blue 082, aged 50 days, at 06:15 on 29 June, Blue 081, aged 54 days at 16:03 on 1 July and Blue 083, aged 55 days at 07:30 on 7 July.
Maya and Blue 33(11) have done a tremendous job rearing their family and 33 once more has proved himself to be a fantastic provider as there has not been one day this season when he has failed to bring in fish for his family.
Thanks to their fantastic parents, Blue 080, 081, 082 and 083 have had the best possible start in life growing into strong, healthy young ospreys and soon will go their separate ways setting off south on their first migration.
Webcam\Copyright: © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
FISH @ 18:34
33 brings in a large headless fish
Maya grabs it
33 and Maya stand for a bit -
33 flies off.
18:38 Maya still standing with the fish looking around as if 081
18:39 Maya takes off with the fish!!
081 is not amused and is yelling
© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
Video: 18:34 Fish Delivery
18:43 Maya returns with the fish
quickly snatched by 081
Maya flies off and 081 tucks in
Video: Maya returns with fish 18:43 & first few minutes of 081 tucking in
19:08 A very wet 083 has arrives just as 081 is finishing
083 takes the fish
081, after cleaning his beak has flown and 083 tucks in
Video of a very wet 083 eating his fish @ 19:08
19:29 083 still tucking in
19:32 Checking the nest and empty - 083 must of left with the fish
19:33 Maya arrives and no fish left for her!
19:49 081 returns and joins Maya on the nest
19:51 Maya flies off leaving 081
Hopefully 083 brings the fish back as 081 is calling and would like some more also Maya is still to eat!
Morning ALL, Today:
080 is 93 days old
081 is 91 days old
082 is 89 days old &
083 is 86 days old ~~~~~~~~~~~~
080, age 88 days old, was last seen 2 Aug* 082, age 84 days old, was last seen 2 Aug*
Possibility they may have set off on their migration?
*date to be confirmed
Beautiful start to the day as we approach sunrise
05:33 sunrise - official time according to the met office
Video of Sunrise at Manton Bay 7 Aug 2020
ENS - no one about so far this morning
07:12 A brief visit from Maya who is the first I've seen on the nest this morning
She only stayed a minute a flew off