DYFI DAILY OBS & CAPTURES - AUGUST 2020 to end of season

Congratulations to Ems and all at the ©Dyfi Osprey Project, you have kept a great service going throughout this difficult time.


From this:

To this:

... in no time at all ;)

Compliments of ALISON:

"KC7 (Bob1) is Tywi (pronounced Toe-wee) and KC6 (Bob2) is Teifi (pronounced Tay-vee)"

Brought forward from 01 July, the proud and prolifically provisioning parents:


All pictures and videos:


  • scylla said:

    A Barn Owl visited. 


    Look who else came to the nest but at midnight, Scylla

  • 19 August

    The Barn Owl came back for 10+ minutes before 04:00 - a more lively visit than before:

    There was one appearance on the perch by a juvie, briefly, and then it started to rain:

    What a shame we can't do Idris's whopping breakfish justice:

    Whichever one received it, and I think it's KC7, flew with it pronto:

    But then brought it almost straight back and ate on the nest:

    Suddently they both flew off, first the eater, taking the fish.

    A FLOUNDER for the "other one":

    It was taken up to the high perch, where sib was poised on the other end:

    Thank you, Ems/Janine:

    Then he took it back to the nest.

    KC7 took a turn with the flounder - on the nest and back up on the perch:

    This is the auto-adjust on a very pale, misty scene, CIRRUS, if yer lookin' in ;-)

    Another whopper from hero Idris for tea/supper - suffice to say the juvies shared it:

    There were outages before 13:00.

    This goes up to 19:05.

  • One of the juvies popped to the nest perch before nightcam, didn't stay long.

    The wind is sounding very fierce, and all the nest sticks this side got a good lift this side earlier.

  • Not sure which brother this is, demanding Fish, before flying off  Perhaps Teifi


  • scylla said:

    I claimed to snap Telyn on Friday, CIRRUS.  I was quite confident at the time but if DOP say she wasn't there, then she wasn't there and I apologise.  Wish I'd managed to capture a ring, I can't remember exactly what I saw now and there's no way to go back and check.


    A comment from DOP on Fb this morning re Telyn was that she was last seen on 14th August (Friday)

  • Sandra P said:
    A comment from DOP on Fb this morning re Telyn was that she was last seen on 14th August (Friday)

    That's a relief - thank you, SANDRA :)))

  • 20 August

    No owl overnight.

    First cutie to arrive @ 06:10 approx, couldn't tell who it was:

    It stayed on the nest for half an hour, then there were ins and outs by single juves which could have been either of them.

    A fly-off after waiting in vain for a fish - as you can see, the lighting is not conducive to IDs:

    Someone ate a fish (flounder?) on the high perch and then flew with it over the top of the cam.  Talk about making life difficult for us:

    A juvie arrived and may have been shouting at the fish owner, eventually flew off:

    Back for a FISH !!!

    But I suspect it's the remains of the one that was carried over the cam earlier, it's rather small for an Idris original:

    Hmm, could be, might not be:

    Ate some on the nest and flew off with it:

    Next fish was more to Idris's usual standard:

    The winner left a very big portion for the loser.

    Later a juvie flew in with (probably) the huge remains of the last fish and ate on the fence, it seemed a strange thing to do - the fish was hidden among the sticks so one couldn't tell what had happened to it when the juvie finished eating and flew off:

    Ah, later a juvie flew in and fished the fish out of the sticks and flew off with it:

    Supper!  The juvie ate some and flew with it:

    The lovely cows came to graze:

    Supper #2 !!!  It looks a toughie, just as well Idris has started it:

    Longer than it looked:


    An osprey on the high perch wheeled away out of sight and that was the last osprey of the day/night.

    It's rained a bit and been breezy up to 01:30.

    There were a couple of drop-outs during the day.

  • 25mph winds reported. Just Teifi on the nest at present.
  • Thanks so much Scylla for your 'blow by blow' account - simply great- lovely captures

    Mike. thanks for the news re wind speed