DYFI DAILY OBS & CAPTURES - AUGUST 2020 to end of season

Congratulations to Ems and all at the ©Dyfi Osprey Project, you have kept a great service going throughout this difficult time.


From this:

To this:

... in no time at all ;)

Compliments of ALISON:

"KC7 (Bob1) is Tywi (pronounced Toe-wee) and KC6 (Bob2) is Teifi (pronounced Tay-vee)"

Brought forward from 01 July, the proud and prolifically provisioning parents:


All pictures and videos:



  • Teifi on Monty's perch yelling as he is wont to do
  • I don't know who any of the long-distance fish-receivers are - could be either of the 2 boys.

    I know you can't see the fish (it was +/- half of one) but I chose this for Idris looking regal ;)

    After eating some Teifi(?) flew off with it:

    Another fish !!!

    See this sequence !!!

    This one was delivered TWICE :-/

    More than TWICE !!!  Idris stood on the nest with it for a while, then took off and came back around:

    And took off again with it !!!

    The KC flew off after a few minutes, then back to the nest and Idris came in again with the flounder:

    And off again !!! !!! !!!

    A cock-eyed fly-in this time:

    This time the KC made a big effort to take the fish but, you guessed it, Idris flew off with it:

    This time Idris took the fish up to the high perch and started eating it:

    The KC sat down, crestfallen ;)

    Eventually there was a black buffer and when it resolved the KC was eating a fish:

    Then he flew with it:

    This bird flew onto the pinnacle at night/day/nightcam time:

    The bird stayed on the pinnacle until well after nightcam, then flew downwards to the right of the pole but we lost it after a few feet.

    That's all to report.


  • Teifi looking great and only demanding fish noe and again The juvie in yor captures must be Teifias Ems says Tywi not seen since Tuesday morning

    Perhaps Idris is "teasing" Teifi to give him a hint that he needs to think about setting off too


  • About 06:15 this morning, someone flew in to the pinnacle:

    Another bird flew in and they interacted:

    The incomer flew off and back and it looked as tho a mating took place:

    Maybe corvids?

    The stream went down around 07:15 and blue-buffered up to find KC6 preening on the campole:

    DOP posted this lovely photo on Facebook:

    Then there was OLAF's scene:

    Olaf B said:


    Then he was on high perch and nest perch and flew off:

    Then he chased a corvid:

    He's been to and from between perches, a long preen on the nest perch and got zoomed on:

    What a pretty boy !!! Purple heart

    From rollback - He flew to the nest and shifted a stick, then off. 

    From Chat - no fish reported.


  • What lovely snaps, OLAF!

    After this snap of yours:

    Teifi had to eat his mullet in the rain but he didn't mind:

    After a corvid hung around, Teifi flew off with his fish and that was the last I saw of anyone:


  • Copyright DOP.

  • RF still not working for me.
    That should say Teifi on the camera pole with a picture!!

    The picture selects and downloads into the box but then disappears when I select Post!

  • I've switched to Chrome to test this.

    Copyright DOP