DYFI DAILY OBS & CAPTURES - AUGUST 2020 to end of season

Congratulations to Ems and all at the ©Dyfi Osprey Project, you have kept a great service going throughout this difficult time.


From this:

To this:

... in no time at all ;)

Compliments of ALISON:

"KC7 (Bob1) is Tywi (pronounced Toe-wee) and KC6 (Bob2) is Teifi (pronounced Tay-vee)"

Brought forward from 01 July, the proud and prolifically provisioning parents:


All pictures and videos:



  • Crow returned on the nest but took off again as Teifi flew by chasing the intruder & landed on his nest

  • Teifi got his 2nd fish at least....

  • Teifi didn't stay long eating his fish and took off > what a mess: careless boy lost his prey flying over the marsh near T-perch...

  • Well caotured OLAF Hope he doesn't do that too often once he's on his own
  • Brilliant sequences of snaps and narrative, OLAF !!!

    Idris brought Teifi a fine replacement mullet later (I had to celebrate their wings with a frame - be grateful I didn't post more than one ;) ):

    Teifi ate on the nest and left quite a lot - Idris collected this much, Teifi is up on the perch:

    Later, Idris had been on the high perch with fish and brought it to Teifi when he finally turned up - had Idris been curating the discarded fish or was this a new one?

    Quite a lot left over:

    The stream dropped out @ 20:00.

    The corvids took advantage of no-one being around, I couldn't tell in the end whether they left the fish half-buried or took it away:

    No visitors up to 02:00 - this was nightcam, a deeper view of the nest:


  • Teifi shouting, irately, at the top of his lungs so don't think there is any fish left on the nest His insistent shouting reminds me of Bynack I have had to turn the volumn down
  • patily said:
    Teifi shouting, irately, at the top of his lungs so don't think there is any fish left on the nest His insistent shouting reminds me of Bynack I have had to turn the volumn down

    Bynack - no-one can match him in the shouting stakes ;-D

    Idris had taken the leftover up to the high perch at about 06:30:

    5+ minutes later Teifi arrived on the nest and had been shouting ever since.  Soon after I stopped the download to check overnight/this morning, Idris must have given the fish to Teifi cos the latter is now eating on the nest.


  • Yesj, he did Scylla. Spare the fish and spoil the juvie.  This despite Teifi giving up on the   fish being stuffed. Still with the weather to come Tefii won't be here much longer. Sigh

  • dmc

    from today


    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

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    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here